I'd also like to tell you that the film made almost as much money in Britian as it did in America, where it was unhindered by ignorant fucks like Three. It's performance, actually, was quite amazing, about 60 million in total.
So is the totalitarian Magisterium a symbol of your Church? Do you recognize the leaders of your own faith in the Inquisitors of the Magisterium?

If so then that sucks for your sake.

Yes, I recognize the familiar glass artwork and cathedral designs in the film as being Catholic. Also, the College of Cardinals + the Pope is called the "Magisterium."

Also, the Church is incredibly repressive, just the way I like it...

Narnia does attack atheism. In the sixth book, Sarah is cursed for refusing to "believe" anymore. Her punishment is to not be killed in the trainwreck (terrible, huh?)

As far as I know, any of the Golden Compass's "attacks" aren't any worse than that. It's true that the later two books do ascribe a "God" to being a tyrant, but he clearly isn't the same God as the Christian God. He's a disheveled angel.

I think you mean Susan... not sarah.... but definitely a valid point.
Try reading the first amendment please. My brother saw it and we're Christian and he loved it. Of course he read all the books so he was more familiar with the movie. My mother went with him but she didn't care for it too much but of course she didn't read the books like he did. If you don't like the movie don't go watch it. Doy. Don't tell me or anyone else what I can or can't read or watch. There's that pesky first amendment again.
Try reading the first amendment please. My brother saw it and we're Christian and he loved it. Of course he read all the books so he was more familiar with the movie. My mother went with him but she didn't care for it too much but of course she didn't read the books like he did. If you don't like the movie don't go watch it. Doy. Don't tell me or anyone else what I can or can't read or watch. There's that pesky first amendment again.
I'm reading the book, don't ruin the end for me.

And... The original post was based in sarcasm. This isn't something that you probably could see because you do not have the longstanding relationships with the users yet. It doesn't take long, and once you have them, you will be addicted.

Contrary to all the "troll" remarks, the people here are a decent group, even the often rash AHZ.
Try reading the first amendment please. My brother saw it and we're Christian and he loved it. Of course he read all the books so he was more familiar with the movie. My mother went with him but she didn't care for it too much but of course she didn't read the books like he did. If you don't like the movie don't go watch it. Doy. Don't tell me or anyone else what I can or can't read or watch. There's that pesky first amendment again.

I wasn't aware that the first ammendment prevented others from advising fellow citizens of what not to watch and what to watch, at their own discretion? In fact, to me, it seems rather a restriction on free speech in itself to prevent people from giving out advice.

But whatever.
We have been tricked into thinking that voting for other than the two parties is a "waste of time".