Verified User
You sure act like you've got problems upstairs.
You must be talkin' to the idiot you see in the mirror... burp...
You sure act like you've got problems upstairs.
I guess you don't get paid to put on the gray uniform one weekend a year.
My guess is work stress.You sure act like you've got problems upstairs.Nope. Are you?
Yer sure attracted to me aren't ya?
BTW: I'm straight, (I know that's a bummer fer you).
Why do you want personal information about me?
Get fucked.
I am to an extent, but not sexually. Normal people are more boring than the wackadoodles. So, yes, I'm attracted to wackadoodles since I'm curious about what makes them tick.
With a person, it's easy to have a normal conversation. With the wackadoodles sometimes there's these wild journeys into insanity and completely unrealistic beliefs. Pretty cool at times.
Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality exam? I'm an Architect, INTJ-A. You? I have a list of JPP members if you'd like to share.
Nope I don't like those online tests. I'm conservative, (the enemy of most tech companies), so I keep a fairly low profile. No twitter, Facebook et al.
I get obsessed with these forums from time to time, (they are nearly anonymous) butt: this "vaccine" issue, and the collapse of the Republic post 11/3/2020, (from my perspective that I'm sure you don't agree with), drew me out to post here and take heat from posters such as yerself.
I'm optimistic that the Arizona audit will show fraud, (butt: I really don't know anything as they have kept it very quiet), so i decided to start posting about both subjects. The audit is due this Friday, (prolly not public fer a bit).
I've used the same screen name since 2007, where I started on posting on iboats. I own a private Island, and I don't like to swim to it so I have a number of inline 6 Mercury outboards, (which are inexpensive and very fast on light weight boats I own). I'm a water skier, and my boats have 3" wakes, (I hate modern ski boats with 18" wakes). Libs here in Washington hate two stroke outboard engines, butt: they haven't outlawed them yet. Iboats stopped allowing political posts, so I've bounced from forum to forum. DC Junkies was my last home before coming here.
No doubt you have a rich fantasy life too. Awesome.
Why would I give you "heat"?
My guess is work stress.
Young guy, probably sexually confused, not sure what to do with his life but seeing his friends starting to pass him by so he's stressed. Peddling as hard as he can but feels he can't move forward and he feels trapped. It's a problem.
He'll probably be fine unless he does something fucking stupid. It depends upon whether he's just confused or actually nuts.
I guess it was a mistake to give you personal information. I will not make the mistake twice.
Fuck You
No worries. I never believe what people say unless their behavior conforms to their "personal information" so you're safe.
Sane, educated and mature adults have a specific manner that you are lacking, son. If you have a boat, then it belongs to daddy.
$20 he named it after his current girlfriend. "Sugartits"? "Sweet Cheeks"? "the Honey Pot"? LOL
[COLOR="#f1493"]Fuck you[/COLOR]
That's a good name for his mistress too. Very apropos.
Your daddy needs a bigger boat or a better looking girlfriend.Fuck you
Oh, it must be so horrible to be a white man losing white privilege.
Poor poor Tucker Carlson.
$30 Million worth of poor.
He's an entitled scumbag.![]()
Your daddy needs a bigger boat or a better looking girlfriend.