Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

Probably not, certainly not the MAGA cult on this forum, they throw around political ideologies like bumper sticker cliches, usually confusing political and economic ideologies and often collating the two into one.
MAGA is not a person, Anchovies, and you are describing yourself again.
I have read several Marx scholars say that about him.

Karl Marx thought liberals were collaborators with capitalists in that they were giving false hope to the proletariat by promises of incremental reforms and incremental improvements in labor conditions, while still maintaining the overall edifice of a capitalist-consumer society.

Marx thought this was collaborationist and deceptive, because it would take fuel away from the fire of a true revolution of the proletariat.
I find that very interesting.
I find, as a militant proletarian myself,
that more modern capitalist democracies have made a greater effort on behalf of the working class
than America has.

American conservatives regard progressive measures that started to manifest themselves in Europe
almost immediately after World War II
as radical socialist ideas now in the Third Millennium.

It's almost incredible to any reasonably modern social thinker.
I find that very interesting.
I find, as a militant proletarian myself,
that more modern capitalist democracies have made a greater effort on behalf of the working class
than America has.

American conservatives regard progressive measures that started to manifest themselves in Europe
almost immediately after World War II
as radical socialist ideas now in the Third Millennium.

It's almost incredible to any reasonably modern social thinker.
Capitalism is not a form of government.
There currently is no democracy anywhere in the world.

I find that very interesting.
I find, as a militant proletarian myself,
that more modern capitalist democracies have made a greater effort on behalf of the working class
than America has.

American conservatives regard progressive measures that started to manifest themselves in Europe
almost immediately after World War II
as radical socialist ideas now in the Third Millennium.

It's almost incredible to any reasonably modern social thinker.
That's one reason Marx despised European social democratic liberals - they promised incremental progress in the conditions of labor, without promising to remove the overall edifice of a capitalist-consumer society. He thought liberals would undermine the motivation for a communist revolution of the proletariat.
Trumpys rely on labeling others. They do not have to know what they are talking about. If the label has an emotional charge they use it.They obviously do not understand what Marxism, Communism, and Naziism are. Calling people names gives them a win to the uneducated who are their audience.
You are describing yourself again, Sybil. DON'T BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
Magatards don't understand what the word socialism and communism is, because of their weak intellect they were indoctrinated to hate the words without understanding what these words mean.
libtards are literally too busy licking the butthole of a marxist that worries about the choices in deodorant to debate us on such matters