Dinosaurs From Space!

Our junior high science teachers told us that our sun was a totally average and boringly normal star.

That supposition can be challenged in a number of ways.

Measured only from a size and composition standpoint, that's correct. Measured from a results standpoint, then it's completely wrong according to all current evidence.

Agreed. Results count. :)
I speculated that any advanced race, dinosaurs or otherwise, would need opposable thumbs or similar digits for tool-making.

While it's possible for a race of intelligent dolphins to have long philosophical discussions about existence and the best fishing spots, they can't alter their environment without tools.

If they possessed the power of telekinesis they could.

Just like the aforementioned dinosaurs.
If they possessed the power of telekinesis they could.

Just like the aforementioned dinosaurs.

Intelligent dinosaurs are a possibility. Telekinesis is highly unlikely.

Arthur C. Clarke's third rule is most likely: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

What looks like telekinesis is something else such as a technological solution. While it may be possible to read minds by reading brain waves and electrical signals from a distance, a human being doing some form of "mind meld" or thought-reading has no evidence to support such an idea.

“When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.”

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.”

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


I own this.
Intelligent dinosaurs are a possibility. Telekinesis is highly unlikely.

Arthur C. Clarke's third rule is most likely: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

What looks like telekinesis is something else such as a technological solution. While it may be possible to read minds by reading brain waves and electrical signals from a distance, a human being doing some form of "mind meld" or thought-reading has no evidence to support such an idea.

“When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.”

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.”

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

There's no evidence of any of this stuff.

But the universe(s) is/are (a) big place(s).

Neither you nor I nor anyone else living or dead knows what is possible in other worlds.
There's no evidence of any of this stuff.

But the universe(s) is/are (a) big place(s).

Neither you nor I nor anyone else living or dead knows what is possible in other worlds.

No shit. That's my point. No evidence and highly unlikely...especially without opposable thumbs or similar digits. :)

Yes, it is. Over 2B galaxies. Our galaxy has about 100B stars.

Actually, we do. The laws of physics are the same on Earth as they are on other worlds. You're free to believe magic and spirits exist on other worlds, but that is less likely than space-faring dinosaurs with opposable thumbs.
No shit. That's my point. No evidence and highly unlikely...especially without opposable thumbs or similar digits. :)

Yes, it is. Over 2B galaxies. Our galaxy has about 100B stars.

Actually, we do. The laws of physics are the same on Earth as they are on other worlds. You're free to believe magic and spirits exist on other worlds, but that is less likely than space-faring dinosaurs with opposable thumbs.

I never said anything about magic or spirits and you know nothing about the laws of physics on distant planets.

Telekinesis is based on brain wave activity which could be able to affect physical matter when emitted by brains much more powerful than ours.

You have no idea what you're talking about, but feel free to go ahead and keep thinking you do. :thup:
You know nothing about the laws of physics on distant planets and I never said anything about magic or spirits.

Telekinesis is based on brain wave activity which could be able to affect physical matter when emitted by brains much more powerful than ours.

You have no idea what you're talking about, but feel free to go ahead and keep thinking you do. :thup:
I do since they are the same as on Earth. Clearly you don't understand the laws of physics. If not magical unicorns then what?

I love conspiracy theories!

Thanks. I deal in facts, not fantasy.
I do since they are the same as on Earth. Clearly you don't understand the laws of physics. If not magical unicorns then what?

I love conspiracy theories!

Thanks. I deal in facts, not fantasy.

Please tell us which of these distant worlds, billions of light years away and existing in some possible alternate universe in an alternate dimension of time and space, you have personally "visited" (in your fantasies).

What were they like?

What color was the sky?

How was the food?

Did they have Starbucks and McDonald's?
Please tell us which of these distant worlds, billions of light years away and existing in some possible alternate universe in an alternate dimension of time and space, you have personally "visited" (in your fantasies).

What were they like?

What color was the sky?

How was the food?

Did they have Starbucks and McDonald's?
Wow. You really don't know what you are talking about, 'Mad. Alternate universes? Alternate dimension of time and space? You know that, if those exist, they are not in our same Universe.

No, I haven't left the planet Earth beyond our own atmosphere. The laws of physics are same across the known universe..unless you're talking about inside a Black Hole, then it's an unknown.

This link explains it better: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/are-the-laws-of-physics-really-universal/
As far as physicists can tell, the cosmos has been playing by the same rulebook since the time of the Big Bang.
Wow. You really don't know what you are talking about, 'Mad. Alternate universes? Alternate dimension of time and space? You know that, if those exist, they are not in our same Universe.

No, I haven't left the planet Earth beyond our own atmosphere. The laws of physics are same across the known universe..unless you're talking about inside a Black Hole, then it's an unknown.

This link explains it better: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/are-the-laws-of-physics-really-universal/
As far as physicists can tell, the cosmos has been playing by the same rulebook since the time of the Big Bang.

Wow. You're a moron.

Do you understand the difference between this Universe and it's laws versus another Universe, 'Mad?

Do you understand that what you're asking is totally irrelevant?

Several posts ago I made it clear that I was talking about the possibility of telekinesis existing in possible other universes.

There's no evidence of any of this stuff.

But the universe(s) is/are (a) big place(s).

Neither you nor I nor anyone else living or dead knows what is possible in other worlds.

All you're doing now is trying to wiggle your way out of an obvious blunder.

I think you need to find yourself a friend to hang around and argue with.

You can't seem to let go of these online message board disagreements.

Relax. Take a pill.

Have a banana.

They're loaded with potassium and tryptophan.

Make you sleep like a baby.
Do you understand that what you're asking is totally irrelevant?

Several posts ago I made it clear that I was talking about the possibility of telekinesis existing in possible other universes....

No, but thanks for all the revelations about your understanding of "Life, the Universe and Everything". LOL

This conversation is about the known Universe, not theoretical alternate universes. If you want to have fantasies about universes with unicorns and rainbows, you're free to dream about them, 'Mad.

Of course, I'm guessing in your fantasies, the unicorns are all white ones. None of that woke shit. LOL

No, but thanks for all the revelations about your understanding of "Life, the Universe and Everything". LOL

This conversation is about the known Universe, not theoretical alternate universes. If you want to have fantasies about universes with unicorns and rainbows, you're free to dream about them, 'Mad.

Of course, I'm guessing in your fantasies, the unicorns are all white ones. None of that woke shit. LOL

Who gets to say what is and is not allowed in a conversation that speculates about unknown creatures on unknown planets?


I don't think so. :fu:

The term "known universe" is a misnomer anyway, because we know almost nothing about it.

We don't even know what kind of planets exist on the other side of our own galaxy much less what kinds are in other galaxies.

All your blather about how telekinesis can't exist in our universe because it doesn't exist on Earth is just another example of your desperation to engage someone in one of your typical endless trivial, hair-splitting arguments over subjects you know virtually nothing about.

Get a life.
I would imagine that other intelligent life resembles nothing like life here on our planet.

There may be some of those of course but we also know that life can flourish under all sorts of conditions.

Perhaps there are lifeforms that can exist in space.

Who knows.

We need the government to release their information on this.

Do we really know that?