Do conservatives believe in anything?

Especially today, conservatives are really fascists.

You are describing Democrats. Fascism is a type of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets.
* Attempting to ban internal combustion engines in favor of an electric car. (manipulation of the automotive market and the energy market)
* Banning certain types of light bulbs. (manipulation of the lighting market)
* Shutting coal plants or forcing people to use wind power. (manipulation of the energy market)
* Requiring companies to hire a certain number of black people, women, or some other such group based on racism or bigotry. (manipulation of the labor market)
* Paying people to destroy their cars rather than sell them. (manipulation of used parts market and automotive markets)
* Deciding arbitrarily which businesses are 'essential'. (manipulation of all markets)
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All one has to do is spend 5 minutes watching Fox News, and you know everything one needs to know about Republicans!


You need a new TV set, Mr. Lizard. 5 minutes of commercials ain't enough to know everything one needs to know about Republicans. You are easily led, and you don't even know it.
I would start with that the preamble of the Constitution, the part that reads promote the general welfare... is not a blank check to allow the government to freely institute a massive social-welfare state using mass confiscation of wealth. To go further, it does not give Congress any legal authority whatsoever but rather is a opening statement on intent, not a physical written law.

Quite right. It is a directive for the authorities and powers that are granted to the government by the Constitution. It is to be used for, among other things, to promote the general welfare. It is not a power or authority in and of itself.


that is the only thing they refuse to abandon

Everything else they slobbered about all my life they bailed on the second they got something out of it

RACISM is the only belief they stick to like white on rice

Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats again.
Fuck you racists

You are the most hated people on earth

What kind of a fucking idiot would choose to be among the most hated persons on earth?

A really fucking stupid one like you

Enjoy the hate your idiot ideas brings you

You deserve every ounce of it

You are describing yourself and other Democrats again.
Dear fucking idiot

Amendments ?

The founders left us the ability to create amendments

So they CLEARLY wanted each generation define the constitution as they saw it

You people are sooooooo fucking stupid

Fuck you very much

Discarding the Constitution like you do is not an amendment. It is discarding the Constitution.
Republicans believe Donald Trump is their savior.

Republicans believe that Hillary makes pizza out of babies!

Republicans believe Biden is responsible for WWII!

The Republicans believe that Biden should be impeached for winning the election.

Republicans believe nothing should be done for the first time!

Republicans believe school age children should not know that Blacks used to be slaves!

Republicans believe it is alright to marry minors!

Republicans believe women shouldn't even want equal pay!

Republicans believe they deserve everything they've stolen!

Republicans believe White Cops should shoot blacks first and ask questions later!

Republicans believe life begins at conception and ends at birth

Republicans believe that if they say it- it somehow becomes true!

Republicans believe if you don't agree with them- YOU MUST BE GAY!

Republicans believe Mexicans are rapists!

Republicans believe that Trump is a great leader like Putin!

Republicans believe that only Republicans should investigate Republicans!

Republicans believe that only Republicans should be counting the votes in every state!

Republicans believe that if you don't agree with them- then you are a fascist!

Republicans believe that oil is more important than Safe Drinking water!

Republicans believe that Free Speech means it's OK to lie!

Republicans believe they have to check in with Donald Trump before they approve or disapprove of anything!


Gotta go now- Have some fun you know!

Word stuffing. Lies.