DeSantis whitewashes slavery as Biden honors Emmett Till. Spot the difference

You are conflating mostly the surface level problems of 'diversity' with the clear and factual benefits.

America is by definition a diverse nation. It is also the most successful.

At each and every stage diversity has faced backlash but America has been strengthened for it. The irish, the Russian, the Italian, the Jews, were all hated and not welcomed by prior emigrees and yet as each arrived and settled America got stronger for it as their diversity and strengths were added to the fabric of the country.

When Women and PoC were able to finally enter the work force and compete, that added diversity made American companies the top in the world.

There is no doubting that diversity is America's strength. The facts are in. BUt that does not mean that due to human nature, every single step of NEW and ADDED diversity will not be railed against by those who came in prior waves.

You are overlooking one serious consideration, QPI.

The United States are the most socially regressive developed democracy on the face of planet earth.

Predominantly homogeneous nations have solidarity and are thus capable of doing things collectively that we can't do.

Socialized medicine.
Accessible public education.
More civilized correctional institutions.
Infinitely better public transportation.
More union-friendly labor laws.

I am FAR less inclined
to regard our many cultural factions' mistrust and discomfort with one another
as "surface level problems." I, in fact, regard them as catastrophic problems.

Last I checked, we're still having race riots from time to time
and most police departments in the nation's landlocked interior
still think that unarmed African Americans are for target practice.
Some strength.

We obviously measure success differently, but one,

I do not regard our social regressiveness as a strength

and two,

our diversity is obviously the primary cause of it.

People who instinctively don't like one another

find it difficult to do things collectively.

That, to me, is a profound WEAKNESS.

This is one reason why I,

as a progressive democratic socialist,

can no longer consider myself a liberal.

Liberals let hippie feel-good ideas

such as diversity being a strength instead of a problematic challenge

obstruct action required to address our realities.
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Biden totally politicized that ceremony.. never let a good tragedy go to waste... shame on him...

He spoke at the ceremony. Till was a kid murdered by racists. That is political in itself. His mother did something needed. She kept an open casket so the people could see what the racists did to her son. I wait for a mother whose kid was shot to have an open casket. These kids have to be identified by DNA. We should see what is being done.
My point is that right wing zealots say ridiculous things about "slavery, lynching etc" to quote your words,

but lefties say stupid things too.

You speak of "minority members being deprived of rights;" this is a manifestation of diversity.
In a homogeneous nation, they don't have many minority members to be deprived of rights on the basis of ethnicity.

We're a culturally heterogeneous nation which must morally defend the rights of all of its citizens.

That burden, necessary as it is, isn't a strength but an added challenge required by virtue of being diverse.

That's one of many examples.

Where are the examples of diversity making us stronger than homogeneous nations?
I conceded art and cuisine.
What else have we got?

I'm part of America's diversity
as an Italian American nearly as tied to my Italian ethnicity
as I am to my American nationality.

I'm not finding problems with diversity as a member of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant persuasion
but as a part of our diversity.
I'm 100% in favor of finding a way to make our diversity work.

Nevertheless, referring to our diversity as a strength rather than a challenge

is every bit as disingenuous as the stupid things that Reichtards say.

Maybe more so as they tend to actually be stupid while we should know better.

"Challenge" sounds like the right word to me.
He spoke at the ceremony. Till was a kid murdered by racists. That is political in itself. His mother did something needed. She kept an open casket so the people could see what the racists did to her son. I wait for a mother whose kid was shot to have an open casket. These kids have to be identified by DNA. We should see what is being done.

Well said, thank you. Racists like Toxic TOP, Stinkerbelle, Yakuda, etc. do not want any mention made of current or past incidents, policies, or events that shine the spotlight on their hate. This is, of course, why DeSantis and Florida are desperately trying to rewrite the history of slavery in America. Meanwhile, over in Germany, it is *mandatory* that students learn about the Holocaust. Former extermination camps are available as reminders of that dark part of German history. They don't try to pretend that the millions sent to those camps were "given important jobs" and "trained in useful skills."
You are overlooking one serious consideration, QPI.

The United States are the most socially regressive developed democracy on the face of planet earth.

Predominantly homogeneous nations have solidarity and are thus capable of doing things collectively that we can't do.

Socialized medicine.
Accessible public education.
More civilized correctional institutions.
Infinitely better public transportation.
More union-friendly labor laws.

I am FAR less inclined
to regard our many cultural factions' mistrust and discomfort with one another
as "surface level problems." I, in fact, regard them as catastrophic problems.

Last I checked, we're still having race riots from time to time
and most police departments in the nation's landlocked interior
still think that unarmed African Americans are for target practice.
Some strength.

We obviously measure success differently, but one,

I do not regard our social regressiveness as a strength

and two,

our diversity is obviously the primary cause of it.

People who instinctively don't like one another

find it difficult to do things collectively.

That, to me, is a profound WEAKNESS.

This is one reason why I,

as a progressive democratic socialist,

can no longer consider myself a liberal.

Liberals let hippie feel-good ideas

such as diversity being a strength instead of a problematic challenge

obstruct action required to address our realities.

I don't agree with that analysis and conclusion.

Canada is every bit as diverse, maybe more so and they have all those benefits.

What Canada does not have is the hard core, hard right racist, backward looking derps.

it is not less diversity and more homogony (around white derps) that would make America more progressive. It is the loss of the right derps. They are being bred out of existence thankfully as their kids each generation are more progressive. And when those white racist, backwards derps are such a small part of the population, diversity will be higher and America will progress.
Here's a quick look at one of the differences between America’s two political parties: GOP presidential primary candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spent the weekend, right here in the year 2023, arguing that slaves benefited from valuable job training. Democratic President Joe Biden spent the weekend preparing to approve a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teenager whose murder in 1955 sparked the civil rights movement.

See the disparity? I know it’s subtle, one side trying to whitewash history and the other trying to make sure it’s always remembered.

One party is recognizing history, the other is making up history

So, to recap, there are minute differences between our two major political parties. One is honoring history and making sure we remember the horrors of the past so we don’t repeat them.

The other is incompetently whitewashing the horrors of the past, and apparently needs to enroll in a remedial course called “Slavery: Bad, Actually.” (Course not offered in Florida.)

The difference? One is trivial, the other is irrelevant. Guess which is which...
My question is....





My question is....






Because you have right leaning States like Florida, with Governors like DeSantis, trying to white wash history as they thinks white kids are too much like snowflakes and will be offended if exposed to actual history.

History should always be taught, and taught accurately and no one should 'move on' from that. If anyone is pushing revisionist history it needs to be engaged and corrected. Especially when a significant part of the population (blacks) are still dealing with the legacy disadvantages.
this is probably one of the most egregious lies the shit stains have done in years

the curriculum is designed to help black youth not feel inferior.

These lesson plans explain how even in bondage slaves were able to overcome their odds and learn how to blacksmith tools, how to farm, they found ways to read and write even though forbidden to do so

the lesson plan is not that they benefitted from slavery, it is that they continued to evolve even while being held back by slavery. These are messages black scholars wished to be included
He spoke at the ceremony. Till was a kid murdered by racists. That is political in itself. His mother did something needed. She kept an open casket so the people could see what the racists did to her son. I wait for a mother whose kid was shot to have an open casket. These kids have to be identified by DNA. We should see what is being done.

let's be honest.......he was murdered by demmycrats.....racists.....bigots......murderers.....
bullshit.....if you want someone to not feel inferior you let them don't give them excuses for failure.......

derp derp

the curriculum of including topics on how blacks learned and advanced even as they were put in chains has nothing to do with excusing failure

Your reading comprehension regarding what I wrote is pathetic to be blunt