Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
You were sure we have no Free Will. Why the backpedal, neef?At the end of the day, I make no claim of being sure.
What distinguishes me-- in a small way-- is that I accept nobody else's claim of being sure, either.
If I say that "I think" or "I believe," I'm not accepting anybody's claim, "I know." There is no science backing what they claim to "know."
That's really the gist of it.
Good plan. Me neither. OTOH, I don't make claims I can't back up.
Words matter, neef. If you say you "think" or "believe" Jesus is divine, then that carries some consequences with it. Same thing for believing people are not responsible for their actions.
Understood about gist; you believe humans have no free will and, therefore, are not responsible for their actions since they have no choice. Most, in your opinion, who falter simply have inferior genes. Mostly the darkies, amirite? Southerners in general? Let's not forget those from Kentucky. LOL