Despite bible thumpers whining we keep finding transitional fossils

And wrong. At least if you believe in the God of the Bible. You cannot believe in both. Evolution presumes NATURAL selection. If you introduce God into that closed system the selection is no longer natural. You can’t start with a supernatural trigger because everything that occurs after is rigged by a supernatural God. It’s like athletes on steroids. I’m not bothered by the contradiction but believing in both is, in my opinion, having your cake and eating it too. It is impossible to reconcile.

There is a third way to do this.

Imagine a God who works more as a clock maker. He creates life and he creates the processes by which life evolves and he lets the thing go.

It would have to be more "satisfying" than simply creating everything to look like evolution was real while it wasn't and then making everything as it is today while burying non-existent dead things throughout billions of tons of rock.

It's possible to have a Creator God like that. Of course that bears NO resemblance to the Genesis account which is fine because that is so manifestly a bunch of giant metaphors coupled with bog standard creation myths.
That of all the animals ,unique is the talking ape is naked! Why? I don't have the answer.

I have heard it may have been an adaptation for body temperature regulation in hot regions. Don't know how accurate that is but it sounds kinda reasonable.

Here's a theory, Adam and Eve lost their fur at original sin! That's why the freaked when they saw themselves

I like the metaphor of the Original Sin. It's a great metaphor for GROWING UP and becoming an adult. When still a child no one holds you necessarily responsible for your bad are a child and don't know better. But when you grow up suddenly you are tasked with knowing right from wrong and good from bad. That's why Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. It's a beautiful metaphor.
Factcheck: Despite creationist claims, there are many ‘transitional links’ in the fossil record

“Fossils with transitional morphology are not rare,” writes The National Center for Science Education, an American non-profit organisation. “Fossils illustrating the gradual origin of humans, horses, rhinos, whales, seacows, mammals, birds, tetrapods, and various major Cambrian “phyla” have been discovered and are well-known to scientists.”

Long lists of discovered transitional fossils are available, including ones that show the transition of animals from water to land and dinosaur to bird, as well as numerous hominid species that show increasing mutations toward humanlike physiology.
The Correct Answer According To Darwin's Theory: All of the above is bunk. Every fossil is of a transitional species.
I have heard it may have been an adaptation for body temperature regulation in hot regions. Don't know how accurate that is but it sounds kinda reasonable.

I like the metaphor of the Original Sin. It's a great metaphor for GROWING UP and becoming an adult. When still a child no one holds you necessarily responsible for your bad are a child and don't know better. But when you grow up suddenly you are tasked with knowing right from wrong and good from bad. That's why Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. It's a beautiful metaphor.
img_1_1688845753727.jpgGenesis 3:22 What if the Man ate of the Tree of Life and lived forever! Holy Toledo!
If every fossil is a transitional species like you claim than there can never be any competition because everyone must win if they transition.
False. However you have a valid point that requires me to revise my wording.

All fossils, except those of species that went extinct before evolving into another species, are transitional fossils.

I thank you for raising this issue.
There is a third way to do this.

Imagine a God who works more as a clock maker. He creates life and he creates the processes by which life evolves and he lets the thing go.

It would have to be more "satisfying" than simply creating everything to look like evolution was real while it wasn't and then making everything as it is today while burying non-existent dead things throughout billions of tons of rock.

It's possible to have a Creator God like that. Of course that bears NO resemblance to the Genesis account which is fine because that is so manifestly a bunch of giant metaphors coupled with bog standard creation myths.
Your description isn't based on the Bible. Your description is an attempt to retrofit the Bible into what we know to be true scientifically.