Despite bible thumpers whining we keep finding transitional fossils

So you subscribe to the Theory of Abiogenesis.


This theory states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.

Not PURELY random....chemistry has rules.

Just one small problem with that:

Let's say that this theory is True, and somehow a living cell developed from nonliving material.

Now you have a problem. What's it going to eat?

Early life may have been chemoautotrophic. (Feel free to google as you need)

That cell must gain sufficient energy to divide, or it dies.
A single cell cannot absorb energy directly, so what's it going to eat?
That is the joy of not being in someone else's sect or religion. It is possible to simply ignore the mandates of that religion's philosophies and since religion ultimately has little to no connection to the real world it doesn't really make any difference if you don't accept "original sin".
Original sin isn’t reality. It’s a belief created by humans.