Did Anyone Have To Deal With Politics At Thanksgiving Dinner?

Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.

I was "that guy" myself. It was more fun than usual since I had read threads here before the holiday about discussing politics during the holiday meal, and I knew good and well what I was doing. The way to really enjoy it is to stretch it out. A political comment here and there, and then a comment about something else not political before the whole discussion blows up. It is an art to be able to balance politics and other things at a point where everything does not blow up, yet the political digs flow unchallenged.

It is important to remember that lefties are more loyal to their cause than they are to family, friends, church, or friends. They will protest for their cause upon the graves of our fallen soldiers, and they will protest the very foundation that Western Civilization was founded upon. If there are lefties in your family, they do not and CANNOT love you the way you love them. Even if you hold your tongue during the holiday meal, lefties will still spite you behind your back.
No but I wasn’t able to visit my Aunt and Uncle for the extended family dinner due to one member of the family who has made it clear how much he hates immigrants. My wife, an immigrant, is convinced he hates her, not surprisingly, and is very uncomfortable around him and I have to support her. My sisters support her too. They didn’t go either.

I will assume that you aren't just ignoring the hidden word in the conversation that most of our lib'ruls cannot see.........I mean the nefarious illegal immigrant........
Just wondering how many of you have "that guy" in your family who can't help but go on a political rant when he/she has a captive audience at the table during a Holiday dinner. I have three of them. We almost had a food fight, not due to political differences just due to most people not wanting to hear it at the table during Thanksgiving dinner.

Boy did we have some good laughs ... :laugh:
DBAA ILA DBAA. Hey look he's entitled to hate or dislike whomever he wants. That doesn't mean others have to like him or respect him for it or even associate with him for being an asshole. To be honest with you he's not a bad guy at all...it's just that folks in his part can be so frustratingly insular and small c conservatives (Not big C conservatives like Reagan...whom they never voted for) that they can be completely naive about having said something that would be considered offensive by anyone else that's a little more traveled and with a little more common sense. I'm pretty certain, in fact, that the clueless twit has no idea he's offended my wife terribly. So, since I care very much for my extended family I'm going to have to have a talk to him as his elder and see if he even understands that he's unwittingly offended my wife.

Like I said, it sounds like it is more your and your wife's problem and you are projecting your insecurities onto your poor relative.

I can speak from personal experience on this board. I say I am against ILLEGAL immigration and water heads seem to want to leave out the ILLEGAL part. They then accuse me of being against ALL immigrants. As I said, that is YOUR problem. Not your relatives. If you are going to purposefully misconstrue what he is saying then hw should tell you to go fuck yourself. I would.

Your entire post was filled with your own biases based on what you THINK you know. You are a bigot.
Like I said, it sounds like it is more your and your wife's problem and you are projecting your insecurities onto your poor relative.

I can speak from personal experience on this board. I say I am against ILLEGAL immigration and water heads seem to want to leave out the ILLEGAL part. They then accuse me of being against ALL immigrants. As I said, that is YOUR problem. Not your relatives. If you are going to purposefully misconstrue what he is saying then hw should tell you to go fuck yourself. I would.

Your entire post was filled with your own biases based on what you THINK you know. You are a bigot.

I think we all see what Don is about with this stuff.
Like I said, it sounds like it is more your and your wife's problem and you are projecting your insecurities onto your poor relative.

I can speak from personal experience on this board. I say I am against ILLEGAL immigration and water heads seem to want to leave out the ILLEGAL part. They then accuse me of being against ALL immigrants. As I said, that is YOUR problem. Not your relatives. If you are going to purposefully misconstrue what he is saying then hw should tell you to go fuck yourself. I would.

Your entire post was filled with your own biases based on what you THINK you know. You are a bigot.
Do you like immigrants? Regardless of whether they are legal or illegal?

Look ILA...you can't escape the truth....when you're an immigrant and you listen to someone speaking in very hostile terms about them (regardless of their status), it doesn't take to much imagination to figure that they probably don't care to much for you either and you'd probably be right.
In my experience legal immigrants are typically better at being American than most Americans. Unless they are Muzzies, then they just suck at life.
Do you like immigrants? Regardless of whether they are legal or illegal?

Look ILA...you can't escape the truth....when you're an immigrant and you listen to someone speaking in very hostile terms about them (regardless of their status), it doesn't take to much imagination to figure that they probably don't care to much for you either and you'd probably be right.

I have ZERO problem with LEGAL immigrants. That being said, I think we can have a moratorium on immigration for a while

I have lots of problems with ILLEGAL immigrants

If your old lady is here legally, then good on her. My issue with her is her lack of judgement in marrying a douche like you

As I said you are merely projecting your own bigotry onto otherrs