Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

well when the Dems decide whom they will run for President and those people are more qualified and are all around better for this country I believe the Independents will see what Trump is about and vote for whom the Dems put up.
Independent are NOT as stupid as the MAGA are
Have a nice day
If that were true there would be no need to kill Trump.
IOW, you can't name a single fucking thing, just as I suspected, and have now proven.

Fuck you.

You just do what your masters tell you to say. A brainless drone. Like a child.

You are a fool. I enjoy getting you triggered. And you trigger so easily.

Hurry hurry!! Call Trump a nazi !! :ROFLMAO::rofl2:

Meanwhile , the DNC Flaming Shit Show continues to amuse.

Okay, Trump is a Nazi.

And I am happy the DNC "flaming shit show" is amusing you.

But you do not sound sound triggered to me.

And when the Democrats win the presidency again in November...having been beaten by a "shit show", I doubt you will be amused then either.
Trump is not Nazi or Hitler...there are no comparisons...That kind of garbage is getting older than Joe, btw...
Surely you all can find a way to score political points without the reckless and false name calling...and start to focus on a responsible discussion of policies and the future of our country...
Fuck you.

You are a fool. I enjoy getting you triggered. And you trigger so easily.

Okay, Trump is a Nazi.

And I am happy the DNC "flaming shit show" is amusing you.

But you do not sound sound triggered to me.

And when the Democrats win the presidency again in November...having been beaten by a "shit show", I doubt you will be amused then either.
:rofl2: :ROFLMAO:
Fourteen million votes for Biden in the primary.

Now they are trying to stop the turnip from running.

This is proof that the far left Democratic Socialist loons care nothing for the people, just power.

They have proved that they are a threat to democracy.
Fourteen million votes for Biden in the primary.

Now they are trying to stop the turnip from running.

This is proof that the far left Democratic Socialist loons care nothing for the people, just power.

They have proved that they are a threat to democracy.
He's over, regardless of whether or not he stays in.
He's over, regardless of whether or not he stays in.

Trump is going to win, regardless of whether the Oligarchs override democracy. What the Oligarchs are worried about are the downstream races. Right now the Communists are set to lose the Senate, while the GOP holds the house. Hell, even California looks like it's going to have Republican Senator in Steve Garvey.

It used to not matter very much, both parties would obey the Oligarchy. But Trump changes that and causes others to resist the captains and the kings that rule us.
Trump is not Nazi or Hitler...there are no comparisons...That kind of garbage is getting older than Joe, btw...
Surely you all can find a way to score political points without the reckless and false name calling...and start to focus on a responsible discussion of policies and the future of our country...
What policies has Trump outlined to help our country? He says he wants to fix this or that but never proposes actual plans. And when part of his speeches involve saying various ethnic groups are "poisoning the blood" of the country then it's his own fault for getting the Nazi label.
"America's Hitler" - JD Vance
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What policies has Trump outlined to help our country? He says he wants to fix this or that but never proposes actual plans. And when part of his speeches involve saying various ethnic groups are "poisoning the blood" of the country then it's his own fault for getting the Nazi label.
As I said...there's no comparison to either Nazis or Hitler...why are you worried and twisting words when it's clear that we have an illegal immigration problem that needs immediate immigration is wonderful and an asset to America...but there's no excuse for people pouring into the country illegally...especially when they're basically given an engraved invitation and encourage and supported by the present administration...
I suggest you listen to him and the new candidate for VP...there's a LOT to fix...give them time...
But Hitler ..he's not...Nazi...he's not.
As I said...there's no comparison to either Nazis or Hitler...why are you worried and twisting words when it's clear that we have an illegal immigration problem that needs immediate immigration is wonderful and an asset to America...but there's no excuse for people pouring into the country illegally...especially when they're basically given an engraved invitation and encourage and supported by the present administration...
I suggest you listen to him and the new candidate for VP...there's a LOT to fix...give them time...
But Hitler ..he's not...Nazi...he's not.
"America's Hitler" - JD Vance. I am listening to his VP.
What policies has Trump outlined to help our country?

I'm glad you asked, Comrade.

Under Crooked Joe Biden, the U.S. government has spent nearly $1 billion to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants in expensive luxury hotels courtesy of you, the American taxpayer, and they want to spend billions and billions more.

In many states we're running out of hotel space because the rooms are all booked up with illegal aliens living in a very large way on the American taxpayer’s dime. Meanwhile, we have 33,000 Veterans in this country who are homeless, and living very poorly I might add, and it's a shame. They're living in filth and squalor on our streets. Nobody is doing a thing for them. We helped them a lot during my four years and it's all been dropped. Everything we did for our Veterans has been dropped. It's a disgrace.

Joe Biden puts illegal aliens before homeless Veterans and we cannot let this happen any longer. The American Veteran is one of our greats. These are great, great people. We have to take care of them.

When I am reelected, this national scandal will end. On Day One, I will sign an Executive Order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for shelter and transport of illegal aliens and redirect a portion of those savings, a very large portion I might add, to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American Veterans. I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate Veterans’ homelessness in America by the end of next term. You'll see a big difference, just like you did at the VA, just like you did with frankly everything we touched. The border was the best border we've ever had. We were energy independent. We were soon going to be energy dominant. Our country was doing great. We had no inflation. We had the best economy in history. We're going to take care of our Veterans.

If you have served this nation in uniform, the Trump administration will never betray you as Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats have done. They have truly betrayed you. Anybody voting for a Democrat is very foolish. Very, very foolish. We certainly will not be putting illegal alien lawbreakers up in ultimate luxury while American Veterans lay shivering on the sidewalks below. Unlike Biden, our loyalty will not be to illegal aliens who have violated our borders and come into our country illegally. They've trampled our sovereignty. It will be to the brave men and women who enlisted their lives to defend our borders and to protect our sovereignty.}

He says he wants to fix this or that but never proposes actual plans. And when part of his speeches involve saying various ethnic groups are "poisoning the blood" of the country then it's his own fault for getting the Nazi label.

Slander and defamation are what you Communists do,

You called Reagan a Nazi, you called Bush the Eviler a Nazi, you called Dubya a Nazi, obviously you're going to spew the same shit at Trump.


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