Did Anyone Have To Deal With Politics At Thanksgiving Dinner?

No but I wasn’t able to visit my Aunt and Uncle for the extended family dinner due to one member of the family who has made it clear how much he hates immigrants. My wife, an immigrant, is convinced he hates her, not surprisingly, and is very uncomfortable around him and I have to support her. My sisters support her too. They didn’t go either.

You weren't unable. You chose not to go.
I have ZERO problem with LEGAL immigrants. That being said, I think we can have a moratorium on immigration for a while

I have lots of problems with ILLEGAL immigrants

If your old lady is here legally, then good on her. My issue with her is her lack of judgement in marrying a douche like you

As I said you are merely projecting your own bigotry onto otherrs

Libs refuse to differentiate between legal and illegal.