Do conservatives believe in anything?

The founders recognized that they could not predict what the future would hold and they would not be able to predict all circumstances. Jefferson said we should toss it out and write a new one every 20 years. They did not see it as somewhat biblical and the word of founders must be followed. The amendment process was proof of that.

Discarding the Constitution like you do is not an amendment.
You and him are only half correct

Both of you don’t GET IT YOUR WAY so you hate democracy

Democracy wasn’t designed to give two Whiny white boys everything they want

Yes. I hate democracy. Democracy is an unstable form of government that usually dissolves into an oligarchy or dictatorship. The United States was never a democracy.
Meanwhile you will use the roads and infrastructure like dams and flood control while you cash your SS checks and making your Medicare appointments

All given to you by The Democratic party’s efforts

Social Security is communism, and unconstitutional.
Medicare is communism, and unconstitutional.
Maintaining postal roads by the government is a specific authority and power granted by the Constitution. See Article I, $8.
Maintaining other roads is a specific authority granted to a State government by it's constitution. See the various State constitutions.
When was the last time republicans did infrastructure idiot
Each time the Republicans were the majority in Congress. An infrastructure bill is passed every year.
Remember all those bridge collapses under Bush!
The result of poor maintenance by Democrat governments at the State level.
What infrastructure bill did trumpy sign?
The 2016 bill, the 2017 bill, the 2018 bill, and the 2019 bill.
Democrats are not the party of the people. They are the party of The Oligarchy and The Elite.

Which party always gives big tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations? Do you know that much? Which party slashes regulation at every chance? Which party is the party that works directly for the wealthy and corporations, the Repubs. They have created an oligopoly on the way to a plutocracy. How do you think Trump would have wanted things to go?
You have it exactly backward. How wrong can one person be, over and over?