Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

Some asshole asked...I answered.

In any case, I think "Trump's gonna save America" is a shitload more childish...than "Trump is a threat to democracy."

Any sane, intelligent person can see that. don't, right?
Please detail Trump's "threat to democracy".
Fuck you.

If you are too stupid to see it on your own...get one of your fellow chumps to do it for you.
IOW, you can't name a single fucking thing, just as I suspected, and have now proven.

You just do what your masters tell you to say. A brainless drone. Like a child.

Hurry hurry!! Call Trump a nazi !! :ROFLMAO::rofl2:

Meanwhile , the DNC Flaming Shit Show continues to amuse.
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If it is Clinton Corp I will be proven wrong, I said it would not be because they still have not been forgiven for lack of effort in 2016....the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA program was not enough to get another shot.
I know you rabid MAGAts are all excited about what you perceive is blood in the water, but voters have made it clear, Biden/Harris is the ticket.
Thank you. If this holds true, We the People can expect an election steal. There aren't more than a few dozen legal voters who will vote for Biden, and they will only do so because they will forget their reading glasses at home when they go to the polls.

While the DNC is always threatening to steal the election, they are nothing if they aren't totally dishonest to Democrat voters. The DNC will still possibly give Biden the boot, but only after squeezing every penny out of "status quo" donors who have been assured thet Biden will run the course. Then and only then will the DNC toss Biden aside and work to build for 2028.
...pretty reliable DC source.

Wow...see the Stalinist elite preparing to strip the power of the vote from their own members.
Stalinist? Historically, the candidate was picked at the convention. Now it may again. Things change. Biden's freezing in the debate is the reason for the kerfuffle. He still may be the candidate and the next president.
I don’t know...that DEI pick was a huge fail... How many people are they going to offend if they don't go with her... Not enough to make a difference...

This will be nothing short of a three-ring circus. Kamala will be coronated but many will not want her. Those will be branded waycists and misogynists, just wait.
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Bernie Sanders was not a Democrat.
Bernie Sanders wanted to become a Democrat.

Even if he votes with them most of the time, he was registered as an Independent.
... but he pledged to register as a Democrat if he were elected President, and would become the ranking member of the DNC.

I’ve never understood why the Bernie Bros or Bernie thought he should be treated as a Democrat.
Bernie had the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in a free and fair election.

He registers as one only to run as President.
He didn't even register as a Democrat to run for President. Bernie has always remained "Independent."
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He had their 2016 primary WON, by far...and then the Politburo stepped in.
The DNC started dancing the Superdelegate Samba, truly a wonder to behold.

But, what will Independent voters do seeing the Dems in such disarray?
well when the Dems decide whom they will run for President and those people are more qualified and are all around better for this country I believe the Independents will see what Trump is about and vote for whom the Dems put up.
Independent are NOT as stupid as the MAGA are
Have a nice day