Discord account linked to Colt Gray expressed desire to shoot up school over lack of acceptance of transgender people

Colt Gray expressed frustration that transgender people were being accepted in society
That doesn't necessarily mean he's one of them. He could be gay or just another fucked up 14 year old whose MAGAt daddy bought him an AR-15 for fun.
That doesn't necessarily mean he's one of them. He could be gay or just another fucked up 14 year old whose MAGAt daddy bought him an AR-15 for fun.
Did his MAGAt Dad also teach him to be frustrated that transgender people were not being accepted in society

Link to prove his Dad was MAGA and i will link to prove he was Trans
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Did his MAGA Dad also teach him to be frustrated that transgender people were not being accepted in society

Link to prove his Dad was MAGA and than i will link to prove he was Trans
IDK. The investigation and trials will reveal this information. Why do you take the word of a 14 year old murderer when it suits you then you disagree with them when it doesn't suit your agenda?

The fact you believe Lib dads buy AR-15s for their kids is cute, vols. Stupid, but cute. :)
Like every other teenage mass killer, was Colt on, or recently off, Ritalin or Vyvanse, methylphenidate,
atomoxetine, Strattera, Concerta, modafinil, dextroamphetamine?

You know. One of those harmless ADHD, ADDH, ADD, etc., drugs that are prescribed to tame young, restless boys?
You don't actually think that, do you?
No one has a Trans kid no one is born Trans...they are groomed

Many many on the left dress their 8 yo boy as a girl!!!

A Lib Mom Charlize Theron and Son she is grooming to be a girl


MAGAS dont do this!
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Whew! That was a close one. For a moment there I thought the kid had killed those people with a gun. Turns out it was a social hot-button issue for the Right.

Guess we can chalk this one up and move onto the next one.
Oh bullshit.

They don't. It's true. They occasionally have children who go through their entire lives miserably living a lie, but they sure as fuck aren't trans. A good MAGAT would know how to "fix" that problem.

And that's why they are the party that cares for people!