Do birthers now support Ted Cruz?

Well, I, for one, think they should.

I would love to see it as well but it's pretty much a pipe dream in the world of partisan politics. Political parties (and many partisan supporters) often do what is necessary to advance or achieve their current interests; consistency or principles be damned. I love when (especially blatant) hypocrisy is exposed. I use to like when Tim Russert on Meet The Press would show politicians old quotes they had said compared to something different today and force them to explain why they were speaking out of both sides of their mouth. It's not going away though.
why are they NOT concerned about cruz's right to run?

The OP asked the question would birthers be against Cruz running. You claim his question showed proof. It did nothing of the sort. He asked a question.

If birthers change their position and say Cruz should be allowed to run it will show they are partisan hypocrites. It doesn't prove anything about race. If they hate minorities they are not going to now support a Hispanic.
nope the ISSUE proves it,

Cruz has an American mother and a foreign father .

He was born in Canada.

is he a full citizen?
Not a peep from the right on his ability to run for office.

He is a full citizen under the laws of this country.

Obama is too yet the right PRETENDS he was born outside the country.

the fucking reality is even if Obama was born on foreign soil he is a full citizen.

They NEVER admit that one with Obama.

Yet they just assume it for a republican
Not a peep from the right on his ability to run for office.

He is a full citizen under the laws of this country.

Obama is too yet the right PRETENDS he was born outside the country.

the fucking reality is even if Obama was born on foreign soil he is a full citizen.

They NEVER admit that one with Obama.

Yet they just assume it for a republican

1) He just got into office last year.

2) The election is three years away.

So it's not a big surprise this isn't dominating the news.

Here are two idiots on the right questioning whether he is legal to run.
why did none of you on the right INCLUDING your top elected officials slap down these Obvious lies?

because the lies had a good effect for them

Naturalization Act of 1790[edit source]

The Naturalization Act of 1790 stated that "the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens". (Act to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, 1st Congress, 2nd session, March 26, 1790, 1 Stat.L. 103 at 104, 2 Laws of the U.S., ed. Bioren & Duane (1815) 82 at 83.) This act was superseded by the Naturalization Act of 1795, which did not mention the phrase natural born citizen.
there has NEVER been any legal doubt about the citizenship of Obama.

You fucks USED LIES to confuse your idiot base