Do birthers now support Ted Cruz?

tell me more please

The strangest episode of Paul's time at Baylor occurred one afternoon in 1983 ... when he and a [brother in his liberal secret society] paid a visit to a female student who was one of Paul's teammates on the Baylor swim team. According to this woman, who requested anonymity because of her current job as a clinical psychologist, "He and Randy came to my house, they knocked on my door, and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car. They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits. They'd been smoking pot." After the woman refused to smoke with them, Paul and his friend put her back in their car and drove to the countryside outside of Waco, where they stopped near a creek. "They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman recalls. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the creek. I had to say, 'I worship you Aqua Buddha, I worship you.' At Baylor, there were people actively going around trying to save you and we had to go to chapel, so worshiping idols was a big no-no."
If your parents are a citizen then you are a citizen.

get it

You said Cruz couldn't run for his current office without being a citizen. No one has said otherwise. You don't have to be a natural born citizen to be in Congress or a Governor, you just need to be a U.S. citizen. Arnold in California was a case in point.
Now your lies will haunt Ted Cruz for his entire career.

Bring him up and your lies will be rehashed.

enjoy what you created for yourselves
You said Cruz couldn't run for his current office without being a citizen. No one has said otherwise. You don't have to be a natural born citizen to be in Congress or a Governor, you just need to be a U.S. citizen. Arnold in California was a case in point.

Dear idiot

yoiur party didn't mention Obamas "problems" until he was already elected to the congress
look at super go after me for pointing out how dishonest the right is when it comes to whos a citizen.

Your party is trash
look at super go after me for pointing out how dishonest the right is when it comes to whos a citizen.
Your party is trash

Where did I comment on the discussion of who is a citizen? I commented on the foul nature of your posts. You are a very very vile person.
Dear idiot

yoiur party didn't mention Obamas "problems" until he was already elected to the congress

We're either talking past each other or you don't understand the difference between a natural born citizen and a u.s. citizen.

Birthers argued Obama was born overseas and thus wasn't a natural born citizen thus was ineligible to run for President. No one claimed his was not eligible to run for Congress. What myself and others have stated here is it would be hypocritical for those same birthers to now argue that Cruz should be eligible. Not a difficult concept to understand.
Looks to me like Mr. Cruz isn't eligible.

Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent in Wedlock

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship.

btw...the above did not apply to McCain because at the time the Panama Canal was a US territory.

Naturalization Act of 1790[edit source]

The Naturalization Act of 1790 stated that "the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens". (Act to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, 1st Congress, 2nd session, March 26, 1790, 1 Stat.L. 103 at 104, 2 Laws of the U.S., ed. Bioren & Duane (1815) 82 at 83.) This act was superseded by the Naturalization Act of 1795, which did not mention the phrase natural born citizen.

why did you party (and still does) pretend this is not law
We're either talking past each other or you don't understand the difference between a natural born citizen and a u.s. citizen.

Birthers argued Obama was born overseas and thus wasn't a natural born citizen thus was ineligible to run for President. No one claimed his was not eligible to run for Congress. What myself and others have stated here is it would be hypocritical for those same birthers to now argue that Cruz should be eligible. Not a difficult concept to understand.

you racist