Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Puh - leeze! Spare me this lame attempt at patronization in order to stubbornly hold onto your blather.
I understand your mindset on this subject all too well....I've been dealing with it my entire life, as did my parents, and theirs, and theirs.
Outside of plain denial and insipidly stubborn repetition, you can't defend your previous statements. Seems you're on some version of what I call "parrot mode". A pity. Carry on.
You sound more and more like a racist who hates Euro-American people.
That's ok.
Maybe it sucks to be an American of African heritage,
and maybe you have more than enough reason to be resentful.
How the hell would I know?
And why should I accept blame for it?
Is that what you want me to do?
I guess I'm having a hard time understanding your point.
Anyway, even if I don't understand you, you're comfortable with your opinion of me.
I guess that you may carry on as well.