Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

What's your definitions of Socialism and Marxism.
White libs always refuse to define either one. Their definitions are a moving target in white lib lala land. As we all see, you have dodged the questions.

And I don't expect any white lib to be able to define either. None will jump in and volunteer the definitions. It is a game they play.
What's your definitions of Socialism and Marxism.
He won't answer because he doesn't know. He could cut and paste an answer but not formulate an opinion in his own words because he's unable.
I don't know if it's because he was stupid all of his life or is suffering from age-related cognitive issues.

White libs always refuse to define either one. Their definitions are a moving target in white lib lala land. As we all see, you have dodged the questions.

And I don't expect any white lib to be able to define either. None will jump in and volunteer the definitions. It is a game they play.
QED on "won't answer". IMO, he can't formulate a logical reply because he can't remember.
White libs always refuse to define either one. Their definitions are a moving target in white lib lala land. As we all see, you have dodged the questions.
Big Poop, maybe you should use vocabulary that you understand, it is quite clear that you don't know what these words mean.
Then school me.
This is a simplified definition for starters

Under socialism, the means of production are owned or controlled by the state for the benefit of all, an arrangement that is compatible with democracy and a peaceful transition from capitalism. Marxism justifies and predicts the emergence of a stateless and classless society without private property.

This is a simplified definition for starters

Under socialism, the means of production are owned or controlled by the state for the benefit of all, an arrangement that is compatible with democracy and a peaceful transition from capitalism. Marxism justifies and predicts the emergence of a stateless and classless society without private property.

now reconcile "property", "ownership", and "price controls" for us marxy
This is a simplified definition for starters

Under socialism, the means of production are owned or controlled by the state for the benefit of all, an arrangement that is compatible with democracy and a peaceful transition from capitalism. Marxism justifies and predicts the emergence of a stateless and classless society without private property.

When has that definition of Socialism ever been compatible with democracy in real life?

Dissolution of the State is the true definition of Communism.