Discord account linked to Colt Gray expressed desire to shoot up school over lack of acceptance of transgender people

They don't. It's true. They occasionally have children who go through their entire lives miserably living a lie, but they sure as fuck aren't trans. A good MAGAT would know how to "fix" that problem.

And that's why they are the party that cares for people!
They end up committing suicide.
They don't. It's true. They occasionally have children who go through their entire lives miserably living a lie, but they sure as fuck aren't trans. A good MAGAT would know how to "fix" that problem.

And that's why they are the party that cares for people!
So the lefts way to fix their delusion... is put a dress on Billy at 8 maybe cut his cock off and call him Brandie
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And his Dad having guns does not make him MAGA

Correct. Plenty of people have guns given to them as pretty young kids. I had a gun before I could drive a car. I lived in a hunting area and grew up in a hunting family so it was pretty common.

I think the real problem was that dad gave him the gun knowing that there was at least a suspicion his son was a potential school shooter.

And he gave him an AR15 which, while not UNUSED by the hunting community, still plays into a fanatasy his son may very well have been formulating already and dad may have known it.

So, yeah, Dad may not be a MAGAT but he is responsible for the deaths of several people now. And he should pay as well. Perhaps even MORESO than his son since he was an adult.
Whew! That was a close one. For a moment there I thought the kid had killed those people with a gun. Turns out it was a social hot-button issue for the Right.
are you demmycunts the only folks permitted to have social button issues?......I'm surprised you aren't embracing this...it covers two issues for you.....trans and guns.....all you have to do is ignore the fact trans use guns and stress that guns are using trans......
So, yeah, Dad may not be a MAGAT but he is responsible for the deaths of several people now. And he should pay as well. Perhaps even MORESO than his son since he was an adult.
you are so right.....
Colt Gray’s mother, Marcee Gray, pleaded guilty in December to second-degree criminal damage of property and criminal trespass-family violence, Barrow County court records show.

She also had warrants out for her arrest stemming from a November 2023 incident in which drugs, including methamphetamine and fentanyl, were found in her car, according to warrants obtained by NBC News.

his parents are obviously demmycrats.......
There were nowhere near as many guns floating around back then.


The increase in gun violence is in large part attributable to the massive increase in gun production and availability.

Wyoming: 195.7 firearms per 1,000 people.

District of Columbia: 66.4 firearms per 1,000 people.

New York 3 per 1,000

Whats the murder rate difference ..since more guns cause more killings
Wyoming: 195.7 firearms per 1,000 people.

District of Columbia: 66.4 firearms per 1,000 people.

New York 3 per 1,000

Whats the murder rate difference ..since more guns cause more killings

Consider the differences in population density between DC and/or NY vs that of Wyoming.

There are fewer than 600k people in the entire state of Wyoming vs 7 million people in NYC alone and 6 million in the DC metro area.

In NY and DC people are practically living on top of one another vs in Wyoming where you can travel for an entire day and never see another human being.

Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

But then, nobody is ever going to mistake any Trumper for a genius.
I thought we were discussing Ga?

Try to focus

U brought up restrictions

Chicago has restrictions Ga does not...right

How has those restrictions stopped murders commited by teens in Chicago? Give one example
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