Dirt bag tortured a cat to death

And your NRA hero here had fun torturing and killing his own pet

He was the leader of this group who did this

He was In Control

And they joyously cut the paws off their own pet

Hung it up

And lit it on fire to burn to death


The cats screams of pain were sooooooo loud a passerby heard it’s screams and called the police

These evil fucks heard the cats screams too

They just kept torturing their own pet until it was dead

And you right wingers call eating other peoples pets a national crime

Even when it’s nothing more than political lies

This is court documented
I love how insane you get you evil baby killing maggot.
Look at your dogs

Then imagine watching some asshole torturing them to death while they screamed in pain

And understand how stupid it would be to trash the person who then wanted the criminals who did it to pay a price by telling the world of their crimes

That is what the right here is doing

Just like when I remind you of the Trump election aid guy who is now in prison for child porn and was quoted that he wanted to rape and kill a baby

You somehow try to claim I’m the sick one for not letting their evil crimes be covered up publically
And your NRA hero here had fun torturing and killing his own pet

He was the leader of this group who did this

He was In Control

And they joyously cut the paws off their own pet

Hung it up

And lit it on fire to burn to death


The cats screams of pain were sooooooo loud a passerby heard it’s screams and called the police

These evil fucks heard the cats screams too

They just kept torturing their own pet until it was dead

And you right wingers call eating other peoples pets a national crime

Even when it’s nothing more than political lies

This is court documented
Now he's someone's hero?

Even though they never heard of him until this thread and could care less about him.

Or the fucking cat.

You people are desperate and pathetic.
Now he's someone's hero?

Even though they never heard of him until this thread and could care less about him.

Or the fucking cat.

You people are desperate and pathetic.
He runs the NRA asshole

You Fucks love everything about the NRA

You people?


Fetuses should have more rights than living humans
No fetuses shouldnt have more rights than living human beings they should have same rights.as living human beings as they are living. Arent you miserable pieces of garbage the champions of equity? Get here you are whining about cats and defending baby killing.
No fetuses shouldnt have more rights than living human beings they should have same rights.as living human beings as they are living. Arent you miserable pieces of garbage the champions of equity? Get here you are whining about cats and defending baby killing.
A fetus is not a child

People can’t rape a little girl and then force her to have their baby
A fetus is not a child

People can’t rape a little girl and then force her to have their baby
Sure it is. What does the word fetus mean?

I love how you defend your position by saying we should allow 65 million babies to be killed so that in the rare instance someone gets pregnant by rape or incest we can kill those babies.