Every trumper is a N4T.
Not sure what point you think that makes when people like Candace Owens exist.
But interestingly, despite you providing no citation to your info, i was able to copy and search the text and found it here in this article.
While the article does say 5 black and one hispanic were on the Work Group that made these changes, the people you cite above do not show up on the list???
Not one of your 6 named people appears to have been on it??
Sounds to me like YOU are the one who got ahold of a bogus list, which BTW is also unsourced.
At any rate, here's a link to the task force's actual website.
Don't know why I didn't include it other than it slipped my mind.
I think my dinner was on the stove and I was in a hurry to go tend to it.
But you can't get a more accurate source for who's on the committee than this....