
guys the real reason "Watermark wont watch it" is cause he is poor and his family can't afford hbo.

It's on Showtime.

If that's true I'd mail him mine when I am finished. I have seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 isn't out yet.

He'd have to promise to mail them back, but I'd believe him.

But you are probably full of shit Grind! :)
It's on Showtime.

If that's true I'd mail him mine when I am finished. I have seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 isn't out yet.

He'd have to promise to mail them back, but I'd believe him.

But you are probably full of shit Grind! :)

yes showtime that's what I meant.
I think it's right if there's no other choice. But there's really no better way to determine guilt or innocence than a fair trial, and once that's done killing is unnecessary.

Again, mostly I have been like "WTF!? LadyT, Grind, and Darla watching right-wing violence porn?! How can this be possible!?"

I should use more deductive reasoning in the future. :(

i know you are basically trolling but it's not "right wing violence porn" Honestly the show isn't even that violent. They usually cut away when he is actually going to kill his victim.
i know you are basically trolling but it's not "right wing violence porn" Honestly the show isn't even that violent. They usually cut away when he is actually going to kill his victim.

Yeah. And I've seen more gruesome shit on those CSI shows. They are always lingering over gore and really gross stuff. This is much more of a psychological drama, and it's very well done.
Well I know I hated 24, because of its percieved "message". Then I got addicted to one of the seasons. O_O

I'm embarrassed to admit this. Don't mention in the future pls.

And I shall pirate grind.
house is terrible by the way. it's way overrated, and it's a show that dumb people watch to feel smart. Kind of like lost.

Every episode is the same. Everyone is confused, house is ornery, he thinks patient has a certain disease, but he's wrong. Then he's pretty certain it's something else, and everything seems settled. Hospital staff complains about house's pill addiction, something goes wrong with the patient, House to the rescue.. finds out patient has some super rare condition that TRICKED them all into believing in the previous diagnosis. Now with the right facts, they treat patient and patient is fine. House saves the day, and makes a few more sarcastic comments.
house is terrible by the way. it's way overrated, and it's a show that dumb people watch to feel smart. Kind of like lost.

Every episode is the same. Everyone is confused, house is ornery, he thinks patient has a certain disease, but he's wrong. Then he's pretty certain it's something else, and everything seems settled. Hospital staff complains about house's pill addiction, something goes wrong with the patient, House to the rescue.. finds out patient has some super rare condition that TRICKED them all into believing in the previous diagnosis. Now with the right facts, they treat patient and patient is fine. House saves the day, and makes a few more sarcastic comments.

I'm gay.
also it's on fox and fox always has dumb shows minus old simpsons eps

Actually, all of the current episodes run on USA. Fox just plays old episodes. But its the character of House that makes the show, because it was originally intended to just be another medical soap about diagnostic medicine. But Hugh Laurie came along, and he's just fucking awesome.

And we don't try to feel smart. In fact, the only thing I've learned from House is that the common cold is caused by the Arino Virus. Technically, the bizarre diseases are the only part of the show that is real (they have MDs do research on real diagnostic cases from around the world), because everything else is obviously fake. For example, they habitually do B&E's on patients houses, when in reality, a house detective with medical knowledge would be doing all of their investigating for them (and things of that nature).

Anyway, your a dumbass for not liking House.

see how dumb you are? O_O

I had considered backspacing and adding the 're before continuing on with "a," but ruled it out because I didn't feel like it. Like just now, I considered writing "did not" instead of "didn't," but the simpler spelling won out, which proved to be futile, because then I had to write about it.

But the bottom line is that your stupid.
I think it's right if there's no other choice. But there's really no better way to determine guilt or innocence than a fair trial, and once that's done killing is unnecessary.

Again, mostly I have been like "WTF!? LadyT, Grind, and Darla watching right-wing violence porn?! How can this be possible!?"

I should use more deductive reasoning in the future. :(

Violence porn? LOL. I'm trying to put my finger on who you remind me of with this assinine trolling.....

oh yeah Brent!
Anyway, Darla, I'm glad you're enjoying the show. I highly recommend it everyone. It was definitely the best new show on TV in a while.

The Wire was great too. Especially seasons 3 and 4. I was disappointed in the show's ending in season 5. Although seeing how one of the characters ended up was pretty emotional. Omar hands down is the best thug character throughout history.