Dinner last night.

You are either an idiot or a liar....I have no way to know what is the failure.
There's nothing wrong with pasta, bread or potatoes as long as they're eaten in moderation and you're willing to go for a walk. The Mediterranean and Japanese diets are packed with carbs.
There's nothing wrong with pasta, bread or potatoes as long as they're eaten in moderation and you're willing to go for a walk. The Mediterranean and Japanese diets are packed with carbs.

Given the number of people who have diabetes the general ignorance is not OK.....but then again the reason we got here is almost certainly largely due to 50 years of the elites pushing high carb low fat diets. That food became so cheap and plentiful has helped, but that is going away.
Given the number of people who have diabetes the general ignorance is not OK.....but then again the reason we got here is almost certainly largely due to 50 years of the elites pushing high carb low fat diets. That food became so cheap and plentiful has helped, but that is going away.
High-fructose corn syrup and processed sugar is in all of our food. That's a lot worse for us than a small plate of pasta or a bowl of rice. I will never give up pasta and bread. They're the 2 things I'm really good at making myself.
High-fructose corn syrup and processed sugar is in all of our food. That's a lot worse for us than a small plate of pasta or a bowl of rice. I will never give up pasta and bread. They're the 2 things I'm really good at making myself.

I dont think we know that HFCS is evil, but it might be....this big thing is that they pushed high carb low fat when they should have pushed limiting added sugar, especially when not taken with fats. I am also very sceptical of the pushing fruit, which is often natures candy, and should be taken in moderation.
First Course: Leftover really good Ezell's roll split and then smeared with a really good crock cheese.

Stuffed with cold one day aged Ezell's deep fried chicken liver.

It is good.
I dont think we know that HFCS is evil, but it might be....this big thing is that they pushed high carb low fat when they should have pushed limiting added sugar, especially when not taken with fats. I am also very sceptical of the pushing fruit, which is often natures candy, and should be taken in moderation.
Tagliatelle is my favorite homemade pasta because I like how wide and rustic it is. I haven't made it in a while but it can be topped with anything. Pancetta, Shiitake, dandelion greens, just to name a few. I treat it like spaghetti by using a light sauce.

My problem as an American is I'll eat an entire plate of it.
Tagliatelle is my favorite homemade pasta because I like how wide and rustic it is. I haven't made it in a while but it can be topped with anything. Pancetta, Shiitake, dandelion greens, just to name a few. I treat it like spaghetti by using a light sauce.

My problem as an American is I'll eat an entire plate of it.

WoW....You have been nice to me for several posts in a row. I shot you a like to encourage more of this.
Second Course: Two day aged potato salad with bacon, eggs and a deluxe lightly ground mustard. I have taken to using a light touch on the mayo, as Paula Deen advises.
WoW....You have been nice to me for several posts in a row. I shot you a like to encourage more of this.
I like pasta and bread. I'm willing to give up dessert to cut back on carbs. Plus I like the look on peoples faces when they taste homemade pasta.