Do birthers now support Ted Cruz?


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Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz appears to be setting up a run for President...

Will you birthers support this admittedly Canadian born Congressman for President?
hadn't heard that before! thanks!

Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada,[1][9] where his parents, Eleanor Darragh and Rafael Cruz, were working in the oil business.[10][11]
Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, was jailed and tortured by the Fulgencio Batista regime and fought for Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution[12][13] but "didn't know Castro was a Communist" and later became a staunch critic of Castro when "the rebel leader took control and began seizing private property and suppressing dissent."[14] The elder Cruz fled to America in 1957 to study at the University of Texas, knowing no English and with only $100 sewn into his underwear.[15][16] His younger sister fought in the counter-revolution and was tortured by the new regime.[13] He remained regretful for his early support of Castro, and emphatically conveyed this remorse to his young son over the following years.[13] The elder Cruz worked his way through school as a dishwasher making 50 cents an hour.[17] Cruz's father today is a pastor in North Dallas and became a U.S. citizen in 2005.[18]
Cruz' mother was born and raised in Delaware, in a family of Irish and Italian descent.[11][17] She was the first person in her family to attend college. She earned a degree in mathematics from Rice University in Houston in the 1950s, working summers at Foley’s and Shell.[18] Cruz has said, "I'm Cuban, Irish, and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist."[19]

His father fought for Castro initially? interesting.

If birthers have any integrity, they can't support them, but we know they don't.

From my perspective, sounds like his mom was a US citizen so he's a natural-born US citizen.
I mentioned this the other day in the thread where Cruz's father accused gays of being un-American.

Dumbass isn't even American himself.
Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz appears to be setting up a run for President...

Will you birthers support this admittedly Canadian born Congressman for President?

Yes! A Paul, Cruz ticket.

It would be the only second time I voted for a rep.
birthers, of course, will support Cruz. That is because, of course, their real issue with Obama all along was not his place of birth but the fact that he was a liberal negro. The whole birth certificate sham was just a dog whistle to rally the faithful.
birthers, of course, will support Cruz. That is because, of course, their real issue with Obama all along was not his place of birth but the fact that he was a liberal negro. The whole birth certificate sham was just a dog whistle to rally the faithful.
My issue is the fact that he's for an East German form of socialistic government.

Most all people that hate him is because of this.

But you go ahead and think what you want.
Its clear to me that Trump and others did not really care if President Obama was a natural born Citizen, so my question is then, what is the secret reason they don't like him that they had to substitute this issue for? It appears they are ashamed of the real reason for attacking the President? What could that reason be? Why go after the first black president about his place of birth and ancestry of his father?
It is at least some progress that these racists at least have to pretend they are not racists.

soon this voting base will be dead of old age.

then the world can finnally move past their completely despicable outlooks on life
I just enjoy how these issues that the Republicans who get radical about these made up issues keep getting bitten in the ass within a few years.
Yes, because the left never had issues that they glommed onto like Bush and the National Guard. Oh no.

I hate Obama because he is a liberal. Not because he is half white.

Now the lefties ONLY voted for him because he is half negro. They know it. They think it makes them cool and washes away the democrat parties past racial sins. Therefore because the lefties only voted for him because of his skin color they conversely think that those who oppose him must oppose him on the same grounds.

The left are shallow thinkers and not very bright.

They are ashamed that they dumped Hillary for Obama. THat is why they are going to fight so hard to make sure she has her coronation now which is why you see attacks on Cruz 3 years before the next Presidential election.
Yes, because the left never had issues that they glommed onto like Bush and the National Guard. Oh no.

I hate Obama because he is a liberal. Not because he is half white.

Now the lefties ONLY voted for him because he is half negro. They know it. They think it makes them cool and washes away the democrat parties past racial sins. Therefore because the lefties only voted for him because of his skin color they conversely think that those who oppose him must oppose him on the same grounds.

The left are shallow thinkers and not very bright.

They are ashamed that they dumped Hillary for Obama. THat is why they are going to fight so hard to make sure she has her coronation now which is why you see attacks on Cruz 3 years before the next Presidential election.

What about calling out Bush's Vietnam service in the Alabama National Guard is embarrassing? Especially after the Republicans attacked Bill Clinton so badly for failing to serve?
cuban dad, american mom, born in canada... tough to make the natural born case for him imo.

Not in mine. If one parent is a US Citizen, the kids are US citizens, regardless of where they are born (which is why it didn't matter that McCain was born in Panama Canal area)

I don't know if the dad was a citizen by the time he was born or not; but doesn't matter.
I just enjoy how these issues that the Republicans who get radical about these made up issues keep getting bitten in the ass within a few years.

Tru dat!!! To be at all consistent, they have to say Cruz shouldn't run for president... now they're stuck!