Dexter Season 6 Discussion thread (Spoilers)

I've watched it, and am confused as to where it is going. There were some badass scenes in the opening episode, but its getting annoying to see ex-confederates portrayed sympathetically, while American vets are all corrupt Irish immigrants (and one Norwegian) who suffered through the war and are now "getting theirs."

I'll probably keep watching, though, if for no other reason, then to see what hardships that pretty blonde overcomes next, and to see if this show decides to develop a more coherent plot (I know it thinks its a "time-piece", but who really buys that?)
Come on, you didn't see that coming by now? Even without me blowing it for you? Are you alive Grind? It got so obvious!

lol, well yes it was getting more and more obvious as the weeks went on, though I wonder if I would have come to that conclusion if you didn't say anything. I guess i'll never know O_O
I have watched all past episodes of "Homeland"

I really like it. Great writing, great characters, not at all what I expected! Twists and turns and I can't wait for the next episode!

I have also started to watch "American Horror Story", so far, very intriguing!
Last night's episode was a lot better than last week's. I read that according to Showtime, Dexter has two more seasons, and the last couple of episode's this season are going to start the end game. I really hope they don't blow that.
I have watched all past episodes of "Homeland"

I really like it. Great writing, great characters, not at all what I expected! Twists and turns and I can't wait for the next episode!

I have also started to watch "American Horror Story", so far, very intriguing!

Yeah I love Homeland. Last night's was a drop-off though since the two or three episode arc previous which really were some of the best written and acted hours I have seen on television. I am just hoping they can sustain it.
I got an apple TV over the weekend and I've been watching the first year episodes of Breaking Bad. Damn good show. As a chemist by profession and a biologist by education they do a good job with the chemistry but even better job of portraying his cancer. Brilliant acting by Bryan Cranston.

Although Breaking Bad is light years far ahead of that moronic piece of clap trap CSI which isn't really a show at all but a bunch of hack wannabe actors mangling jargon completely out of context with absolutely no clue what so fucking ever about the real science (but they are good a looking cool when they say it....I guess that's what's important).

Regardless some of the things I've seen them do are just things no professional chemist would do. The gas masks and PPE when their cooking is a good example. If Walt is such a meticulous and precise chemist you'd think he would of heard of these things called "Fume Hoods"? Pretty garden variety lab equipment. Not expensive either. I've bought them at auction for a few hundred dollars. Also, they would have never made it out of the third episode as they both would have died from exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (speaking of HF....HF doesn't give off white fumes. That's Hydrochloric acid, no one if their right mind would choose to dissolve a body in HF unless they want to die too.).

The bit for the fulminated mercury was cute too but that's also fantasy straight out of Hollywood. Fulminated Mercury is a grey powder. It doesn't grow into large monoclinic crystals and it's significantly more sensitive then what was portrayed on the show. When the one guy grabs the bag and tosses it to the other guy that would have been enough to detonate it and blow the whole building up and any chemist worth his salt (pun intended) would have known that.

Another bullshit story on the chemistry was how he gasses the two drug dealers by mixing red phosphorous with solvents to create toxic phosgene gas (which is why they are wearing gas mask which doesn't make sense either but I've all ready gone over that). Complete bullshit. There's no phosphorous in phosgene gas nor is it made using phosporous. It's chemical formula is COCl and it's made by passing ultra-pure Carbon Monoxide and Chlorine gas through an activated carbon catalyst.

The way they present him as a cancer patient and his acting of someone stricken with lung cancer is fairly accurate. Not nearly as much bullshit (yet...I've only seen 7 episodes) as with the chemistry. Still.....the show is faaaaaar more believable then CSI which, like I said, comes off as hack actors popping off jargon that they haven't that first clue as to what it means.

All in all I"m liking the show a lot. Good acting and writing quite a bit of bullshit about the science but the writing, in the science area, is far, far, far better then CSI which could be called science programing for the terminally stupid.
I got an apple TV over the weekend and I've been watching the first year episodes of Breaking Bad. Damn good show. As a chemist by profession and a biologist by education they do a good job with the chemistry but even better job of portraying his cancer. Brilliant acting by Bryan Cranston.

Although Breaking Bad is light years far ahead of that moronic piece of clap trap CSI which isn't really a show at all but a bunch of hack wannabe actors mangling jargon completely out of context with absolutely no clue what so fucking ever about the real science (but they are good a looking cool when they say it....I guess that's what's important).

Regardless some of the things I've seen them do are just things no professional chemist would do. The gas masks and PPE when their cooking is a good example. If Walt is such a meticulous and precise chemist you'd think he would of heard of these things called "Fume Hoods"? Pretty garden variety lab equipment. Not expensive either. I've bought them at auction for a few hundred dollars. Also, they would have never made it out of the third episode as they both would have died from exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (speaking of HF....HF doesn't give off white fumes. That's Hydrochloric acid, no one if their right mind would choose to dissolve a body in HF unless they want to die too.).

The bit for the fulminated mercury was cute too but that's also fantasy straight out of Hollywood. Fulminated Mercury is a grey powder. It doesn't grow into large monoclinic crystals and it's significantly more sensitive then what was portrayed on the show. When the one guy grabs the bag and tosses it to the other guy that would have been enough to detonate it and blow the whole building up and any chemist worth his salt (pun intended) would have known that.

Another bullshit story on the chemistry was how he gasses the two drug dealers by mixing red phosphorous with solvents to create toxic phosgene gas (which is why they are wearing gas mask which doesn't make sense either but I've all ready gone over that). Complete bullshit. There's no phosphorous in phosgene gas nor is it made using phosporous. It's chemical formula is COCl and it's made by passing ultra-pure Carbon Monoxide and Chlorine gas through an activated carbon catalyst.

The way they present him as a cancer patient and his acting of someone stricken with lung cancer is fairly accurate. Not nearly as much bullshit (yet...I've only seen 7 episodes) as with the chemistry. Still.....the show is faaaaaar more believable then CSI which, like I said, comes off as hack actors popping off jargon that they haven't that first clue as to what it means.

All in all I"m liking the show a lot. Good acting and writing quite a bit of bullshit about the science but the writing, in the science area, is far, far, far better then CSI which could be called science programing for the terminally stupid.

Impressive Mott, I would like a do over in chemistry. I believe I would take it a little more seriously now.
I can't handle the weirdness with Debra towards Dexter. Where is this leading, his revealing their blood relations, then what?

I can't speak for the science jargon, I think that stuff might jar you a bit more than 95% of the population given your background. Just like I saw julius caesar and was extremely bothered by everyone having beards, which almost no one had at that point in the empire as it was considered barbaric. Those are the things you just have to get past really.

I've actually heard the intentionally fuck with chemical compositions of stuff because they don't want people duplicating things at home. They don't really want to tell people how to actually make toxic gas, obviously.

In terms of story, acting, and suspense, it only gets better. And when I mean better, I mean fucking awesome.

Season 2 is the least impressive imo, but once you get to season 3-4 you'll be like "hellllls yeah"

season 2 isn't even that bad, just the others eclipse it by a lot.
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Decent, though predictable ending. Think the whole deb thing is a season too late. It's like... congrats dexter, you've only dodged a billion security cameras, other people finding out, ducking in to erase tapes of you doing stuff, etc.... that deb finding out about dexter gave me more of a reaction of "Welll.. about time" rather than "holy shit"

Still, I'm looking forward to next season.

I can't speak for the science jargon, I think that stuff might jar you a bit more than 95% of the population given your background. Just like I saw julius caesar and was extremely bothered by everyone having beards, which almost no one had at that point in the empire as it was considered barbaric. Those are the things you just have to get past really.

I've actually heard the intentionally fuck with chemical compositions of stuff because they don't want people duplicating things at home. They don't really want to tell people how to actually make toxic gas, obviously.

In terms of story, acting, and suspense, it only gets better. And when I mean better, I mean fucking awesome.

Season 2 is the least impressive imo, but once you get to season 3-4 you'll be like "hellllls yeah"

season 2 isn't even that bad, just the others eclipse it by a lot.
Oh you are right on both counts. I would have been appalled if they had shown accurate information on how to cook meth or make phosgene gas. You're also right in that probably only someone trained in chemistry would pick this up. I just enjoy picking up on the exageration and bullshit used to make the story more interesting. It's obvious that unlike CSI the writers of Breaking Bad respect the intelligence of the audience and have taken great pains to be accurate about the science aspects. His explanation about chirality to his students on episode two was really a very good explanation. Only problem is that's not typically something taught at the high school level, still it was accurate description of an important chemical concept. Keep in mind too that his cancer is just as central to the plot as his being a chemist. He gives a fairly accurate acting of the physical symptoms and psychological state of someone with advanced cancer not to mention the chemo.

I definately give this show a big thumbs up. I can't watch CSI with out grossing out at how stupid and dumb downed the writing is and how bad the acting is. Not so with Breaking Bad.
I would rather have seen Deb detective it out. I think that would have been a lot more interesting and suspensful. And for the life of me I can't figure why they went down this "I'm in love with my brother" road. I know they are not related by blood, but come on. Do they think they need romantic love in order to put Deb in a compromising position when she discovers Dex's secret? Because familial love would not have been enough? Is there anyone here who wouldn't break the law to protect their sibling? I find that all strange, but I am waiting till next season to see where they go with this.

In the meantime - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all. It's Christmas week, I have parties to go to and presents to wrap and clients to visit. It's a good week, and I already felt negative feelings reading a few posts here in the politics section. I don't want it.

See you guys next year! Be safe!
I would rather have seen Deb detective it out. I think that would have been a lot more interesting and suspensful. And for the life of me I can't figure why they went down this "I'm in love with my brother" road. I know they are not related by blood, but come on. Do they think they need romantic love in order to put Deb in a compromising position when she discovers Dex's secret? Because familial love would not have been enough? Is there anyone here who wouldn't break the law to protect their sibling? I find that all strange, but I am waiting till next season to see where they go with this.

In the meantime - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all. It's Christmas week, I have parties to go to and presents to wrap and clients to visit. It's a good week, and I already felt negative feelings reading a few posts here in the politics section. I don't want it.

See you guys next year! Be safe!
Thanks Darla. I hope you have a happy worshipping imaginary entities holiday too! :)
Yea.....Dexter is kinda fading. I think it hit it's peak with Trinity and is going down hill from there. Though it is a creepy show.....a love affair with his sister is not the kind of creepy I expected. I'm just glad that Angels little sister wasn't killed by DDK, she's soooo adorable!

Personally I hope her witnissing Dexter off DDK ends the lovey dovey crap. I think that little sis is going to have an "Ah Hah" moment that even an overly emotional scattered brained air head like her can add all together. I never did get the political soap opera of making her the homicide dept Luetenant. It made absolutely no sense at all nor was it even reomotely believable. She's slightly more qualified for that job then George W. Bush was to be President.
I didnt see dexter last night, i just read about it today. I'm with all of you on the incestuous feelings deb acknowledged. Uber creepy andc uber unnecessary. I dont get the pt. I am glad she knows, I just wished she walker in on lumen and dex last season and avoided DDK all together.
lol i wish i couldn't spoil stuff from other shows, but let me just say, that the deb-dexter incest angle, isn't even the most shocking for me over the last month or so