Do Felons Have A Right To Own Guns On Their Properties?

He said this: "Its already been to the SCOTUS and the Court rule it was constitutional."

As per his claim that SCOTUS making something constitutional against the Constitution, then it stands to reason that the SCOTUS decision made slavery constitutional.

that is not how it has to understand the concept of slavery and how nations dealt with it before making such a declaration
Define "right."
This word comes from several related sources, including Greek and Latin.
As used here, it means "morally just" or "straight" (that is, justifiable on moral grounds).
It applies to an act or capability that is morally just.

For example: the right of self defense using any weapons available is morally just. It is inherent. You have this right simply because you are living and breathing. No government can take this right away. No government grants this right. It is inherent. It operates even in prisons.

The Constitution's 2nd Amendment does not preclude them from owning firearms.
At the same time, the Constitution's 10th Amendment does not deny states the right to proscribe firearms ownership for convicted felons.
The 10th amendment does not cancel the 2nd amendment. States have no such authority.
I would think that a person who served his/her sentence should have full rights of citizenship, but there is no broad consensus about that.
Sex offenders who served their time are still put on permanent registries.
Unconstitutional. Scarlet letters are unconstitutional.
Our Constitution could definitely use a page 1 re-write, but our current fifty states would NEVER ratify the same new constitution today.
Again, you completely deny the Constitution.
All of which suggest two things.

Perhaps we should humanely euthanize felons rather than incarcerate them. punishment for any convicted felon, even those convicted of selling fake drugs. Gotit. You really want this??
And perhaps we should partition into separate nations each having the Constitution that it wants.
Already there. That's what a State is. All States have a constitution.
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Not sure if anyone read my post on, I think, 2nd page.

Basically my friend served his time. He was forced to give up his gun collection on his wall that was passed down in family.

Is that really right?

Nope. IMHO if you serve your time and are no longer under supervision (sentence) you should have every right due to every citizen in these great lands.
One can't kill someone on the road in front of their property with a car without the car leaving their property.
Sure they can. Just race toward a car on the road while staying on your property, like you were intent on hitting that car. The resulting accident can very well kill someone, and the car the caused it never left the property.

Public roads also travel THROUGH private property from time to time, using an easement.

The same can not be said about a gun.
The same can be said about a gun.
So we can assume that all these people are likely to have committed other felonies? And as felons, they should have their right to vote taken away as well as their right to own a gun?

Most of these people are not committing any felony crime.
A life sentence means that though they may be paroled their sentence continues. That sentence never ends. If they violate parole they are subject to a return to prison.

Also there's this:


The dog has to ask a beauty for a permission to piss, shit, sniff buttholes, going anywhere, or whatever. Disobeying the Dominatrix? Off to the doghouse you go.
Under this condition, the parole specifies what freedoms they have. Certain inherent rights, such as the right to self defense using any available weapon, cannot be taken or given by any government.


Also the parolee's husband or wife should be able to have his/her gun(s) in their home.
Nice picture where none of the people pictured can own a hand gun without a government license even if they haven't committed a felony. In fact they can't own a rifle or a shotgun without a certificate from the government.

I wonder if you know how to get out of the bed in the morning, Bb.

They can own a hand gun, rifle, or any other weapon. No certificate or license necessary. See the 2nd amendment, which also applies to States.
So we can assume that all these people are likely to have committed other felonies? And as felons, they should have their right to vote taken away as well as their right to own a gun?
before making stupid assed blanket statements, such as this, one should look at WHO the victim is when a crime like this is committed. For example.........If I slap the everloving shit out of you in a parking lot of a grocery store because you called my mama a cocksucker, i'm simply getting a misdemeanor assault charge. BUT, if some government enforcement agent calls my mama a cocksucker and I slap the everloving shit out of him, it becomes a felony charge. NOW, do you think that's equal protection under the law??????????
Also there's this:

The dog has to ask a beauty for a permission to piss, shit, sniff buttholes, going anywhere, or whatever. Disobeying the Dominatrix? Off to the doghouse you go.

just stop.....I can understand where being dominated by scarlett johansen MIGHT be an activity to pursue, I do not want to read about your fantasies on this wit it?