Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

IF it happened it would be because they think she can't win that's all.

Who is "they?"

Ah, the Oligarchs who rule your party - because your party has nothing to do with democracy.

I and most Dems will back whom ever they decide is best to run and beat Trump.

Of course you will. The hive mind decides, you obey.

The main thing for them to do is Beat Trump and save the USA from him and the 2025 project.

The Heritage Foundation isn't running for President. Agenda 47 is Trump's plan and has been adopted as the GOP platform.

The DNC platform of course, remains the Communist Manifesto.

and YES I know Trump says he isn't following the 2025 project but look at what he says he wants to do and compare it to the 2025 project they are almost the same
Have a nice day

There are similarities and differences.

The REASON you Communists maintain the Project 2025 lie is in a desperate hope of painting Trump as a danger to the sacrament of abortion.

Trump has of course supported democracy - which you Communists oppose - that the people of the many states decide the issue. He has said he will veto any bill that tries to place a national ban on abortion.

But you Communists view abortion as the only issue you have any chance against Trump with - so you use the 2025 lie.

Trump supports democracy, let the people choose.
Who is "they?"

Ah, the Oligarchs who rule your party - because your party has nothing to do with democracy.

Of course you will. The hive mind decides, you obey.

The Heritage Foundation isn't running for President. Agenda 47 is Trump's plan and has been adopted as the GOP platform.

The DNC platform of course, remains the Communist Manifesto.

There are similarities and differences.

The REASON you Communists maintain the Project 2025 lie is in a desperate hope of painting Trump as a danger to the sacrament of abortion.

Trump has of course supported democracy - which you Communists oppose - that the people of the many states decide the issue. He has said he will veto any bill that tries to place a national ban on abortion.

But you Communists view abortion as the only issue you have any chance against Trump with - so you use the 2025 lie.

Trump supports democracy, let the people choose.
the people in the party.
and I see YOU haven't bothered to read the 2025 project.
maybe you should, you can skip something like over 600 pages , all the first pages are is listing who help write it .
and IF you did you would see that what Trump says he wants to do is almost the same thing.
Have a nice day
Who is "they?"

Ah, the Oligarchs who rule your party - because your party has nothing to do with democracy.

Of course you will. The hive mind decides, you obey.

The Heritage Foundation isn't running for President. Agenda 47 is Trump's plan and has been adopted as the GOP platform.

The DNC platform of course, remains the Communist Manifesto.

There are similarities and differences.

The REASON you Communists maintain the Project 2025 lie is in a desperate hope of painting Trump as a danger to the sacrament of abortion.

Trump has of course supported democracy - which you Communists oppose - that the people of the many states decide the issue. He has said he will veto any bill that tries to place a national ban on abortion.

But you Communists view abortion as the only issue you have any chance against Trump with - so you use the 2025 lie.

Trump supports democracy, let the people choose.
did you cry about the " Biden " inflation?
most people on the right and MAGAS have.
and they back Trump who has said he is thinking of putting upwards of 60% or more tariff on Chinese imports. and over a 10% increase on all other imports.
do the people on the right and the MAGAS even realize what that would do to our economy?
heck the price of a car now is at least 25 000 dollars with a 60 plus percent tariff on Chinese imports that would go up over 12500 dollars making a " cheap " car over 40,000 min.
the auto companies a lone wouldn't be able to sell cars to the average American , making them to lay off thousands of workers, then you almost every other industry that uses steel and aluminum they will have to raise their prices. it will be a mess
YES the US steel industry would be able to pick up some of the slack and you can bet they will raise their price say 40% and start making Billions and Billions in profits,
the American people are the ones that will suffer If Trump does what he says he wants to do.
and putting tariffs on imports will kill our economy.
and if you thought Biden inflation was bad wait for the new Trump hyper inflation.
Have a nice day
did you cry about the " Biden " inflation?

You mean the worst inflation in 40 years?

It deeply hurt America's working class - but democrats hate the working people. democrats only care about the elite in Silicone Valley.

most people on the right and MAGAS have.

Most people in America didn't like the cost of food nearly doubling since Quid Pro was installed as pResident. Didn't care for housing costs doubling, for fuel costs rising 50%

and they back Trump who has said he is thinking of putting upwards of 60% or more tariff on Chinese imports. and over a 10% increase on all other imports.
do the people on the right and the MAGAS even realize what that would do to our economy?

Not as much as $14 trillion in debt to embezzle to the "green" con artists and crooks.

heck the price of a car now is at least 25 000 dollars with a 60 plus percent tariff on Chinese imports that would go up over 12500 dollars making a " cheap " car over 40,000 min.

Thanks to Bidenflation.
the auto companies a lone wouldn't be able to sell cars to the average American , making them to lay off thousands of workers, then you almost every other industry that uses steel and aluminum they will have to raise their prices. it will be a mess

You mean cars made in China?

Which cars are those, again?

YES the US steel industry would be able to pick up some of the slack and you can bet they will raise their price say 40% and start making Billions and Billions in profits,
the American people are the ones that will suffer If Trump does what he says he wants to do.


The shit the hive mind feeds you.

and putting tariffs on imports will kill our economy.

Is your economy China? Because it won't significantly damage the US economy - it will instead isolate an enemy regime. We should not be doing ANY business with China, or Russia, or Iran. These are enemies of America - regardless of how many bribes they've paid to Bought and Paid for Joe.

and if you thought Biden inflation was bad wait for the new Trump hyper inflation.
Have a nice day


You commies said the same shit in 2016 - it was just the opposite. America prospered so much democrats had to join with their ally China and release a biological weapon against America to stop Trump.
You mean the worst inflation in 40 years?

It deeply hurt America's working class - but democrats hate the working people. democrats only care about the elite in Silicone Valley.

Most people in America didn't like the cost of food nearly doubling since Quid Pro was installed as pResident. Didn't care for housing costs doubling, for fuel costs rising 50%

Not as much as $14 trillion in debt to embezzle to the "green" con artists and crooks.

Thanks to Bidenflation.

You mean cars made in China?

Which cars are those, again?


The shit the hive mind feeds you.

Is your economy China? Because it won't significantly damage the US economy - it will instead isolate an enemy regime. We should not be doing ANY business with China, or Russia, or Iran. These are enemies of America - regardless of how many bribes they've paid to Bought and Paid for Joe.


You commies said the same shit in 2016 - it was just the opposite. America prospered so much democrats had to join with their ally China and release a biological weapon against America to stop Trump.
Hay moron
Trump wants to put a tariff on all Chinese imports from 60 to 100% and a 10 to 20% tariff on all other imports.
do even understand who is the ones that pay the tariff?
it isn't the Chinese , it would drive up the price of just about everything we buy.
Do you realize just how many US products are made from Chinese steel and aluminum? and how a 60 to 100% price increase will effect those products.
and as for your " it was just the opposite. America prospered so much democrats had to join with their ally China and release a biological weapon against America to stop Trump."
Trump had time to stop all that and he didn't so it is his fault stop trying to blame the Dems for all Trump's fuck ups
Have a nice day
and you know this how?

The CCP Central Committee DNC tossed Quid Pro aside, as totalitarian dictatorships tend to do.

Do you ever have second thoughts about backing an openly Stalinist party bent on dictatorship?

Just curious. Because Hitler was a really bad guy - he murdered 14 million. Stalin - who is the basis of your party - murdered 65 million. How many do you think your party will slaughter if they can gain absolute power?

A LOT, that's for sure.
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