HONDURAS.....Population 8.2 Million--Bans Citizens from owning Guns.....Highest Homicide rate in the Entire World
SWITZERLAND.....Population 8.2 Million--Requires Citizens to own Guns.....Lowest Homicide rate in the Entire World
Any of you 2nd Amendment haters on the LEFT willing to accept the fact that the biden administration's attempt to
keep restricting our 2nd Amendment rights (in so many ways) needs to be immediately squashed? Again, don't let
the facts of the above stats get in your way of making a sensible and or reasonable answer to my question.
Fact: Switzerland's population is 8.7 million, Honduras is 10.06 million
In 1993, Swiss voters accepted a constitutional amendment that authorized parliament to pass a "gun-abuse" law. The law was adopted in 1997 and went in effect in 1998. It preserves the right of citizens to acquire, own, and carry guns, including Swiss military-issue arms. But it bars certain categories of arms such as fully automatic guns, dangerous weapons such as stun guns, and accessories such as silencers and night vision scopes.
The law requires a permit to acquire a gun from a dealer and bars sales to minors, repeat criminal offenders, and people determined by the courts to be violent or dangerous. A permit is not needed to acquire a weapon normally used in conjunction with governmentally recognized hunting or shooting organizations. Private sales do not require a permit, but the seller cannot transfer weapons to a person barred from owning a weapon. The seller must check the buyer's identification card to determine that he is at least 18 years old. A record must be made of both commercial and private transactions and retained by both parties for 10 years.
The right to carry a gun for other than hunting or military training purposes requires proof of legitimate need, which can include self protection and the protection of property. The applicant must also demonstrate that he is proficient in the use of the weapon and understands the gun law. The permit is valid for up to five years. Weapons, munitions, and accessories must be stored safely in a place that is inaccessible to unauthorized people. The loss of a weapon must be immediately reported to the police. Weapons can be transported freely, so long as they are kept separate from munitions.
The law also governs the manufacture, importation, and exportation of weapons, and imposes record-keeping requirements on gun dealers. Violators are subject to fines and imprisonment. In the case of intentional violations of laws governing transfers, importation, and exportation the minimum penalties are five years in prison and a fine of 100,000 Swiss francs (approximately $69,000).
Fact: Honduras gun laws
- in Honduras, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by the Constitution,57 58 59 but is conditionally guaranteed in statute law
- the minimum age for gun ownership in Honduras is 18 years
- Where a past history, or apprehended likelihood of family violence exists, the law in Honduras does not stipulate that a gun license should be denied or revoked