

I don't really watch TV, there's little on it I'm interested in. With all of the Reality shows and that kind of nonsense. But I like a really good series, which are few and far between. Anyway, I remembered Tiana talking about how good Dexter was, and I bought Season 1. I ended up ordering Season 2 from Amazon before I was even finished watching the first season. I can't believe how great that show is!
Yes. And the books are good too.

Yeah I was talking to Tiana about that, and she said she had gone out and gotten the books after seeing the series. I probably will read them.

Season II was delivered today, that's what made me think of it. I can't wait to watch it!
Yeah, that's the next one I'm going to start with. I have heard a lot of good stuff about that. I think the first person to mention it to me was Ornot.

I'll try to restrain my enthusiasm for the show in this sentence:

The Wire is quite possibly one of the most magnificent triumphs of mankind, rivalled only by the Internet, Fire, and the Wheel.

Basically, if you want to learn about drug dealing culture without getting your feet wet, The Wire is the best place to start. It is gritty and real. They talked about things in the show that I had to learn firsthand. I wish to God someone had told me about The Wire a long time ago.

The characters are so fucking real you can smell them. Omg it's a great show.
I like Lost and Heroes right now. Haven't invested time into much else. I watch a lot of movies on netflix in demand.
Is this the guy who has the split personality. I think I've seen previews. But seriously, I command you all to become viewers of House!
Is this the guy who has the split personality. I think I've seen previews. But seriously, I command you all to become viewers of House!
He doesn't have a split personality.

Dexter is a sociopath who follows a set of rules that keeps him only killing those who are also sociopaths. It comes from his father (who adopted him).
There are definitely a million things in the world to do that are better than wasting my time figuring out if there's anything there's any real reason you guys find this show interesting.
There are definitely a million things in the world to do that are better than wasting my time figuring out if there's anything there's any real reason you guys find this show interesting.
There's probably a million things that you could do with your time better than wasting it telling me not to like something that I find interesting.
There's a million better things you could do with your time than be a Nazi.
Everything that I do is better than being a Nazi. I'm not the one trying to get the government to create strict control over the production of privately owned companies. I think you have the term defined in your head a bit differently than your political science teacher would mark as correct on a test.
Everything that I do is better than being a Nazi. I'm not the one trying to get the government to create strict control over the production of privately owned companies. I think you have the term defined in your head a bit differently than your political science teacher would mark as correct on a test.

I'm never had a political science class.