‘Dilbert’ dropped by The Post, other papers, after cartoonist’s racist rant

Apparently ladyboys are everywhere, and with practice are easy to spot. Newbies however are constantly fooled.

So now you want to become an ignorant peasant as well, so be it! Only drunken fools would mistake a woman for a katoey.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Interesting how you can throw out such labels without repercussion, while I got a temporary ban for joking that he had frequent flyer miles with Bangkok's kiddie porn sections ... with an admonishment of being "obsessed with Tommy". Classic.

12B violation, dude.

As opposed to comparison or alluding to being like "... monarchist cocksuckers fellatists.."?!?! Me thinks selective enforcement is a foot.
Interesting how you can throw out such labels without repercussion, while I got a temporary ban for joking that he had frequent flyer miles with Bangkok's kiddie porn sections ... with an admonishment of being "obsessed with (edit) what'sisname". Classic.

This is one of the reasons I think you're immensely stupid. You can't even understand that you violated rule 12b and indeed you've just done it again ffs!! Reported, see yer!!
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As opposed to comparison or alluding to being like "... monarchist cocksuckers fellatists.."?!?! Me thinks selective enforcement is a foot.

You really don't see the difference between calling someone a monarchist cocksucker and associating them with "Bangkok's kiddie porn sections"? No wonder you got banned. You're a dumbass.
So now you want to become an ignorant peasant as well, so be it! Only drunken fools would mistake a woman for a katoey.

So you dispute the claim that it often happens to those just arrived?

And you dont need to insult me to answer the question.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
As opposed to comparison or alluding to being like "... monarchist cocksuckers fellatists.."?!?! Me thinks selective enforcement is a foot.

You really don't see the difference between calling someone a monarchist cocksucker and associating them with "Bangkok's kiddie porn sections"? No wonder you got banned. You're a dumbass.

Well pardon me, toodles. I didn't have the listing as to what gay themed insults were acceptable and what was not. Unlike you, I don't give these things much thought...as I don't indulge childish flame wars as much as you.

Oh well, whatever helps you sleep at night. Now, spew the final word nonsense and I'll see ya on the next discussion.
This is one of the reasons I think you're immensely stupid. You can't even understand that you violated rule 12b and indeed you've just done it again ffs!! Reported, see yer!!

Another thing, paedophiles tend to give Thailand a very wide berth and have done for quite some time. The prison sentences are very long, they go to places like Cambodia instead.
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Well pardon me, toodles. I didn't have the listing as to what gay themed insults were acceptable and what was not. Unlike you, I don't give these things much thought...as I don't indulge childish flame wars as much as you.

Oh well, whatever helps you sleep at night. Now, spew the final word nonsense and I'll see ya on the next discussion.

12B isn't about "gay themed insults", but I truly am fascinated that you don't see the difference.
So you dispute the claim that it often happens to those just arrived?

And you dont need to insult me to answer the question.

There are plenty of gays and transexuals who seek out katoeys, so whatever floats your boat. It's very hard to confuse them for a real woman though, the Adam's apple, deeper voice, longer legs and more masculine face give it away.
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Only the weak look for an excuse to avoid accepting responsibility for their actions. Sure, atheists like to believe we are simply ambulatory meat computers responding to genetic and biochemical programming and of no more value than the sum of their chemical components. The downside to that belief is that it allows them to do whatever they like; rape, abuse children, murder, robbery. The entire catalog of Trump actions are based upon "I take no responsibility". Fine. Go for it, neef.

Again, Oom, your words betray a complete misunderstanding of the concept.
Your entire point assumes that free will does in fact exit, and those who claim to not believe in it are somehow exercising their non-existent free will in a malevolent way.
There is no consideration that perhaps it doesn't exist, which scientifically is the more likely scenario. Science is about cause and effect, not free will.

This enables you to empower yourself to say who is weak and who isn't, when you've established no standing whatsoever to do so in the presentation of your arguments.
You're simply expressing a belief, which you're entitled to have, but then trying to attribute "fact status" to it without having established any grounds to do so.

I, at least, admit that I only doubt that free will exists.
You present your arguments as if you know--but with NO science to back them up.

Because my PROCESS is more valid than yours, my opinion should therefore be more worthy of credence than yours.
You take too many shortcuts in the application of logic.
And yet I feel that even this explicit explanation is not getting my point across, because you clearly don't respect logic.

You value what I call "true believerism" over a willingness to challenge prevalent ideas. This applies to your politics as well.
Also, you dismiss informative and necessary detail as wordiness.

Due to my own beliefs, however, I can't hold any of this against you...and don't.
We are what we are.
Again, Oom, your words betray a complete misunderstanding of the concept.
Your entire point assumes that free will does in fact exit, and those who claim to not believe in it are somehow exercising their non-existent free will in a malevolent way.
There is no consideration that perhaps it doesn't exist, which scientifically is the more likely scenario. Science is about cause and effect, not free will.

This enables you to empower yourself to say who is weak and who isn't, when you've established no standing whatsoever to do so in the presentation of your arguments.
You're simply expressing a belief, which you're entitled to have, but then trying to attribute "fact status" to it without having established any grounds to do so.

I, at least, admit that I only doubt that free will exists.
You present your arguments as if you know--but with NO science to back them up.

Because my PROCESS is more valid than yours, my opinion should therefore be more worthy of credence than yours.
You take too many shortcuts in the application of logic.
And yet I feel that even this explicit explanation is not getting my point across, because you clearly don't respect logic.

You value what I call "true believerism" over a willingness to challenge prevalent ideas. This applies to your politics as well.
Also, you dismiss informative and necessary detail as wordiness.

Due to my own beliefs, however, I can't hold any of this against you...and don't.
We are what we are.

Cogito, ergo sum, neef.

If Free Will doesn't exist, then are you not claiming that everyone is controlled by their genetics and biochemical programming? That our actions are not our fault?
Cogito, ergo sum, neef.

If Free Will doesn't exist, then are you not claiming that everyone is controlled by their genetics and biochemical programming? That our actions are not our fault?

No, I'm not claiming that because I can't prove it, and am not qualified academically to be the one to make the argument.

I'm expressing that as my belief, which is the way we're supposed to express things that we don't know for sure.

We're taught to do that in elite East Coast private education, a fact that I'll drop in just to reinforce my reputation!
No, I'm not claiming that because I can't prove it, and am not qualified academically to be the one to make the argument.

I'm expressing that as my belief, which is the way we're supposed to express things that we don't know for sure.

We're taught to do that in elite East Coast private education, a fact that I'll drop in just to reinforce my reputation!
Belief = claiming, neef, regardless if you can prove it or not. If a person believes Jesus is divine, they are claiming Jesus is divine.

If you want to run from your claim, that's fine, neef. I was curious if you had any reasoning behind your "belief" and it's clear you do not.
Belief = claiming, neef, regardless if you can prove it or not. If a person believes Jesus is divine, they are claiming Jesus is divine.

If you want to run from your claim, that's fine, neef. I was curious if you had any reasoning behind your "belief" and it's clear you do not.

"Belief=claiming" is obviously some artifact of an emerging "Texas" language because it has no validity in English.
I made no claim from which to run other than expressing a belief...from which I'm clearly not running.

The reasoning behind my belief was stated quite explicitly, but perhaps you've forgotten already.
Science is all about seeking causes for effects, and free will isn't remotely about that. It's about transcending that in some spiritual manner to manifest an effect without cause other than this mysterious "free will."

I'm sorry that I lack the communicative skills to say it any more plainly than that, Oom.
Perhaps, since we're not getting anywhere with it, we might give this topic a rest.

I wonder if the Astros will repeat this year.
Well pardon me, toodles. I didn't have the listing as to what gay themed insults were acceptable and what was not. Unlike you, I don't give these things much thought...as I don't indulge childish flame wars as much as you.

Oh well, whatever helps you sleep at night. Now, spew the final word nonsense and I'll see ya on the next discussion.

Dude. You don't "indulge" in childish flame wars yet still make jokes that violate 12b? You are not making your case here, you just proved that you are incapable of introspection and reason, not that you are so "mature" that you never do this.

12b is about pedophilia. Don't suggest another poster is a molester or was molested. It really is very simple. Stop pretending you can't understand that rule and mix it up with gay "jokes". Just stop doing it.
"Belief=claiming" is obviously some artifact of an emerging "Texas" language because it has no validity in English.
I made no claim from which to run other than expressing a belief...from which I'm clearly not running.

The reasoning behind my belief was stated quite explicitly, but perhaps you've forgotten already.
Science is all about seeking causes for effects, and free will isn't remotely about that. It's about transcending that in some spiritual manner to manifest an effect without cause other than this mysterious "free will."

I'm sorry that I lack the communicative skills to say it any more plainly than that, Oom.
Perhaps, since we're not getting anywhere with it, we might give this topic a rest.

I wonder if the Astros will repeat this year.
Disagreed, neef, but you are free to believe you have no control over your thoughts and actions.
Dude. You don't "indulge" in childish flame wars yet still make jokes that violate 12b? You are not making your case here, you just proved that you are incapable of introspection and reason, not that you are so "mature" that you never do this.

12b is about pedophilia. Don't suggest another poster is a molester or was molested. It really is very simple. Stop pretending you can't understand that rule and mix it up with gay "jokes". Just stop doing it.
Agreed. His comments surprised me too since they were irrational. Did he not really understand the difference between calling someone a fellatist and calling them a child molester? Or was he deliberately playing with the same fire that got him reprimanded before?

IMO, he's really that irrational. I've noticed his eccentricities before but wrote it off as, while extreme, within the parameters of normal human behavior. This time, I think he's serious and really believes calling someone a gay epithet is a 12B violation. That fellatists and child molesters are the same. Pretty weird for someone who claims to be a liberal. LOL

All the monarchist cocksuckers fellatists are like that. Never trust a monarchist fellatist. For one thing, they see Americans as commoners and peasants.
Interesting how you can throw out such labels without repercussion, while I got a temporary ban for joking that he had frequent flyer miles with Bangkok's kiddie porn sections ... with an admonishment of being "obsessed with (edit) what'sisname". Classic.
Disagreed, neef, but you are free to believe you have no control over your thoughts and actions.

I am not a felon.
I have not avoided any of my family obligations.
I've never committed murder [on this continent] or rape anywhere, ever.

See, you don't need free will to operate properly.
If you're normal and not damaged, you will behave properly, with or without free will.

If you're damaged or somehow compromised genetically, then you'll engage in anti-social behavior.

Even with likely or almost certain CTE from boxing, I'm not a recidivist criminal, regardless of whether or not I have free will.

I believe that the concept of free will was developed to blame sick people for their deviant behavior,
this because there can be no guilt without this probably invented concept of free will,
and people are programmed to blame somebody else to maintain their self-esteem.
“If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with White people … that’s a hate group,” Adams said on his live-streaming YouTube show. “I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people … because there is no fixing this.”


Telling someone that they are racist is not racism, twit.