Dixie, Im interested in your opinion...


Well-known member
What do you think about the Congressman taking his oath of office on the Koran?
What do you think about the Congressman taking his oath of office on the Koran?

It's better than the Atheist scum who doesn't want to take the oath on anything, I suppose.

According to the law, he apparently has this option, so I have no problem with it.

Now, answer me this.... Why is it, this story has been posted about a half dozen times, by only pinhead democrat liberals? If it's such a "big deal" to us neocons, how come not a one of us has posted a word about it, and only liberal pinheads have bothered to mention it on the board?

To me, the answer is simple, it falls in line with the typical liberal hypocrisy, which says... Blacks are equal to whites, but we need these special laws to make sure blacks have a 'level field' ...and anyone opposed to this giving blacks special advantage because of their skin color, is a racist!
Dix, are you shy about giving your opinion?

No, or at least, I've never been accused of that before. Perhaps, when you ask me something on the board, and I don't immediately respond, it's because I am not on my computer? Maybe I am busy doing any number of more important things in my life? Could be, I am simply ignoring an idiotic question? There are any number of reasons I don't immediately respond, other than being shy about giving my opinion. Contrary to pinhead belief, I am not sitting here 24/7 waiting on the next idiot to come along and ask me their idiotic question. I'm not the Pinhead Help Desk, nor do I have any obligation to respond to idiots if I don't feel like it. What I have to say, and when I choose to say it, are entirely up to me, and me alone. My lack of comment should never be mistaken for shyness, it's most likely not even related.
Thomas Jefferson was an Atheist? ....Link please?
Actually, I was referring to the fact that Jefferson, along with msot of the other framers, wanted no religious text at all used in the Oath of Office. But, since you swallowed the bait whole, I may as well go on to point out that yes, Jefferson was, by modern definition, almost certainly an atheist. Like many of his peers he called himself a Deist, but since the Deist's God does not interfere at all in the day-to-day operation of the universe, this is almost a quibble.

Ever hear of the Jefferson Bible, Bubbi? I fondly remember the outrage of a few Christian types on learning of it in high school. A tiny few, I hasten to add. Basically, it's a bible from which all supernatural references -- miracles, resurection and the like -- have been removed. Jefferson felt that only the moral teachings of Jesus mattered.

"Now, answer me this.... Why is it, this story has been posted about a half dozen times, by only pinhead democrat liberals? "

I can handle that one; the issue started getting a lot of discussion among libs when the Republican Congressman in Virginia (Virgil Goode) displayed the usual intolerance for other religions aside from Christianity by slamming Muslims, the Koran & a Muslim Congressman's request to take his oath on the Koran.
Im impressed, Dixie is on the right side of this issue....

You are learning....!
Jefferson was, by modern definition, almost certainly an atheist. Like many of his peers he called himself a Deist, but since the Deist's God does not interfere at all in the day-to-day operation of the universe, this is almost a quibble.

There is no quibble from my dictionary definition of Atheist. Thomas Jefferson was not an Atheist, even by "modern" definition... unless you mean, by "pinhead" definition. An Atheist does not believe in God or religion at all, and you state yourself, the Deist believe in a God... so, case settled, they ain't Atheists!

We haven't ever had an Atheist president. Sorry!
Jefferson was, by modern definition, almost certainly an atheist. Like many of his peers he called himself a Deist, but since the Deist's God does not interfere at all in the day-to-day operation of the universe, this is almost a quibble.

There is no quibble from my dictionary definition of Atheist. Thomas Jefferson was not an Atheist, even by "modern" definition... unless you mean, by "pinhead" definition. An Atheist does not believe in God or religion at all, and you state yourself, the Deist believe in a God... so, case settled, they ain't Atheists!

We haven't ever had an Atheist president. Sorry!
He did, however, disparage all of that "supernatural" twaddle in the bible about Jesus being the son of God and resurection from the dead and so on. He rejected miracles and other manifestations of "God's will" in daily life.

He did not believe in what a lot of people today call faith, let's say.
How do we know Bush is not an Atheist and is just lying to us ?

How do we know Clinton wasn't?

We don't know what is in their heart, none of us do. My comment was intended in context of what we do know, not what we don't. We've not had a "gay" president, might be the same way... who's to say? We've not had an openly-gay president yet, but 2008 looks promising so far!
why are atheists scum?

That's a great question, rob... Why are they scum? Have you ever noticed it? Every Atheist you see, is just the most despicable human example. They are so full of hate and bitterness, you can see it in their face, hear it in their voice, and feel it in their presence. Cold-hearted people who have lost the love for life and respect for their fellow man, to the point of moral decay that is beyond salvation.

I think Atheists are scum because they lack the moral foundations of religious faith. Without these guidelines, they have no boundaries, thus no limit on their immorality, as long as it can be justified to themselves. In essence, they are their own Gods. My God is Superior to theirs.

I have never known a true professed Atheist I liked, personally. They are always condescending, always selfish and egotistical, and disrespectful of others. They are just generally rude and obnoxious people, who think they are smarter than everyone else because they are Atheists.
It's better than the Atheist scum who doesn't want to take the oath on anything, I suppose.

According to the law, he apparently has this option, so I have no problem with it.

Now, answer me this.... Why is it, this story has been posted about a half dozen times, by only pinhead democrat liberals? If it's such a "big deal" to us neocons, how come not a one of us has posted a word about it, and only liberal pinheads have bothered to mention it on the board?

To me, the answer is simple, it falls in line with the typical liberal hypocrisy, which says... Blacks are equal to whites, but we need these special laws to make sure blacks have a 'level field' ...and anyone opposed to this giving blacks special advantage because of their skin color, is a racist!

this whole alleged "controversy" was started by the rightwing: talkshow host Dennis Praeger, and noted reactionary congressman Virgil Goode.