The right can keep you constantly pregnant? You're more retarded than I could ever imagine
I see you know nothing about mankind’s history
Sometimes in mankind’s history it was not considered the woman’s job to produce as many offspring as possible?
Many times in man’s history a sign of true wealth was the ability to have lots of children
The farm needed tending for hundreds of years mankind's development
Most Pregnant women can’t work as hard on the farm As the other women
A man that could keep his wife knocked up and or nursing most of the time MUST be wealthy right?
A benifit to the master of the house is they are also easier to physically reign over.
It became a social norm
For hundereds of years
Problem is
You end up wasting half the talent available to you to succeed.
Some men think that Last part is bullshit
It then Defines which path their mind takes
Some go
Well we know which truely holds the vast majority of talent …… men
So the whole things sounds pretty good to them
Those women need to have me telling them what to do so can keep them safe
Never stopping long enough to realize smart people Gather the combined power and end up with MORE POWER
Trying to just make it easy and everyone just do what I say
Lots of women know exactly how to comprise to make it still work
If you are a smart type of man you recognize the intelligence and or any talent a female can individually bring into your life
And you begin to reason with her instead of slamming your boot on the floor and insisting the choice done
The boot slammer
He likes his women dumb
Or he picks some girl who has been treated like shit all her life
Then instead of lifting her up
He applies the boot
Pretrained by her life expatience
Im stoned
Sorry I’m rambling
Here’s the fucking point
Democracy is everyone deciding what we do next
That means if we stand around in a circle and jointly decide what our next collective move is
How do we determine which plan to collectively implement?
How many people pick the first idea?
How many pick the third idea mentioned?
If we all have to work together to make any idea happen…….. then at least most have to agree to go the work
You might get a few who protest and go fishing instead
But at least you had enough to execute the plan
Then you get a little fish and lots of those potatoes we collectively dug up today as a group
democracy isn’t for stupid people
You have to be able to negotiate daily with all types of differing humans
You have to recognize that they all deserve respect until that ONE INDIVIDUAL proves they don’t deserve your respect
Time for mankind’s mind to grow a little again
We are all the fucking same
Hershey's special dark
Ginger freckled
We are all the same being inside
Everything else is outer trappings
If you can’t believe that then you need to do some deep pondering about who is inside of you
if you can’t make the connection to what I’m trying to tell you
You are not trying
You are not a human
Now you know why I fully believe so many here are not anything but shitty foreign influence programs
Cheap as hell for a nation to run
This is the time that human minds need to learn how to spot and control fake people
We will learn it
Humans are a very special type of flesh machine
It just kills its self off if it loses the mutual species love (human compassion) part of its makeup
We form bonds on a personal level
Some kinds broken ones lose that ability
There are about 4% of humans like that
Sometimes they cause a big old bag of shit to be passed around even though it stinks and is completely useless
But bored fools kinda think it’s fun for awhile
Like the NRA shit bag and his 4 friends
It somehow sounded like a good idea to punish the cat for pooping in the wrong place
And then due to horrible leadership and sociopathic number filling it ended with a truely evil fucking act
I’m sorry
I don’t think I could ever forgive someone I knew who did something like this
They are broken deep inside
Not someone I would want any kind of relationship with
And see how many of the posters here proved themselves to be bots in this thread
They express no reasonable emotions about such things
Non stop reflexive defending of their perceived side
They try to fake normal human interactions
But if you think carefully about how they present
It’s not like a moral human
This is how they got Trump elected
Small masses of voters in certain battleground states
Get them chatting about what they are interested in
Praise and them
compliment them
Constantly agree with them
Plant little stories
Massage what you know about them
Build a little history with them
And connect them with a few of the others you massaged already
It becomes a self swirling mind fuck
They won that election
The foreign disinformation bots have not managed to win again with this shit
They no longer have the element of surprize
I think putin screwed the pooch
Or many pooches
And Trump And the Republican Party are just two of those pooches