Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

you can't even admit the truth about Chinese steel mills.......sad as fuck......
what the fuck are you talking about??
what about Chinese steel mills?
at the time the US steel industry started going down it was Japanese steel imports that were let in and the US mills could not compete against the price of the imports.
and again it had nothing to do with Clinton.
and you are right you are sad as fuck
Have a nice day
Pretty sure the root problem was a refusal to modernize the plants, the owners pocketed profits rather than invest them back into the company in order to keep the companies going.
too some extent I will agree, but the plant here just put in a brand new BFO in the mid 60's and was rebuilding some of the old ones.
Have a nice day
The link well demolishes your Jap steel argument:

LOL didn't you read YOUR own link??
how is this to start
." First of all, the big decrease in U.S. steel production happened in the 1970s, when Chinese production was practically nonexistent.."
and " U.S. steel production mostly fell during the 1970s, " ( like I said )
do you even live with in 100 miles of a steel mill?
I have lived with in 15 to 18 miles of two my whole life.
and a LOT of people in my family have worked at one or the other ,
OH I forgot to tell you MY father -in -law was Director of the United steel workers for district 6, for several years up to when he died in 1989 and was assistant director for them for about 10 or 12 years before that.
heck most of that family is gone and died so I will even give you his name it was John Gruka
you can look it up if you think I am lying.
that and I had 2 uncles , 5 cousins, 3 brother in laws . and others in my family that worked there.
and most of them in the 60's and 70's , I watched all their lay offs.
I was lucky I worked in an auto plant right down the road.
Have a nice day
what the fuck are you talking about??
what about Chinese steel mills?
at the time the US steel industry started going down it was Japanese steel imports that were let in and the US mills could not compete against the price of the imports.
and again it had nothing to do with Clinton.
and you are right you are sad as fuck
Have a nice day

and the conversation is about Trump, not Clinton......
Why do you keep posting shit about China steel imports?
IT was NOT China that did most if not all the dumping of steel in the 60's and 70's when the US steel industry started going down . it was the Japaneses that did the dumping of steel in the US ( like I said ) , and again wasn't it you that tried to blame a lot of this on Clinton?
he wasn't around in the 60's and 70's when this was all happening.
Have a nice day
Why do you keep posting shit about China steel imports?
IT was NOT China that did most if not all the dumping of steel in the 60's and 70's when the US steel industry started going down . it was the Japaneses that did the dumping of steel in the US ( like I said ) , and again wasn't it you that tried to blame a lot of this on Clinton?
he wasn't around in the 60's and 70's when this was all happening.
Have a nice day
why waste our time talking about the 60s and 70s.......we were discussing what Trump did regarding tariffs to the Chinese in 2017......
why waste our time talking about the 60s and 70s.......we were discussing what Trump did regarding tariffs to the Chinese in 2017......
you might have been but I was talking about how Trump has said he WANTS to do and how 60% to 100% tariffs on Chinese imports will destroy the US economy.
for one thing the Chinese are not the ones that pay the tariffs they just add it on to the cost of the import, and the buyer pays it, taking a lot of money out of the economy.
and we import a lot of steel and aluminum and aluminum by products and a 60 to 100% tariff would drive the cost of most everything we buy up and up.
even if there is the same product on the market that is American made, if the Chinese product goes way up the US company that makes the same product could raise their price and keep it a few dollars lower for sales and make unbelievable profits, again driving up prices that the buyer has to pay not China.
Have a nice day
that doesn't seem to explain why you're posting about the 1960s......
wow don't you read what people post???
I made a statement that the US steel industry started to it's decline back in the 60's when we had massive imports of cheep steel from Japan and I think it was a reply to a statement you made trying to blame Clinton for the decline in the US steel industry.
and I have been pointing out that people on the right have been crying about Biden inflation and just how bad it will be IF Trump gets in and puts tariffs of 60 to 100 % on imports from China and 10 to 20% tariffs on all other imports.
do you even know just how much we import from China?
if you think Biden inflation was bad hold on to your ass if Trump does what he says he wants to.
not only inflation like we never have seen , heck Biden inflation will look like a drop in the bucket .
but massive lose of jobs, prices on things even made here that use imported Chinese steel and aluminum and aluminum by products like deodorant will go up and up and up, most likely a min of 30 to 40 % if not a lot more.
and then add on price gouging , if the price of a product form China almost doubles what says the US producer that produces the same thing here doesn't raise their price but keeps it a few dollars lower to get sales and rakes in billions and billions in profits , IF he doesn't use any Chinese imported products to make his stuff his costs will not go up so what ever he raises his price to will be all profits.
it will destroy our economy and put people out of work and our national GDP will be in the toilet.
Have a nice day
wow don't you read what people post???
I made a statement that the US steel industry started to it's decline back in the 60's when we had massive imports of cheep steel from Japan and I think it was a reply to a statement you made trying to blame Clinton for the decline in the US steel industry.
and I have been pointing out that people on the right have been crying about Biden inflation and just how bad it will be IF Trump gets in and puts tariffs of 60 to 100 % on imports from China and 10 to 20% tariffs on all other imports.
do you even know just how much we import from China?
if you think Biden inflation was bad hold on to your ass if Trump does what he says he wants to.
not only inflation like we never have seen , heck Biden inflation will look like a drop in the bucket .
but massive lose of jobs, prices on things even made here that use imported Chinese steel and aluminum and aluminum by products like deodorant will go up and up and up, most likely a min of 30 to 40 % if not a lot more.
and then add on price gouging , if the price of a product form China almost doubles what says the US producer that produces the same thing here doesn't raise their price but keeps it a few dollars lower to get sales and rakes in billions and billions in profits , IF he doesn't use any Chinese imported products to make his stuff his costs will not go up so what ever he raises his price to will be all profits.
it will destroy our economy and put people out of work and our national GDP will be in the toilet.
Have a nice day
pure bullshit.....between Carter and Biden it is obvious which part is the master of creating inflation........and its energy that triggers it, not tariffs...........I read what you post and recognise it as pure couldn't admit that when Trump confronted China on steel he succeeded so you tried to shift attention to Japan in the 60s.......
pure bullshit.....between Carter and Biden it is obvious which part is the master of creating inflation........and its energy that triggers it, not tariffs...........I read what you post and recognise it as pure couldn't admit that when Trump confronted China on steel he succeeded so you tried to shift attention to Japan in the 60s.......
what don't YOU understand??????????
putting 60 to 100% tariffs on imports from China like Trump says he wants to do will just drive up the cost to the US consumer, on just about EVERYTHING we buy.
China does NOT pay the tariffs the CONSUMER does.
I guess YOU have NO idea just how much we import from china.
and my " shifting " attention to the 60's was a reply to your BS that Clinton did something or another and he didn't . you lied about that.
Have a nice day
what don't YOU understand??????????
putting 60 to 100% tariffs on imports from China like Trump says he wants to do will just drive up the cost to the US consumer, on just about EVERYTHING we buy.
China does NOT pay the tariffs the CONSUMER does.
I guess YOU have NO idea just how much we import from china.
and my " shifting " attention to the 60's was a reply to your BS that Clinton did something or another and he didn't . you lied about that.
Have a nice day
Horse shit. The 25% tariffs Trump imposed did nothing of the sort. The Chinese ATE the tariffs, contrary to leftist mythology, billions we used to help the farmers China tried to target. Please list all the Chinese products that Americans had to pay 25% more for.
Horse shit. The 25% tariffs Trump imposed did nothing of the sort. The Chinese ATE the tariffs, contrary to leftist mythology, billions we used to help the farmers China tried to target. Please list all the Chinese products that Americans had to pay 25% more for.
if you say so
Have a nice life
Prove me wrong; show us all the Chinese goods that they jacked up 25% under Trump's tariffs, or rescind your false claim about tariffs.
first of all the Chinese did NOT EAT the tariff,
IF they did the price of their imported goods would not have gone up and it did.
don't you understand they send in their imports and it is the US government that puts the tariff on their products it has nothing to do with the Chinese, and that increase IS PAID by the CONSUMER.
and it was that money the CONSUMER PAID that the Trump admin. took to pay the farmers that lost money.
Maybe you should take some classes and learn how tariffs work.
Have a nice day
Prove me wrong; show us all the Chinese goods that they jacked up 25% under Trump's tariffs, or rescind your false claim about tariffs.
here read some of the impacts of tariffs

  • Trade tariffs against China may have spurred US firms into diversifying supply chains, but a commission’s findings suggest Washington has failed to achieve its main trade-war goal
  • US consumers are paying more for certain goods as a result of the tariffs, according to the US International Trade Commission
again why don't you go and find out how Tariffs really work
Have a nice day
here read some of the impacts of tariffs

  • Trade tariffs against China may have spurred US firms into diversifying supply chains, but a commission’s findings suggest Washington has failed to achieve its main trade-war goal
  • US consumers are paying more for certain goods as a result of the tariffs, according to the US International Trade Commission
again why don't you go and find out how Tariffs really work
Have a nice day
and lets see is that an annual TAX increase of 79 Billion dollars?
and a loss of .20% GDP?
capital stocks declined ,10%
AND a LOSS of 142,000 US JOBS
really looks to me like those Trump tariffs did a LOT of good for the US economy.
Annual Tax Increase$79 billion
Long-Run GDP-0.20%
Long-Run Capital Stock-0.10%
Long-Run FTE Jobs-142,000