Dexter Season 6 Discussion thread (Spoilers)

Well technically it's not incest as their not blood related.

I thought they both had the same dad, different moms and that is what Dexter had been keeping from her ad didn't want her to find out when she was taking files from the record room about Harry's snitches. Dexters mom was a snitch that Harry had an affair with and that s why Harry took raised Dexter. So, they are related and that is what makes it even creepier.
I thought they both had the same dad, different moms and that is what Dexter had been keeping from her ad didn't want her to find out when she was taking files from the record room about Harry's snitches. Dexters mom was a snitch that Harry had an affair with and that s why Harry took raised Dexter. So, they are related and that is what makes it even creepier.

Man, I am the one who is all messed up, it is what I get for watching the first episodes with chemo brain. Now I am going to have to go back and watch them, again and try to figure out why I thought Harry was Dexter's dad.

They are just foster brother and sister, man, did I get that wrong, that is why I thought it was so much worse!

I will go be embarrassed now!
I thought they both had the same dad, different moms and that is what Dexter had been keeping from her ad didn't want her to find out when she was taking files from the record room about Harry's snitches. Dexters mom was a snitch that Harry had an affair with and that s why Harry took raised Dexter. So, they are related and that is what makes it even creepier.

Nah, Dexter was fostered by the cop who found he and his brother in the freezer with their dead mother. They are not blood related.
Nah, Dexter was fostered by the cop who found he and his brother in the freezer with their dead mother. They are not blood related.

I know this now, see ah, ha moment. I am going to rematch seasons because I got it so wrong, but I kinda had an excuse.
Drugs messed me up.
I am doing so much better nice they switched me back to Tamoxifen from Femara, one of those cases you don't know how bad you felt, till you feel good, then you are like, dang...
Why won't the system let me do <strike></strike>? Do I have to fix the settings or something?

Wait a minute.. maybe it should be [strike]stuff[/strike]. Let's see.

Nope, not that either.

Whoops, the coding is not logical on this one. You simply use the letter "s," as in [.s]stuff[./s] or stiiiiiiirike three!!