And wrong. At least if you believe in the God of the Bible. You cannot believe in both. Evolution presumes NATURAL selection. If you introduce God into that closed system the selection is no longer natural. You can’t start with a supernatural trigger because everything that occurs after is rigged by a supernatural God. It’s like athletes on steroids. I’m not bothered by the contradiction but believing in both is, in my opinion, having your cake and eating it too. It is impossible to reconcile.
There is a third way to do this.
Imagine a God who works more as a clock maker. He creates life and he creates the processes by which life evolves and he lets the thing go.
It would have to be more "satisfying" than simply creating everything to look like evolution was real while it wasn't and then making everything as it is today while burying non-existent dead things throughout billions of tons of rock.
It's possible to have a Creator God like that. Of course that bears NO resemblance to the Genesis account which is fine because that is so manifestly a bunch of giant metaphors coupled with bog standard creation myths.