Dixie, Im interested in your opinion...

It's a lie, and you guys continue to perpetuate it.

It's what they do!

I notice, no one answered my question earlier... why is it, there are at least a half dozen threads on this issue, and every single one, is posted by a pinhead? It would seem, if it were such a big deal and outrage to the right, at least one or two of the threads would be by a rightie, doesn't it?

It's almost like they assume all right-wingers are bigoted racists, so this just HAS to get their dander up, and we'll just rub their noses in it until one of them responds, exposing their true racist views for the board to see! It's offensive for me to see people act this way... it's like, if they actually managed to elect Barak Obama, then coming here daily to say... We've got a BLACK president, Neocons... what do you think of our BLACK president? Did you notice... He's BLACK! I bet you don't like us having a BLACK president, huh? Huh?

They have a word for this down south, it's called "race baiting" and it's despicable, to say the least. Those who engage in such practice, are no better than the sheet-wearers, in my opinion. They are just as bigoted at heart, as any redneck you'll ever run across.
It's because they believe that everybody will just believe that this is a big deal to right-wingers. Instead of being honest and noticing all the right-wingers laughing at the Congressman and some unknown radio guy they pretend as if every person in the party must be like these two inane weirdos worried about a photo-op after the fact picture at a fake ceremony after the actual oath. I even saw Hannity making fun of the guy for this. That's where I found out the guy complaining most is Jewish of all things...
Virgil Goode is a republican.... and a bigot and HE is the guy who spawned ALL the interest in this thing. I think Ellison is awesome in his display of maturity and tolerance. He reminds me of a lot of muslims I have met over the years.
Virgil Goode is a republican.... and a bigot and HE is the guy who spawned ALL the interest in this thing. I think Ellison is awesome in his display of maturity and tolerance. He reminds me of a lot of muslims I have met over the years.

The only one who seems to be interested here, is Jarhead. He's the only one posting any threads about it. I don't know Mr. Goode personally, so I can't say if he is a bigot, how long have you known this person, Maine?
Is there some requirement to have KNOWN someone for a specific period of time before determining that their words and actions are those of a bigot?

If I saw a redneck on the streets of Birmingham scream "Nigger" at a black man walking down the street, would I be not allowed to call him a bigot because I had not KNOWN him for some prerequisite period of time?

Virgil Goode is a bigot. I have only heard about a paragraph's worth of his words and I can safely make that statement... but hey...he's from a redneck racist district south of the Mason-Dixon Line, so bigotry obviously works there. YOu are also a bigot. To YOU... persians are the same as arabs and nationalists are the same as those who could care less about nation states...to YOU, all ragheads are the enemy, even though you try hard to make it appear as if you do not believe that, your racism comes shining through, much like Mr. Goode's does.... southern racist republican bigots - both of you.
Virgil Goode is a bigot. I have only heard about a paragraph's worth of his words and I can safely make that statement...

Post what you've heard, and let's discuss whether it makes him a bigot. I don't take your word for a damn thing! I doubt you've even read anything from this guy, you just want to pile on with your typical hypocritical judgments without basis.
what? are you saying you have not read any reports on Goode's rants vis a vis Ellison and immigration?

google it if you don't believe me...I'll be damned if I will do your research for you.
what? are you saying you have not read any reports on Goode's rants vis a vis Ellison and immigration?

google it if you don't believe me...I'll be damned if I will do your research for you.

I assume you mean, illegal immigration? Since, pretty much ALL Americans favor (and are the product of) legal immigration. So, what does this guy say on illegal immigration, which proves he is a bigot?
I assume you have not read what Representative Goode had to say about Representative Ellison. Like I said, do your own research. I also assume that you are unaware that Representative Ellison is not desendant from muslim immigrants - legal or otherwise, but a descendant from Africans brought here in chains to be owned by white folks, and that he later converted to Islam.
I assume you mean, illegal immigration? Since, pretty much ALL Americans favor (and are the product of) legal immigration. So, what does this guy say on illegal immigration, which proves he is a bigot?

VIRGIL GOODE: “I do not subscribe to using the Koran in any way. The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran. If American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran.”

Let us remember that we were not attacked by a nation on 9/11; we were attacked by extremists who acted in the name of the Islamic religion. I believe that if we do not stop illegal immigration totally, reduce legal immigration and end diversity visas, we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to infiltration by those who want to mold the United States into the image of their religion, rather than working within the Judeo-Christian principles that have made us a beacon for freedom-loving persons around the world.
Look it.. the fact this Virgil guy made a big deal over a photo op.... proves he is a frickin idiot ... It appears that he is of the mind that a Photo Op is an official Governmental Ceremony, it is also gives the impression that he thinks we are of a Theocracy.
Its Freedom of Religion ... let us not forget it.
Prissy, it sounds like the guy doesn't like illegal immigration. I wouldn't say, this alone, makes him a bigot. I'm sorry, but the last I checked, it's still illegal to be an illegal immigrant. Being opposed to something illegal, is not bigotry, it doesn't matter what your reasoning or rationale is, being opposed to something which is against our laws, has nothing to do with bigotry.

I've never even heard of this guy, but you pinheads have said that he is some big shot right-wing talk show host... well, last I checked, bigots don't get very good ratings on the radio or TV in this country. I have no idea whether he is bigoted or not, but I'm fairly sure he is not espousing the views of a bigot on the radio, because he would soon find himself unemployed.

This is why I challenged the hypocrite to show us what he said that proved he was a bigot. Odds are, he is not both "popular" and a "bigot" while hosting a talk show in America. Now, I fully understand, you don't like what he has to say, he doesn't share your views on things, and he doesn't say things in the politically correct way you think he should, but none of this makes him a bigot. In fact, when we look up the definition of bigotry, it's hard to argue that your level of intolerance, and stubborn insistence that your ideas are always the only ones which are right, places you squarely in the definition of a bigot. Isn't it ironic?
I assume you have not read what Representative Goode had to say about Representative Ellison. Like I said, do your own research. I also assume that you are unaware that Representative Ellison is not desendant from muslim immigrants - legal or otherwise, but a descendant from Africans brought here in chains to be owned by white folks, and that he later converted to Islam.

To be honest, I know nothing of Goode or Ellison. I am merely curious as to how you can make the judgemental determination the man is a bigot. Being he is a right-wing talk show host, I don't see you spending a lot of time listening to what he has to say, so you are basing your determination on one issue, one you happen to disagree with him on, and proclaiming him a "bigot" because you lack the intellectual wattage to argue his points. It's always easier to villainize your opponent by calling them inflammatory names.

I don't understand why you need to make the point about Ellison being a descendant of slaves, does that make Goode a bigot? Is it written in the Liberal Code, that whenever a right-winger criticizes someone who may or may not have been descendant of a slave, that is defined as "bigotry"? Is the fact that Ellison has a different color skin, what you are making your determinations on? I would say that is defined as "racism."
To be honest, I know nothing of Goode or Ellison.

You should have shut your piehole after that truthful sentence. Virgil Goode is a long time republican (former democrat) congressman from Virginia. He is not a right wing talk show host.

I am basing my opinion on this issue on the myriad of press accounts from a variety of sources that I have watched and read.... which is obviously a whole lot more of a basis for a reasonable opinion than YOU who, by your own admission and demonstration, don't have a fucking clue about this topic, but you just had to jump in and try to "get" me on something..... and all you got was the taste of shoe leather in your mouth....

Dixie, if you can't bring yourself to admit that what Virgil Goode said was deeply offensive to muslim-americans, they I suggest you and your party proudly stand up and defend his statement.
It's because they believe that everybody will just believe that this is a big deal to right-wingers. Instead of being honest and noticing all the right-wingers laughing at the Congressman and some unknown radio guy they pretend as if every person in the party must be like these two inane weirdos worried about a photo-op after the fact picture at a fake ceremony after the actual oath. I even saw Hannity making fun of the guy for this. That's where I found out the guy complaining most is Jewish of all things...
Praeger is hardly an "unknown radio guy." He's one of the most well known and popular wingnuts out there. I believe that his numbers are about the same as those of Michael Savage. He also frequently writes columns for major newspapers.

You are too lenient with these assholes I think. Yes, a lot of people on the left pay too much attention to them, it's true. The fact is, though, that they have millions of fans and like-minded neo-fascisti. They are dangerous, though perhaps not too imminently so.

The people who think like this need to be exposed. The ones who proudly expose themselves merit some concern, kind of like keeping an eye on convicted child molesters.
Praeger is hardly an "unknown radio guy." He's one of the most well known and popular wingnuts out there. I believe that his numbers are about the same as those of Michael Savage. He also frequently writes columns for major newspapers.

You are too lenient with these assholes I think. Yes, a lot of people on the left pay too much attention to them, it's true. The fact is, though, that they have millions of fans and like-minded neo-fascisti. They are dangerous, though perhaps not too imminently so.

The people who think like this need to be exposed. The ones who proudly expose themselves merit some concern, kind of like keeping an eye on convicted child molesters.
Right... You can tell because nobody knows about him. He's not even Glenn Beck popular... That's surely "one of the most" popular wingnuts out there...


This is such a totally obvious attempt to give some unknown radio guy more power than he has ever wielded before and ever will in life again. Shoot... More people know of him now than ever before because of the free publicity the lefties give him on this one...

Somebody who doesn't even know that the oath isn't taken on any book... really doesn't have the knowledge necessary to be "one of the most popular wingnuts out there"... Give me a break.
You should have shut your piehole after that truthful sentence. Virgil Goode is a long time republican (former democrat) congressman from Virginia. He is not a right wing talk show host.

I am basing my opinion on this issue on the myriad of press accounts from a variety of sources that I have watched and read.... which is obviously a whole lot more of a basis for a reasonable opinion than YOU who, by your own admission and demonstration, don't have a fucking clue about this topic, but you just had to jump in and try to "get" me on something..... and all you got was the taste of shoe leather in your mouth....


And you should shut your piehole as well, you don't know enough about this man to determine whether he is a bigot or not. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, that maybe you knew or read something from this guy to base your judgements on, but that was when I thought he was a radio talk show host... now that I know he is an elected representative, I am certain he isn't a bigot, they don't get elected these days. Regardless of whether YOU think he is bigoted, he was elected by the people in his district to represent them, and if they elected a bigot, that's what you have to live with. Just like the right-wing talk show host (no one has ever heard of), will have to live with some Muslim being sworn in on the Quran.

Funny, I don't taste shoe leather... it's more like, lobster-flavored donkey ass.
And you should shut your piehole as well, you don't know enough about this man to determine whether he is a bigot or not. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, that maybe you knew or read something from this guy to base your judgements on, but that was when I thought he was a radio talk show host... now that I know he is an elected representative, I am certain he isn't a bigot, they don't get elected these days. Regardless of whether YOU think he is bigoted, he was elected by the people in his district to represent them, and if they elected a bigot, that's what you have to live with. Just like the right-wing talk show host (no one has ever heard of), will have to live with some Muslim being sworn in on the Quran.

Funny, I don't taste shoe leather... it's more like, lobster-flavored donkey ass.

you still are arguing about the pronouncements of a man you don't know and have never read.

what a fool you are. Go read what Virgil Goode said about the Quran...and about Ellison and about muslims... or better yet, shut your fucking piehole
Right... You can tell because nobody knows about him. He's not even Glenn Beck popular... That's surely "one of the most" popular wingnuts out there...


This is such a totally obvious attempt to give some unknown radio guy more power than he has ever wielded before and ever will in life again. Shoot... More people know of him now than ever before because of the free publicity the lefties give him on this one...

Somebody who doesn't even know that the oath isn't taken on any book... really doesn't have the knowledge necessary to be "one of the most popular wingnuts out there"... Give me a break.
Sadly, you're wrong. I really despise this guy, so I admit my bias. He's pretty much everywhere however. I see newspaper and magazine columns by him pretty much monthly and see his pronouncments quoted almost daily.