Did Anyone Have To Deal With Politics At Thanksgiving Dinner?

Nary a word about politics. Other than brief mentions of two different local elderly couples who recently died in separate events (one set by murder and one set by fire) there wasn't even anything newspaper worthy mentioned either.

Wanna trade families?
You really need to be able to separate Republican racist white America trash.
From Progressive white America who loves diverse multicultural America.

There are plenty of progressive white americans who still vote for and believe in republican values.

I will separate when progressive white America stands up against racism, not compromise with them.
Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.
We celebrated with friends who dislike Trump more than we do. We discussed him very little, why ruin a good time!
Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.

What Thanksgiving dinner?
Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.

Even though many agree, they'll just get sent to the kids table if they do.
Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.

Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.

I don't celebrate genocide or gluttony. Not an issue at all.
Sounds like your problem and not his.

If your wife is an illegal immigrant then she should be hated. If she came here legally then she she should be welcomed.

Don’t transfer your bullshit onto others

DBAA ILA DBAA. Hey look he's entitled to hate or dislike whomever he wants. That doesn't mean others have to like him or respect him for it or even associate with him for being an asshole. To be honest with you he's not a bad guy at all...it's just that folks in his part can be so frustratingly insular and small c conservatives (Not big C conservatives like Reagan...whom they never voted for) that they can be completely naive about having said something that would be considered offensive by anyone else that's a little more traveled and with a little more common sense. I'm pretty certain, in fact, that the clueless twit has no idea he's offended my wife terribly. So, since I care very much for my extended family I'm going to have to have a talk to him as his elder and see if he even understands that he's unwittingly offended my wife.
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There are plenty of progressive white americans who still vote for and believe in republican values.

I will separate when progressive white America stands up against racism, not compromise with them.

Any Progressive who doesn't stand up to Republican racist,Antisemitic,white trash,certainly aren't Progressive,but coward Blue Dog Democrats.
No but I wasn’t able to visit my Aunt and Uncle for the extended family dinner due to one member of the family who has made it clear how much he hates immigrants. My wife, an immigrant, is convinced he hates her, not surprisingly, and is very uncomfortable around him and I have to support her. My sisters support her too. They didn’t go either.

That sucks. Where's your wife from?