Disaster in Columbus: Let the bodies hit the floor

If you have a signed Contract to do the Work, and you've done the Work, you're owed the agreed upon Money. If they want to CHANGE their minds, that's fine. Type up a 'Change Order' along with the price, present that. When it's signed, proceed with the NEW Work Order.

And watch your clientele dry up.
Lol, that's exactly what I do.

It sucks when you get them though. Sometimes I don't call back at all just in case. For example, a lady was dismayed that they would have to be out of the house and need a place to store their furniture for several days at least. I pretended to take measurements and got out of there ASAP. LOL
It sucks when you get them though. Sometimes I don't call back at all just in case. For example, a lady was dismayed that they would have to be out of the house and need a place to store their furniture for several days at least. I pretended to take measurements and got out of there ASAP. LOL

Lol! Red flag city.
Yes. Full time self employed wood floor contractor. I have no employees and only I do the work. I can afford to be picky with whom I contract and I use the negative response to gauge my price in the market. Using the go-away-price-technique I was able to find a higher threshold my customers were ready to pay. I had been priced at about $2.25/sqft for resanding and finishing. I encountered some projects I really didn't want to deal with so I priced them at nearly $4/sqft and I landed both of them. I increased my price to $4 in the future. LOL Except my loyal contractors. They only saw a $.50 increase

I can't imagine the horror you felt when they wanted that beautiful real wood flooring covered with paint. WTF! and why would you do that? If you don't want to see the wood, then open the wallet and pay for carpeting already.

The home my husband had when we met was built in 1943 and had real wood flooring. He bought it in 2001; it had been rehabbed and restored. They did a beautiful job on the wood floors... but ruined it by painting over the equally-nice wood molding around the doors and windows. The windows were actually painted shut. He didn't care because he never tried to open them, fearing fresh air or something. Fixed that one day when he was at work.... muhahahaha. We ended up having them all replaced anyways in favor of modern insulated windows. Never did get around though to scraping off all that paint on the frames.

I'm curious.... did you see more, or less, business during the housing market collapse in 2008-2009?
If you have a signed Contract to do the Work, and you've done the Work, you're owed the agreed upon Money. If they want to CHANGE their minds, that's fine. Type up a 'Change Order' along with the price, present that. When it's signed, proceed with the NEW Work Order.

I had signed contracts. I even had a signed notification that I had explained their rights and the possibility of liens. It was part of compliance with Oregon law. I followed every fucking rule and a judge decide I didn't deserve to get paid. And the work was flawless
I had signed contracts. I even had a signed notification that I had explained their rights and the possibility of liens. It was part of compliance with Oregon law. I followed every fucking rule and a judge decide I didn't deserve to get paid. And the work was flawless

I believe you. I have nothing to say.

Going back a few posts. Who DOESN'T want the grain to show in their flooring? Maybe just get some Brown Outdoor Porch Paint and go with THAT. :)
I can't imagine the horror you felt when they wanted that beautiful real wood flooring covered with paint. WTF! and why would you do that? If you don't want to see the wood, then open the wallet and pay for carpeting already.

The home my husband had when we met was built in 1943 and had real wood flooring. He bought it in 2001; it had been rehabbed and restored. They did a beautiful job on the wood floors... but ruined it by painting over the equally-nice wood molding around the doors and windows. The windows were actually painted shut. He didn't care because he never tried to open them, fearing fresh air or something. Fixed that one day when he was at work.... muhahahaha. We ended up having them all replaced anyways in favor of modern insulated windows. Never did get around though to scraping off all that paint on the frames.

I'm curious.... did you see more, or less, business during the housing market collapse in 2008-2009?

I was in Portland OR at that time and It was weak. I worked as an employee for a large company and I saw them cut staff in half and cry the blues about credit. I'd have to say less.

I once asked the owner what his ROI was on his business and he proudly proclaimed 5%. I fucking LOL'd

My ROI is like 600%. I spend 300 on materials and make $2000
I believe you. I have nothing to say.

Going back a few posts. Who DOESN'T want the grain to show in their flooring? Maybe just get some Brown Outdoor Porch Paint and go with THAT. :)

I know. It's a one in a hundred customer. The last time this happened I had to walk away from $3500 and tell the contractor to use the money to pay another sub to do it. I had tried several times to please the customer and it was nitpicky stuff like swirl marks from the buffer in sunlight. Sorry, I had to buff it. That's how it works.
I know. It's a one in a hundred customer. The last time this happened I had to walk away from $3500 and tell the contractor to use the money to pay another sub to do it. I had tried several times to please the customer and it was nitpicky stuff like swirl marks from the buffer in sunlight. Sorry, I had to buff it. That's how it works.

I guess you chalk it up to experience and move on.
Ruh roh, someone used the sacred name of the suburb where one of our frequent-flyer tattletales here lives. Someone gonna get in t-r-o-u-b-l-e. lol

I would hate to do rehab for someone else esp. if they are not on-site to verify things with. We watch HGTV rehab shows a lot; one that is set in Chicago seems to run into your issue a lot. They buy high-end older homes in need of extensive renovation in pricey neighborhoods. The two episodes I saw so far, they pre-sold the houses, poured hundreds of thousands into totally rehabbing them, then at the end were still haggling with the buyers who didn't want this and didn't want that and didn't want to pay for it either.

Don't be too harsh on Mott. :cof1:
If you have a signed Contract to do the Work, and you've done the Work, you're owed the agreed upon Money. If they want to CHANGE their minds, that's fine. Type up a 'Change Order' along with the price, present that. When it's signed, proceed with the NEW Work Order.

God you people have no sense sometimes. Do you really think someone like him who is probably a small operation with at most one or two people has time to try to negotiate contracts? Do you think he has the resources to hire someone to do them for him in such a price sensitive business? Do you think he has the time to try to enforce contracts?

This is why I say leftists don’t understand economics.
God you people have no sense sometimes. Do you really think someone like him who is probably a small operation with at most one or two people has time to try to negotiate contracts? Do you think he has the resources to hire someone to do them for him in such a price sensitive business? Do you think he has the time to try to enforce contracts?

This is why I say leftists don’t understand economics.

hahahaha ...
The customer tells you what he wants. You look the job over. You hand scribble what you will do for X amount of dollars.
The customer probably gets 3 more Estimates. Then he calls the person he deems most suitable (not always the guy with the lowest bid).
Once the customer signs the Proposal, ... THAT'S the 'Contract', that's the Agreement.
hahahaha ...
The customer tells you what he wants. You look the job over. You hand scribble what you will do for X amount of dollars.
The customer probably gets 3 more Estimates. Then he calls the person he deems most suitable (not always the guy with the lowest bid).
Once the customer signs the Proposal, ... THAT'S the 'Contract', that's the Agreement.

No it is not.

You are so ignorant it is exhausting and you obviously don't know how this works.

First of all, Tinfoil is the sub in this scenario, he isn't contracted directly with the customer, the general contractor is. The subs contact as it exists would be with the general contractor. Secondly, a proposal is just that. A proposal. An estimate is just that "an estimate". There is no language in there that the customer can't say they don't like the color or this or that. It really is exhausting trying to explain how the real world works to you nimrods
No it is not.

You are so ignorant it is exhausting and you obviously don't know how this works.

First of all, Tinfoil is the sub in this scenario, he isn't contracted directly with the customer, the general contractor is. The subs contact as it exists would be with the general contractor. Secondly, a proposal is just that. A proposal. An estimate is just that "an estimate". There is no language in there that the customer can't say they don't like the color or this or that. It really is exhausting trying to explain how the real world works to you nimrods

I have no idea what his 'contractual' status is with the General Contractor. (Does he get paid for Work performed? ... Or is he expected to eat the occasional loss?)