Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

Don't forget the EPA. Nixon was clearly a communist.
That was another of his socialist mistakes. But alas, Nixon was hated by the left which I found rather ironic. Perhaps it was the massive landslide election he won.

But Democrats, not to be outdone in their Marxist third world beliefs found a way to deal with Nixon once and for all. ;)
That is not Marxism, maybe socialism, but not Marxist.

Nixon instituted price controls, was he our first Marxist president?
golly gee Beave - did the guy that destroyed our currency and defrauded the entire world by defaulting on our debts practice free market thinking?
Trumpys rely on labeling others. They do not have to know what they are talking about. If the label has an emotional charge they use it.They obviously do not understand what Marxism, Communism, and Naziism are. Calling people names gives them a win to the uneducated who are their audience.
Yes. Marxists are Democrats who believe in massive Government intervention into our lives, believe that only massive Government spending and intrusion can solve our problems and that they should have an autocratic right to every election.

Kamala: price controls are the answer to inflation and price gouging. Nothing reeks of ignorance or stupidity better than that statement.

Because she is one. She believes that Democrats are entitled to unfettered political power, would prefer we did away with elections and thinks that BIG Government is the solution to all our problems.
Now would dictating to women on what they can and can’t do with their bodies “massive government interference?” How about infusing a specified religion into our schools, is that “massive Government intervention?”

And now it is time to see the predictable “you ……….,” and “you ………….,” in response
Trumpys rely on labeling others. They do not have to know what they are talking about. If the label has an emotional charge they use it.They obviously do not understand what Marxism, Communism, and Naziism are. Calling people names gives them a win to the uneducated who are their audience.
They think democracy is mob rule. They're against it. Unless it is Trump's mob trying to rule Congress on Jan. 6.
Now would dictating to women on what they can and can’t do with their bodies “massive government interference?”

No one is dictating that except the Marxist dumbfucks on the left. They believe that women are the only "deciders" of killing their babies and damned with the fathers of the child. Hell, they don't give a shot about the child even.

Of course, you have to be an uneducated, ignorant leftist moron to lack any moral compass in this debate, you being the poster child for that.

How about infusing a specified religion into our schools, is that “massive Government intervention?”

No one is "infusing" religion into our schools you lying leftist dumbfuck. God you are mental. :laugh:

And now it is time to see the predictable “you ……….,” and “you ………….,” in response

As opposed to predictably stupid and ignorant you? :laugh: Calling you a moron is an insult to morons.
They Democrats think democracy is mob rule. They're against it.

Fixed this to be factual again.

Unless it is Trump's mob trying to rule Congress on Jan. 6.

who dresses you in the morning?

Until the civil war - the constitution was purely a limit on the powers of the Federal Government.

So your reply was completely idiotic

You are confirming the topic thread, mixing political and economic theory

If you are suggesting the laissez faire approach to the economy in US history it had little to do with the Constitution and more so with the prevalent economic thought of the day. And non interference didn’t imply strictly government
You are confirming the topic thread, mixing political and economic theory

If you are suggesting the laissez faire approach to the economy in US history it had little to do with the Constitution and more so with the prevalent economic thought of the day. And non interference didn’t imply strictly government
bla bla bla