Dixie Prediction Update


Back on the 1st of December 2005, Dixie predicted that we would be out of Iraq before we lost 500 more American troops in battle.

As of today, we have lost 462 US military personnel in Iraq since that prediction.

As the current rate, we will reach the 500 mark before the end of August.

Neocons have NEVER known what the fuck they were talking about regarding Iraq or Islam or the war on terror.
And when the time comes, he will make the prediction again, and again, and again. All that matters to the neocon is that they give supporters a hook to hang a hat on. As longas they say they belive its almost over the sheeple will go on believing...
maineman said:
Back on the 1st of December 2005, Dixie predicted that we would be out of Iraq before we lost 500 more American troops in battle.

As of today, we have lost 462 US military personnel in Iraq since that prediction.

As the current rate, we will reach the 500 mark before the end of August.

Neocons have NEVER known what the fuck they were talking about regarding Iraq or Islam or the war on terror.

Its a safe bet that whatever dixie predicts, the exact opposite will happen. When zarqawi was killed, he predicted al qaeda in iraq was through, and the insurgency was in its demise.
If he weren't already ignoring me, I would think that DIxie might, in stead, just act like he were ignoring me.
For the record: Dixie officially stated in an editorial, that we would likely see fewer deaths in combat for the entire Iraq war, than some single military battles. This was twisted into the number 2,500 in the ensuing onslaught of parsing and hacking, and an example I gave of a WWII so. pacific battle, which had incurred 2,500 casualties. I stated that, indeed, I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war, and I will stand behind that. We aren't seeing the attrition rates we saw at one point, it has dropped significantly, and baring any kind of unforeseen catastrophe, there will not be many more flag-draped coffins coming home. There will not be many more opportunities for Liberal pinheads to protest at dead veterans funerals!

I hate it for you, I know how much you were all counting on this being another Vietnam, and having the body count soar into the 10's of thousands, but that hasn't happened and won't happen now. So, you people can stop your cheer-leading for the insurgency, the game is over. What you are doing now, is looking foolish, and at a time you can ill-afford to look that way in public.
no one on the left is "cheerleading for the insurgency". Being critical of this administration's hamfisted counterproductive foreign policy is not synonymous with wanting the insurgents in Iraq or anywhere else to succeed. That is just more obfuscating and fear mongering on the part of the increasingly desperate neocon crowd.

I want nothing more than our troops to leave Iraq and our government to start using our military to fight the war on terror and quit flushing lives and dollars down the toilet in Iraq in this administration's incompetent handling of a wrong headed nation building foreign policy.

Iraq is NOT turning into the flowering democracy serving as a beacon of freedom and hope for the middle east as promised by this administration.

The left told you all that forcing western judeo-christian democracy down the throat of an arab nation boiling over with sectarian hatred and distrust was a losing proposition. We were told that we were on the wrong side of history and that we would look like idiots when Iraq set the standard for this burgeoning democracy movement throughout the world of Islam that Bush so confidently predicted. We were NOT wrong... we were right. The neocons have opened Pandora's box... the middle east is turning to shit in front of our eyes.

The right needs to be removed from power as soon as possible. It may already be too late. They may very well have already started us down the slippery slope into Hell.

and the bottom line of this post is that later on next month, we will surpass the 500 more dead Americans that you confidently predicted we would never see. You are on the wrong side of history.
Dixie said:
For the record: Dixie officially stated in an editorial, that we would likely see fewer deaths in combat for the entire Iraq war, than some single military battles. This was twisted into the number 2,500 in the ensuing onslaught of parsing and hacking, and an example I gave of a WWII so. pacific battle, which had incurred 2,500 casualties. I stated that, indeed, I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war, and I will stand behind that. We aren't seeing the attrition rates we saw at one point, it has dropped significantly, and baring any kind of unforeseen catastrophe, there will not be many more flag-draped coffins coming home. There will not be many more opportunities for Liberal pinheads to protest at dead veterans funerals!

I hate it for you, I know how much you were all counting on this being another Vietnam, and having the body count soar into the 10's of thousands, but that hasn't happened and won't happen now. So, you people can stop your cheer-leading for the insurgency, the game is over. What you are doing now, is looking foolish, and at a time you can ill-afford to look that way in public.

Just like I said, he is once again predicting there are going to be no more casualities. Eventually, if he keeps making that prediction he will be correct. I am just shocked he can countanance making shuch a shamefull and obviously hatched up prediction in the face of whats hapening in Iraq as we speak... They are sending MORE troops in.
Dixie said:
For the record: Dixie officially stated in an editorial, that we would likely see fewer deaths in combat for the entire Iraq war, than some single military battles. This was twisted into the number 2,500 in the ensuing onslaught of parsing and hacking, and an example I gave of a WWII so. pacific battle, which had incurred 2,500 casualties. I stated that, indeed, I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war, and I will stand behind that. We aren't seeing the attrition rates we saw at one point, it has dropped significantly, and baring any kind of unforeseen catastrophe, there will not be many more flag-draped coffins coming home. There will not be many more opportunities for Liberal pinheads to protest at dead veterans funerals!

I hate it for you, I know how much you were all counting on this being another Vietnam, and having the body count soar into the 10's of thousands, but that hasn't happened and won't happen now. So, you people can stop your cheer-leading for the insurgency, the game is over. What you are doing now, is looking foolish, and at a time you can ill-afford to look that way in public.

I have never seen an example of anyone cheer-leading the insurgency! Only those on the RIGHT alleging it!
Just like I said, he is once again predicting there are going to be no more casualities.

Perhaps you can highlight that specific prediction, for those of us who didn't actually read it in the text of what was posted?
maineman said:
no one on the left is "cheerleading for the insurgency". Being critical of this administration's hamfisted counterproductive foreign policy is not synonymous with wanting the insurgents in Iraq or anywhere else to succeed. That is just more obfuscating and fear mongering on the part of the increasingly desperate neocon crowd.

I want nothing more than our troops to leave Iraq and our government to start using our military to fight the war on terror and quit flushing lives and dollars down the toilet in Iraq in this administration's incompetent handling of a wrong headed nation building foreign policy.

Iraq is NOT turning into the flowering democracy serving as a beacon of freedom and hope for the middle east as promised by this administration.

The left told you all that forcing western judeo-christian democracy down the throat of an arab nation boiling over with sectarian hatred and distrust was a losing proposition. We were told that we were on the wrong side of history and that we would look like idiots when Iraq set the standard for this burgeoning democracy movement throughout the world of Islam that Bush so confidently predicted. We were NOT wrong... we were right. The neocons have opened Pandora's box... the middle east is turning to shit in front of our eyes.

The right needs to be removed from power as soon as possible. It may already be too late. They may very well have already started us down the slippery slope into Hell.

and the bottom line of this post is that later on next month, we will surpass the 500 more dead Americans that you confidently predicted we would never see. You are on the wrong side of history.

Not only the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the present.
"I stated that, indeed, I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war, and I will stand behind that. " - Dixie..

Now show me where someone was cheer-leading the insurgency... you cant you silly person!
exactly. when we point out that Saddam did not invent cancer or kill seven million jews or have any WMD's or any alliance with Al Qaeda, the neocons want to make those attempts to speak the TRUTH appear as some sort of DEFENSE of Saddam. Saddam is a bad guy. He did a bunch of bad things. There is no need to lie about it and create this giant list of fictional bad things that he was supposed to have done. America knows we invaded on false pretenses... they know now that there weren't any WMD's..that there was NOT an imminent threat... they know now that our invasion has started a chain of unfortunate events ... they know now that this administration is inept and corrupt.... guys like Dixie should give up spinning.... the only folks who believe them are spinning alongside them.... everyone else sees them for the liars that they really are.
Dixie said:
I have never seen an example of anyone cheer-leading the insurgency!

Blind people never can see, so that doesn't surprise me.

and stupid people make shit up.... quit tap dancing and just bring up one quote from anyone on the left "cheerleading" for the insurgency...

but we all know that ain't gonna happen..and he'll just keep spewing shit like he always does
I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war

Just like I said, he is once again predicting there are going to be no more casualities.

Now, it seems to me, you have a bit of a reading comprehension problem here, because nothing in my statement "predicts" there will be "no more" casualties. I do indeed doubt that there will be significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths, when all is said and done. Now, Iran could lob a nuclear bomb into Baghdad and kill 100,000 U.S. soldiers tomorrow, anything can happen in a war, and I don't want anyone to mistake my opinion for a prediction here. Given the current tempo, and the current rate of attrition, I don't think the death toll is going much higher. I fully understand how you hope and pray that it will, so you can show me I am wrong and turn public support against this war (the same objectives as the enemy), but I just don't see it happening.
Jarod said:
"I stated that, indeed, I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war, and I will stand behind that. " - Dixie..

Now show me where someone was cheer-leading the insurgency... you cant you silly person!

Basically, everything you post regarding Iraq is "cheer-leading" for the enemy, because it is the ONLY effective weapon they have against us. We have already demonstrated victory over the enemy in every aspect of this war, save for the war of public opinion, which you people have continually assisted them in every regard. Make no mistake, our brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces can handle the war on the battlefield, it's the war of public opinion they can't win. It is the only vulnerability our enemy has been able to exploit, and with your help, they continue to do so with ease. YES...You are al Qaeda's "12th Man!"
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