Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

Once again for those too obstinate to recognize the truth, no one is stripping power from anyone, nothing can be done without Biden’s approval, meaning if he exits those delegates that were elected for him are released from their obligation, no wonder the cult doesn’t understand the simplest of democratic principles
Because Biden hasn't been fighting tooth and nail to keep the nomination he won?

Stealing the nomination from who won it is not "the simplest of democratic principles" ; it is the most heinous of Democrat "principles".

You know ..."Super Delegates". What a flaming shit show is the DNC.
Bernie Sanders was not a Democrat. Even if he votes with them most of the time, he was registered as an Independent. I’ve never understood why the Bernie Bros or Bernie thought he should be treated as a Democrat. He registers as one only to run as President.

If there is anything democrats hate more than America, it's democracy.

To vote of the people is irrelevant to the party.
I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Donald Trump is a threat to this nation -Joe Biden
It's time to put Trump in a bullseye -Joe Biden
Trump is a threat to Democracy. -Joe Biden
Donald Trump has to be eliminated. -Joe Biden
Trump is a friend of Putin, a wannabe dictator, and Hitler - the Democrat Party and liberal Press - 2015 to 2024
Excuse me, who's the threat to Democracy?
Oh, I can take this question.

Trump, and his continuing supporters, are, by far, the greatest threat to Democracy.

In fact, Trump and his continuing supporters are one of the greatest threats our Democracy has ever faced.

Luckily, Trump is a loser.

And so are his continuing supporters.
Bernie Sanders was not a Democrat. Even if he votes with them most of the time, he was registered as an Independent. I’ve never understood why the Bernie Bros or Bernie thought he should be treated as a Democrat. He registers as one only to run as President.
The reason bernie votes with the demorats every time is because he is a communist, and only the dem communist party
lines up with bernie's communist views actions and values.
Oh, I can take this question.

Trump, and his continuing supporters, are, by far, the greatest threat to Democracy.

In fact, Trump and his continuing supporters are one of the greatest threats our Democracy has ever faced.

Luckily, Trump is a loser.

And so are his continuing supporters.
The old "threat to democracy" childishness.
Once again for those too obstinate to recognize the truth, no one is stripping power from anyone, nothing can be done without Biden’s approval, meaning if he exits those delegates that were elected for him are released from their obligation, no wonder the cult doesn’t understand the simplest of democratic principles
Poor anchovies,

Run Joey Run
The old "threat to democracy" childishness.
It's quite rich to see the anti American nitwits on the left keep saying that Trump is a threat to our so-called democracy, when in fact our nation is a Republic. These leftist fools have yet to explain just how they think Trump is this threat, when in fact during the 4 years of Trump's presidency we had the best economy in decades, we were energy independent, no world wars, simply because Trump's strength in dealing with those foreign adversaries was overwhelmingly successful in warding them off from any such thing as promoting a war. Trump destroyed ISIS as well, and was Israel's best allied supporter, and he didn't give billions of dollars to Iran like biden and obama have done, and no lawfare/warfare against his political opponents. Americans were financially satisfied under Trump's presidency, and inflation was at 1.4%, blacks, Latinos and women had extremely low unemployment rates, people could afford a home, crime was down except when the left mobs BLM and ANTIFA decided to burn cities down and harm/murder people with few if any arrests, and or if arrested were let out of jail free cards by democrat d.a's in dem blue cities across our nation. He didn't defund our police like the left did, and he didn't let the racist CRT destroy our kids school day and destroy their minds the way the left has, and he had the most secure border in our history, whereas, under bribem we're at a national crisis concerning the borderless open bribem gates there. So do tell us whacked out lefties, just how do you think Trump is this threat to our Republic, or to your democracy? Take off your TDS hats for a brief moment before answering this question.
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Some asshole asked...I answered.

In any case, I think "Trump's gonna save America" is a shitload more childish...than "Trump is a threat to democracy."

Any sane, intelligent person can see that. don't, right?
What's this, a lefty downplaying the left's repeated nonsense that Trump is a threat to our so-called democracy? He's
even saying that the left's insinuation that "Trump is a threat to democracy" is in fact childish. Good to see you coming
around to reasonable discourse for once, old man.
What's this, a lefty downplaying the left's repeated nonsense that Trump is a threat to our so-called democracy? He's
even saying that the left's insinuation that "Trump is a threat to democracy" is in fact childish. Good to see you coming
around to reasonable discourse for once, old man.
You're dreaming.
Some asshole asked...I answered.

In any case, I think "Trump's gonna save America" is a shitload more childish...than "Trump is a threat to democracy."

Any sane, intelligent person can see that. don't, right?
That Depends frankie.