Do Felons Have A Right To Own Guns On Their Properties?

It was a specific answer to a specific question as to how owning guns on your own property could be different from owning a car on your own property. Did you not read the OP? Or were you just incapable of understanding it?

I read it. I understand it. what I don't understand is how you think that because the reach of a gun can extend passed the boundaries of personal property, that you think it should be different. that is why I asked you the relevance...........was that too many words for you?
I had a friend who fought to keep his gun collections on the wall that was passed down from his grandfather. Haven't seen him for years so I don't know if he was successful. Pretty sad that they would do something like that. He never even used a gun in the commission of a felony.
So we can assume that all these people are likely to have committed other felonies? And as felons, they should have their right to vote taken away as well as their right to own a gun?

now your being ignorant and stupid . you either stupid or stupid .

I can just as easy post this picture

were talking about felons people who have been arrested for criminal acts such as robbery rape arson child molesters and stick up me etc. you know exactly what were talking about you dumb ass.

Once a criminal, always a criminal?

the average criminal commits several crimes a year especially those who ave serious drug addictions with drugs like coke and heroin that runs several hundred buck a day.

By Stephanie Slifer

April 23, 2014 / 7:35 AM / CBS News

About 68 percent of 405,000 prisoners released in 30 states in 2005 were arrested for a new crime within three years of their release from prison, and 77 percent were arrested within five years, according to a report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) released Tuesday.

The report, entitled Recidivism of State Prisoners Released in 2005, is based on a BJS data collection which tracked a sample of former prison inmates from 30 states for five years following their release in 2005.

According to the report, prisoners released after serving time for a property offense were the most likely to recidivate, or relapse into crime. The report also found that recidivism was highest among males, blacks and young adults.
now that new crime is just one they get caught doing . As for how many they actually commit is a ruff estimate, heres some info on criminals that might educate you pin head.


So giving them the ability to go out and buy a gu8nn legally is something really stupid, Its like letting a know child rapist molester baby sit your children only a more would do either .
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Nice picture where none of the people pictured can own a hand gun without a government license even if they haven't committed a felony. In fact they can't own a rifle or a shotgun without a certificate from the government.

I wonder if you know how to get out of the bed in the morning, Bb.
Read it again.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In any case, I personally don't give a fat fuck about the 2nd Amendment, one way or the other.
I own nine expensive firearms.
If the government is willing to properly pay me for them, it can have all of them.
I haven't taken them out of their cases in more years than I can remember.

I see our Constitution as a possibly well-intentioned but horrifically deficient document
rife with ill-advised compromises that were apparently required to forge one nation
out of essential incompatible colonies.
In any case, I personally don't give a fat fuck about the 2nd Amendment, one way or the other.
I own nine expensive firearms.
If the government is willing to properly pay me for them, it can have all of them.
I haven't taken them out of their cases in more years than I can remember.

I see our Constitution as a possibly well-intentioned but horrifically deficient document
rife with ill-advised compromises that were apparently required to forge one nation
out of essential incompatible colonies.

I see the 2nd Amendment as an archaic out of date, out-of-touch- amendment that used Revolutionary War terms that no longer apply anymore- that needs an UPDATE THAT CANNOT BE MISINTERPRETED AS SOMETHING IT WAS NEVER INTENTIONED FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE.
The Second Amendment should never have mentioned "well regulated militia"
which gives idiots the idea that they have the right to overthrow the government by force if they don't like the results of legitimate elections.

It should have merely stated that private ownership of firearms is a protected right for all citizens in good standing.

When military weapons got more advanced, the provision should have been amended
to allow the federal government to limit the types of firearms that individual citizens can own
while still protecting the right to own appropriate ones..

This is how sane people would have done it.

America doesn't have a history of having many of those.
Now, there is a weird loophole in the law concerning firearms and felons... That is, any gun made before 1895 can be owned legally, so you just buy yourself one of these...


Or for a bit higher price one of these...


A) that's not true. The prohibition includes antiques, and B) it's 1898 and earlier.
Should this be a federal law?

Because not every state law permits it!

As to federal law, it should be obvious, via the Constitution, that no gun laws can be made with regards to free people.
As to state laws, it would really depend upon the states Constitution. Some states are very clear that no state gun control laws can be in effect. Others, not so much.
which gives idiots the idea
Idiots are going to have ideas, most likely very idiotic the General Welfare clause gives the government the power to make any welfare program it wants to....
Unless you make stupidity a federal offense, this isn't going away.

It should have merely stated that private ownership of firearms is a protected right for all citizens in good standing.

When military weapons got more advanced, the provision should have been amended
to allow the federal government to limit the types of firearms that individual citizens can own
while still protecting the right to own appropriate ones..
you are dismissing the very reason that the framers ratified the 2nd Amendment. Do you trust the government?

This is how sane people would have done it.

America doesn't have a history of having many of those.

The framers were completely sane. Their experience taught them things that you should feel lucky not to have experienced.
I see the 2nd Amendment as an archaic out of date, out-of-touch- amendment that used Revolutionary War terms that no longer apply anymore- that needs an UPDATE THAT CANNOT BE MISINTERPRETED AS SOMETHING IT WAS NEVER INTENTIONED FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE.

fill us with your 'wisdom' and tell us what the founders meant when they ratified the 2nd Amendment