Dinosaurs From Space!


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Might there be advanced, hyper-intelligent dinosaurs on other planets?

I would say the possibility of plain dinosaurs or hyper-intelligent dinosaurs could exist in our galaxy, if not in the universe?!!

Somewhere, out in the interstellar void, there may be a planet inhabited by hyper-advanced dinosaurs. At least, that’s what a new paper by Columbia University chemist Ronald Breslow says.

This morning, friend and fellow science writer David Dobbs forwarded me an American Chemical Society press release titled “Could ‘advanced’ dinosaurs rule other planets?” Since I was still a little bleary-eyed at the early hour, I thought I had read that wrong.

But I saw it right the first time. “New scientific research raises the possibility that advanced versions of T. rex and other dinosaurs—monstrous creatures with the intelligence and cunning of humans—may be the life forms that evolved on other planets in the universe,” the item explained.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the pronouncement was inspired Planet of Dinosaursthe awful 1978 film about a futuristic space crew stranded on a planet stuck in the dinosaurian heyday of the Mesozoic. But the paper itself suggests a different origin for what is ultimately a fossil-based non sequitur.

Breslow’s paper is primarily concerned with why the biochemical signature of life on earth is so consistent. Molecules such as amino acids, sugars, DNA and RNA exist in one of two possible orientations, left-handed or right-handed. Instead of showing a mixture of both forms, biomolecules typically come in only one form: Most sugars have a right-handed orientation, while most amino acids exhibit a left-handed orientation. Why life on earth should exhibit these particular arrangements and not the other possible orientations is a mystery that goes back to the origin of life itself.

One idea, favored by Breslow, is that meteorites carried specific types of amino acids and other organic flotsam to earth around 4 billion years ago. This is an extension of the idea that life here was “seeded” by comets, asteroids or meteorites. The origin and subsequent evolution of our planet’s flora and fauna would be constrained by the characteristics of the biomolecules that gave life a jump-start.



I would imagine that other intelligent life resembles nothing like life here on our planet.

There may be some of those of course but we also know that life can flourish under all sorts of conditions.

Perhaps there are lifeforms that can exist in space.

Who knows.

We need the government to release their information on this.
I would imagine that other intelligent life resembles nothing like life here on our planet.

There may be some of those of course but we also know that life can flourish under all sorts of conditions.

Perhaps there are lifeforms that can exist in space.

Who knows.

We need the government to release their information on this.

How do you know that have it? If they gave it to you,you would not believe it.
How do you know that have it? If they gave it to you,you would not believe it.

I am a skeptic at heart but also a believer so I would analyze the data and make a determination to the best of my ability.

I fully believe the government, and other governments, know far more than they are sharing with us.

But I also understand why.

If I led the government I wouldn't expose it either.
I am a skeptic at heart but also a believer so I would analyze the data and make a determination to the best of my ability.

I fully believe the government, and other governments, know far more than they are sharing with us.

But I also understand why.

If I led the government I wouldn't expose it either.
No shit, Tink. Sure governments protect classified data like Trump was showing his "special master", Putin.

That said, some secrets are too big to keep for long and impossible to keep for decades such as the Moon landing or space aliens. Only the stupid and/or mentally ill believe that Moon landing was a hoax or that the US government is hiding space aliens at Area 51.
No shit, Tink. Sure governments protect classified data like Trump was showing his "special master", Putin.

That said, some secrets are too big to keep for long and impossible to keep for decades such as the Moon landing or space aliens. Only the stupid and/or mentally ill believe that Moon landing was a hoax or that the US government is hiding space aliens at Area 51.

They moved out of area 51 a long time ago.

It became too well known.

Have you ever been there?

I have.
Might there be advanced, hyper-intelligent dinosaurs on other planets?

I would say the possibility of plain dinosaurs or hyper-intelligent dinosaurs could exist in our galaxy, if not in the universe?!!

[FONT=&]Somewhere, out in the interstellar void, there may be a planet inhabited by hyper-advanced dinosaurs. At least, that’s what a new paper by Columbia University chemist Ronald Breslow says.

[FONT=&]This morning, friend and fellow science writer David Dobbs forwarded me an American Chemical Society press release titled “Could ‘advanced’ dinosaurs rule other planets?” Since I was still a little bleary-eyed at the early hour, I thought I had read that wrong.

But I saw it right the first time. “New scientific research raises the possibility that advanced versions of T. rex and other dinosaurs—monstrous creatures with the intelligence and cunning of humans—may be the life forms that evolved on other planets in the universe,” the item explained.

[FONT=&]I couldn’t help but wonder if the pronouncement was inspired Planet of Dinosaursthe awful 1978 film about a futuristic space crew stranded on a planet stuck in the dinosaurian heyday of the Mesozoic. But the paper itself suggests a different origin for what is ultimately a fossil-based non sequitur.

Breslow’s paper is primarily concerned with why the biochemical signature of life on earth is so consistent. Molecules such as amino acids, sugars, DNA and RNA exist in one of two possible orientations, left-handed or right-handed. Instead of showing a mixture of both forms, biomolecules typically come in only one form: Most sugars have a right-handed orientation, while most amino acids exhibit a left-handed orientation. Why life on earth should exhibit these particular arrangements and not the other possible orientations is a mystery that goes back to the origin of life itself.

One idea, favored by Breslow, is that meteorites carried specific types of amino acids and other organic flotsam to earth around 4 billion years ago. This is an extension of the idea that life here was “seeded” by comets, asteroids or meteorites. The origin and subsequent evolution of our planet’s flora and fauna would be constrained by the characteristics of the biomolecules that gave life a jump-start.



I liked the episode with the Gorn.

It's long way from amino acids to DNA and cellular biology, so the Panspermia hypothesis is only partially satisfying.

There are other moons and planetoids in this solar system with liquid water, so if amino acids delivered from space readily interact with water to create self-replicating cellular biology, we better find evidence of life somewhere else in this solar system.
I've flown in the area but never at the base.

You're missing the point that such secrets are impossible to keep.

How would you know if they are kept a secret?

Also, the government has made it so that even if proof does come out that people will deny it.

They've pretty much debunked the UFO/Alien theory to the point where people think it's a joke so even if credible people do come forward nobody believes them and considers them whacko's.
I liked the episode with the Gorn.

It's long way from amino acids to DNA and cellular biology, so the Panspermia hypothesis is only partially satisfying.

There are other moons and planetoids in this solar system with liquid water, so if amino acids delivered from space readily interact with water to create self-replicating cellular biology, we better find evidence of life somewhere else in this solar system.

Agreed. If life was so easy in the Universe, we'd have made advances in creating it in a lab since all the ingredients and factors could be added there. IMO, based upon the results, life is extremely rare with intelligent life surviving to reach the stars to be even rarer.
How would you know if they are kept a secret?

Also, the government has made it so that even if proof does come out that people will deny it.

They've pretty much debunked the UFO/Alien theory to the point where people think it's a joke so even if credible people do come forward nobody believes them and considers them whacko's.

Because our allies or enemies would have found it. Do you really think Hillary wasn't hacked? How did the Russians obtain the Manhattan Project secrets and detonate their own bomb 4 years after Hiroshima? What kind of fucking moron believes the US could fake the Moon landing and keep it a secret for over 50 years?

Government secrets are temporary.
Because our allies or enemies would have found it. Do you really think Hillary wasn't hacked? How did the Russians obtain the Manhattan Project secrets and detonate their own bomb 4 years after Hiroshima? What kind of fucking moron believes the US could fake the Moon landing and keep it a secret for over 50 years?

Government secrets are temporary.

It's not a secret.

Other nations don't expose it due to Quid Pro Quo.

They expose our dirty secrets we expose theirs.

All someone has to do is use a fancy satellite picture to photograph the landing sites to prove our stuff is there but all the NASA pictures of it are from extremely far away and blurry.

We can read license plates on cars from space but for some reason we can't photograph the landing sites.
It's not a secret.

Other nations don't expose it due to Quid Pro Quo.

They expose our dirty secrets we expose theirs.

All someone has to do is use a fancy satellite picture to photograph the landing sites to prove our stuff is there but all the NASA pictures of it are from extremely far away and blurry.

We can read license plates on cars from space but for some reason we can't photograph the landing sites.

Ah, so it's a vast, wide global conspiracy to hide the evidence from you. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up, Tink.

Do you push your conspiracy theories on your clients, Tink? Even if they bring it up first?
Ah, so it's a vast, wide global conspiracy to hide the evidence from you. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up, Tink.

Do you push your conspiracy theories on your clients, Tink? Even if they bring it up first?

Most people are like you and simply drink the kool-aid the government tells you to drink

People like you never question, you do as your told like good little sheep
Most people are like you and simply drink the kool-aid the government tells you to drink

People like you never question, you do as your told like good little sheep
You're free to believe your conspiracy theories, Tink. I'm fascinated by Abbie Normals and conspiracy theorists are at the top of my interest list.

What I'm most curious about isn't a particular person's POV, but the common links between conspiracy theorists.
Agreed. If life was so easy in the Universe, we'd have made advances in creating it in a lab since all the ingredients and factors could be added there. IMO, based upon the results, life is extremely rare with intelligent life surviving to reach the stars to be even rarer.
a good guess

Lacking any laboratory experimental evidence at this time, I think the safest and most conservative scientific guess is it took a very complex and improbable series of chemical and physical steps to go from from inert chemicals to cellular biology, a process which might only rarely have been replicated elsewhere in the galaxy.
a good guess

Lacking an laboratory experimental evidence at this time, I think the safest and most conservative scientific guess is it took a very complex and improbable series of chemical and physical steps to go from from inert chemicals to cellular biology, a process which might only rarely have been replicated elsewhere in the galaxy.

Agreed. Even if the probability is only 1 lifeform per galaxy, that's still about 2T lifeforms in the Universe. As it is, with 100B stars in our galaxy...and 13.5B years, the odds favor life exists somewhere in our galaxy other than Earth. Based upon the results, it's not anywhere close. :)

All told, there are some ~2 trillion galaxies within the observable Universe.

Our best estimates tell us that the Milky Way is made up of approximately 100 billion stars. These stars form a large disk whose diameter is about 100,000 light years. Our Solar System is about 25,000 light years away from the center of our galaxy we live in the suburbs of our galaxy.
Agreed. Even if the probability is only 1 lifeform per galaxy, that's still about 2T lifeforms in the Universe. As it is, with 100B stars in our galaxy...and 13.5B years, the odds favor life exists somewhere in our galaxy other than Earth. Based upon the results, it's not anywhere close. :)

All told, there are some ~2 trillion galaxies within the observable Universe.

Our best estimates tell us that the Milky Way is made up of approximately 100 billion stars. These stars form a large disk whose diameter is about 100,000 light years. Our Solar System is about 25,000 light years away from the center of our galaxy we live in the suburbs of our galaxy.

My only problem with that approach is that one galaxy is not equal to another. The old galaxies and old stars are depleted in heavy elements, and you basically need to have carbon, iron, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen to have biology. A lot of galaxies out there might not have the requisite amounts of heavy elements to support biology.