Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

I don't remember him ever saying that. Seems something you made up.
I have read several Marx scholars say that about him.

Karl Marx thought liberals were collaborators with capitalists in that they were giving false hope to the proletariat by promises of incremental reforms and incremental improvements in labor conditions, while still maintaining the overall edifice of a capitalist-consumer society.

Marx thought this was collaborationist and deceptive, because it would take fuel away from the fire of a true revolution of the proletariat.
I have read several Marx scholars say that about him.

Karl Marx thought liberals were collaborators with capitalists in that they were giving false hope to the proletariat by promises of incremental reforms and incremental improvements in labor conditions, while still maintaining the overall edifice of a capitalist-consumer society.

Marx thought this was collaborationist and deceptive, because it would take fuel away from the fire of a true revolution of the proletariat.
I don't remember Marx ever talking about liberals. He was talking about capitalists.
You're a pussy. Tired of your shit.
Marx is well known to have been a critic of European social democratic liberalism. He considered European liberals to be collaborationists with capitalism. It's not something I have to prove. It's something most Marx scholars would agree on.
Marx is well known to have been a critic of European social democratic liberalism. He considered European liberals to be collaborationists with capitalism. It's not something I have to prove. It's something most Marx scholars would agree on.
Look, you hate discussing ideas. Stick to writing juvenile insults with your partner Obtenebrator.
Look, you hate discussing ideas. Stick to writing juvenile insults with your partner Obtenebrator.
I just wrote a couple paragraphs detailing my understanding of the beliefs of Marx about liberalism. I think it's important to understand Marx's relationship to not just European conservatives, but to European social democratic liberals.