Do you feel superior to young-earth creationists?

Perhaps you should match bank accounts with me and show me how being poor as a kid and not mastering spelling and grammar has held me back. Prick did I spell that right douchenozzle

Everything always comes down to money with you, doesn't it? The thing is, a million dollars doesn't go very far in 2012, grandpa. Go fuck yourself.

Also, I'm not poor by any definition; I'm actually doing quite well for a guy in his mid twenties.
Everything always comes down to money with you, doesn't it? The thing is, a million dollars doesn't go very far in 2012, grandpa. Go fuck yourself.

Also, I'm not poor by any definition; I'm actually doing quite well for a guy in his mid twenties.

are you a comic book religious believer Junior. Herb is much more important to me than money you buthole surfer
Although I am a Christian, I also believe in the current scientific explanation for the origin of life and the universe; I reject the notion that the two are incompatible. Over the years, numerous surveys have shown that a majority of scientists - including natural scientists - believe in some form of higher power. Science neither proves nor disproves God.

Thats all you needed to say....very the vast majority of Christians also agree with you.....but the tiny few that don't will contunue to get the in the news because thats the view the liberals need to portray to their audience....thats the picture they need to paint, that just about all religious people are ignorant and deny science......
thats the lie they must shout over and over.....
Perhaps you should match bank accounts with me and show me how being poor as a kid and not mastering spelling and grammar has held me back. Prick did I spell that right douchenozzle

Relax Dude......none of us are claiming that being stupid prevents you from making're living proof......along with many entertainers, athletes, rappers and rock stars......thats what is great about America.
How do you explain the thousands of fossils that reveal a gradual increase in brain volume, straightening of the spine, and other human characteristics?

Why do humans have non-functional third eyelids, tailbones, and ear muscles?

Why do we share 95% of our DNA with chimpanzees, which indicates that we share a common ancestor?

98% commonality with chimps.
Relax Dude......none of us are claiming that being stupid prevents you from making're living proof......along with many entertainers, athletes, rappers and rock stars......thats what is great about America.
your living proof that having a GED makes it much tougher to succeed. toolbag
The fact that people are entitled to believe whatever they want doesn't mean we should abstain from calling those who hold really stupid positions stupid. Even if they turned out to be right, the fight between our two views is important in the human quest for truth. Throwing up your hands and saying "there is no truth, everything is equal!" is not going to progress this.
True but I never said that. I said that they were entitled to believe what ever they wanted to.
no, it reflects that 40% believe choice number 3 is the closest to what they believe......people who are not young earth creationists could also chose number 3, and to pretend that isn't true is patently dishonest......
Young earth creationist, old earth creationist, dancing bear creationist, I fail to see the relevence of your point. They are all equally wrong. Creationism is not a science. Never will be.
the 10,000 is irrelevant......if you did not believe that human beings evolved, the only one of the three that you could chose would be #3, as it's the only one that states God created humans in their present I said, #3 is the closest choice to what I believe, even though I don't believe humanity is less than 10,000 years old......
Well that makes you as equally ignorant as a young earth creationist.
no it doesn' indicates we share 95% of our DNA with chimpanzees......the common ancestor assumption is your own foolish delusion.....

fossils are what they are....bones of dead creatures that existed at some point in history.....there's no reason whatsoever to pretend they form some sort of pathway traveled by our human ancestors......

and if you didn't have ear muscles you wouldn't be able to wiggle your ears....for you and Alfalfa, its your only hope of attracting a mate.....
Well then since it goes with out saying that homologies create phylogonies how do you explain how vastly different species share the same anatomical homologies (limb structures for example) or the same physiological homologies (krebbs cycle) or genetic homologies (DNA/RNA)? Those homologies are easily explained by common decent.

If common decent is invalid, in your oh so lofty opinion, then please provide me with a natural, testable, independently verifiable and, in principle, falsifiable alternative that does explain speciation?

And if you can't then except that you're an uninformed neophyote on the subject.
I also feel superior to Anorexia, who has single handedly doubled my 'groan' count over the last several weeks.....every one of them on a post that was true......liberals can't handle the truth....
Well then since it goes with out saying that homologies create phylogonies how do you explain how vastly different species share the same anatomical homologies (limb structures for example) or the same physiological homologies (krebbs cycle) or genetic homologies (DNA/RNA)? Those homologies are easily explained by common decent.

If common decent is invalid, in your oh so lofty opinion, then please provide me with a natural, testable, independently verifiable and, in principle, falsifiable alternative that does explain speciation?

And if you can't then except that you're an uninformed neophyote on the subject.
common descent is nothing more than your assumed explanation.......there is no more evidence to support your assumption than there is to support a belief we were created in a particular way for a reason.....

for example, you assume that because whales have fins they are evolved from is equally logical to conclude they were created with fins.....