Do Not Listen To Tucker Carlson. Pure Hatred.

I saw Tucker interview Rose McGowan recently. Hateful stuff, I tell you.

It's here in print too:

During the second half of the wide-ranging conversation, McGowan told Carlson that she believes Weinstein tried to silence her using illegal intimidation tactics ahead of the release of her memoir "Brave," where she expressed plans to name her rapist.

"They were flying drones around my window every day – this is three years before the Weinstein news broke," McGowan recalled. "I was trailed, almost driven off the road. They stole my headlights out of my car. They placed trackers in my car. I thought I was manifesting everything in my life, turns out my whole house was bugged," she said.

McGowan eventually filed a lawsuit alleging that Weinstein and his co-conspirators used spies posing as women’s rights advocates and journalists to obtain a copy of her memoir, illegally recorded her conversations, and smeared her to those in the entertainment industry who were working on projects with her.
Fuck you.

No offense, but are you a woman? Gay? You're about 75% emotion and 25%, if that much, logic. You haven't done anything for the past several hours except rant, rave and accuse. No facts, no logic, no explanation. Just emotion.

Men are usually not so emotional although the immature ones on JPP certainly can when they are getting their asses kicked in a discussion using facts and logic. LOL
No offense, but are you a woman? Gay? You're about 75% emotion and 25%, if that much, logic. You haven't done anything for the past several hours except rant, rave and accuse. No facts, no logic, no explanation. Just emotion.

Men are usually not so emotional although the immature ones on JPP certainly can when they are getting their asses kicked in a discussion using facts and logic. LOL

Get fucked
Carlson traffics in right-wing pro-Trumpian lies. He is repulsive.

I'm waiting for his wife to leave him and take half his money. He's only worth $30M now. Rush was worth $600M when he choked to death from cancer.

IMO, Mrs. Carlson would be smart to see if Tucker's fortunes go up or down over the next couple years. Half of $100M is better than half of $30M, eh? LOL
Carlson traffics in right-wing pro-Trumpian lies. He is repulsive.

You can be a reasonable poster, from time to time.

The Leftist in you is very intolerant of ideas you disagree with, (typical Marxist characteristic).

You have ABC, CBS, CNN. NBC. NPR, NYT, WP, why not have a different point of view from time to time?

That is why we have lost our freedom of speech, (intolerant Lefties like you).

Tucker Carlson is one of my favorites.

He is very unique. (Libertarian leaning).

He actually is hard on Conservative/Republicans as well as the clowns on the Left.

My overpriced $0.02.
I'm waiting for his wife to leave him and take half his money. He's only worth $30M now. Rush was worth $600M when he choked to death from cancer.

IMO, Mrs. Carlson would be smart to see if Tucker's fortunes go up or down over the next couple years. Half of $100M is better than half of $30M, eh? LOL

How little money Tucker has is very interesting.

He is not like the others.
How little money Tucker has is very interesting.

He is not like the others.

He doesn't come from big money. The Swanson connection was his step Mother, and her family sold their position way back in 1955, (Tucker was born in 1969).

$30 million, isn't bad, if ya ask me, (only one functional brain cell n' all).

He is very unique, and I enjoy his perspective. I don't get to watch him much, butt the YouTube vids are fun to view.

I'm amazed he can survive in this nasty environment with his spicy commentary.

The Marxist knives were out for Bill O'Reilly, and eventually took him down. Carlson is far more vocal, and his survival thus far is surprising, (especially with the younger Murdock having input at Fox).
She's talked like that for quite a while.

Thanks. I guess I should turn the sound up on the television more often. :)

TBH, I think all Hollywood types are flakes until proven otherwise. Anyone who plays "dress up" for a living can't be all there.
He doesn't come from big money. The Swanson connection was his step Mother, and her family sold their position way back in 1955, (Tucker was born in 1969).

$30 million, isn't bad, if ya ask me, (only one functional brain cell n' all).

He is very unique, and I enjoy his perspective. I don't get to watch him much, butt the YouTube vids are fun to view.

I'm amazed he can survive in this nasty environment with his spicy commentary.

The Marxist knives were out for Bill O'Reilly, and eventually took him down. Carlson is far more vocal, and his survival thus far is surprising, (especially with the younger Murdock having input at Fox).

Dude, Tucker is part of the "nasty environment". He bathes in it.

When a person puts opinion over facts then they stop being a journalist and start being a talking head blathering opinions.

A recent poll says 46% of Americans believe in ghosts. That's up from 11% in 1976. Why do you think that is?
Hello Dutch,

I'd love it but strongly doubt that will ever happen.

When Putin or Ghislaine release their video evidence, Pedo Don will still have his fans just like Michael Jackson, but most will be disgusted by his rape of underaged women.


Yeah. Those Yankees who rewrote the Civil War and besmirched Reagan are assholes. :)

Made me come up with a new joke:

What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Donald Trump?

Well, they both like to grab crotches.

The only difference is Michael grabbed his own, but Trump likes to grab other women's.

Regardless of guessing about the future it is helpful to have a lofty goal, however difficult it may be to visualize. Until the final chapter is written, the end of the story will not be known.

I have no problem visualizing Trump in prison.

I bet you can even come up with an edited photo making him look like a convict.

Perhaps in an orange suit?

With Ivanka by his side?


That's the vision which is helpful to keep in mind.