Only the weak look for an excuse to avoid accepting responsibility for their actions. Sure, atheists like to believe we are simply ambulatory meat computers responding to genetic and biochemical programming and of no more value than the sum of their chemical components. The downside to that belief is that it allows them to do whatever they like; rape, abuse children, murder, robbery. The entire catalog of Trump actions are based upon "I take no responsibility". Fine. Go for it, neef.
Again, Oom, your words betray a complete misunderstanding of the concept.
Your entire point assumes that free will does in fact exit, and those who claim to not believe in it are somehow exercising their non-existent free will in a malevolent way.
There is no consideration that perhaps it doesn't exist, which scientifically is the more likely scenario. Science is about cause and effect, not free will.
This enables you to empower yourself to say who is weak and who isn't, when you've established no standing whatsoever to do so in the presentation of your arguments.
You're simply expressing a belief, which you're entitled to have, but then trying to attribute "fact status" to it without having established any grounds to do so.
I, at least, admit that I only doubt that free will exists.
You present your arguments as if you know--but with NO science to back them up.
Because my PROCESS is more valid than yours, my opinion should therefore be more worthy of credence than yours.
You take too many shortcuts in the application of logic.
And yet I feel that even this explicit explanation is not getting my point across, because you clearly don't respect logic.
You value what I call "true believerism" over a willingness to challenge prevalent ideas. This applies to your politics as well.
Also, you dismiss informative and necessary detail as wordiness.
Due to my own beliefs, however, I can't hold any of this against you...and don't.
We are what we are.