Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
I bet you don't know who Marx was or ya wouldn't deny that yer a Marxist when you clearly are. You've had a chance ta Google Marx, which prolly shocked ya, (as now you know are a Marxist), if you comprehend what you read, (which is unknown as you are extra stupid).
I'm not angry at all: hypocrite, look in the mirror as ya read yer Trump derangement syndrome post!
On that same nasty anti Trump post where you used a gay font, (after talking about my use of color), do you ever examine yersef: hypocrite? Who were you seeking to impress (big boy)? Did it make you feel pretty? Do you want some dude to ass fuck ya? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?????
I think you're on drugs, dude, but I do confess to being a fan of both Marx and Lennon. What of it?
Why are your panties in a twist about my "Trump post"? Did you used to be his girlfriend or something? Is that why you like to "feel pretty"?