Dirt bag tortured a cat to death

Ask your English to Russian translator bot hole
This is a democracy stay in Russian you putin whore
This democracy also once approved of slavery you moronic idiot. Slavery is a big an evil as baby killing but you love you dome. Aby killing don't you? You retards think if a lot of people agree with something it must be true and right. I would tell you how stupid you are but you're a retard so what bother?
Why do you have no respect for unborn children and their rights?
51 percent would turn out female

You dont care if women die

So you only care about fetuses that will grow into a male

And would refuse to hold them responsible for rape and how they spread their sperm

You hate women and want males to have more rights over their own bodies than any female
This democracy also once approved of slavery you moronic idiot. Slavery is a big an evil as baby killing but you love you dome. Aby killing don't you? You retards think if a lot of people agree with something it must be true and right. I would tell you how stupid you are but you're a retard so what bother?
Slavery didn’t allow people to have rights to their own bodies fucking idiot

Abortions bans are the same evil
Suck that Putin cock you shitty russian bot hole

Why do you want to allow your gun nutters to murder animals?
See what I mean? Don't say such stupid things... Especially When
you know it's a lie ...I'm going to help you work through this..🤣 For the sake of everyone here... But mostly for you...;)