Do YOU Prefer the Banning of Guns or the Requirement to Own Guns?



Fact: Switzerland's population is 8.7 million, Honduras is 10.06 million


In 1993, Swiss voters accepted a constitutional amendment that authorized parliament to pass a "gun-abuse" law. The law was adopted in 1997 and went in effect in 1998. It preserves the right of citizens to acquire, own, and carry guns, including Swiss military-issue arms. But it bars certain categories of arms such as fully automatic guns, dangerous weapons such as stun guns, and accessories such as silencers and night vision scopes.

The law requires a permit to acquire a gun from a dealer and bars sales to minors, repeat criminal offenders, and people determined by the courts to be violent or dangerous. A permit is not needed to acquire a weapon normally used in conjunction with governmentally recognized hunting or shooting organizations. Private sales do not require a permit, but the seller cannot transfer weapons to a person barred from owning a weapon. The seller must check the buyer's identification card to determine that he is at least 18 years old. A record must be made of both commercial and private transactions and retained by both parties for 10 years.

The right to carry a gun for other than hunting or military training purposes requires proof of legitimate need, which can include self protection and the protection of property. The applicant must also demonstrate that he is proficient in the use of the weapon and understands the gun law. The permit is valid for up to five years. Weapons, munitions, and accessories must be stored safely in a place that is inaccessible to unauthorized people. The loss of a weapon must be immediately reported to the police. Weapons can be transported freely, so long as they are kept separate from munitions.

The law also governs the manufacture, importation, and exportation of weapons, and imposes record-keeping requirements on gun dealers. Violators are subject to fines and imprisonment. In the case of intentional violations of laws governing transfers, importation, and exportation the minimum penalties are five years in prison and a fine of 100,000 Swiss francs (approximately $69,000).\olr\htm/99-R-0845.htm

Fact: Honduras gun laws

- in Honduras, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by the Constitution,57 58 59 but is conditionally guaranteed in statute law

- the minimum age for gun ownership in Honduras is 18 years

- Where a past history, or apprehended likelihood of family violence exists, the law in Honduras does not stipulate that a gun license should be denied or revoked

Laws make no difference. It is not possible to prevent people from obtaining or building weapons. The right of self defense is inherent.
Laws make no difference. It is not possible to prevent people from obtaining or building weapons. The right of self defense is inherent.
You are wrong about laws, Sybil, but we're agreed that psychotic assholes will violate the law to rape children and murder them.
No, your data is hopelessly dishonest. Switzerland, does NOT require gun ownership. That is a lie. Switzerland has mandatory military service, and upon leaving the military, you are allowed to purchase your service weapon, but it is NOT required. So right off the bat, you lied about that, and didn't bother to fact check. But the reality is that Switzerland, unlike the US, does rely on their citizenry to be armed. Honduras has a drug problem, and the murder rate there is a reflection of the drug wars, and has nothing to do with strict gun control laws. That being said, Honduras ranks number 7 (not number one, as you so dishonestly claimed) in GUN deaths. In fact, Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming, Missouri, Alaska and Louisiana ALL have higher gun death rates than Honduras. So basically, you dishonestly attempt to tie gun control to murder rates in two countries where the single biggest driver of those statistics is unique to that country.

I have carved up your argument like a Thanksgiving Turkey.


There are approx 28 guns owned by private citizens per 100 citizens in Switzerland, about the highest in Europe.

The current murder rate in Honduras is approx 42/100k.
The current murder rate in Alabama is approx 14/100k, mostly in Democrat run cities.
The current murder rate in Mississippi is approx 21/100k, mostly in Democrat run cities.
The current murder rate in Wyoming is approx 5/100k.
The current murder rate in Alaska is approx 7/100k.
The current murder rate in Louisiana is approx 20/100k, mostly in New Orleans (a Democrat run city).

Source: World population review, CDC.

You're full of shit.
Of course, I am allowed a gun. I would not have one in my home. Kids find them.
Kids find matches, electrical outlets, car keys, knives, tools, poisons, etc. ALL of which can cause death.

Obviously, you have no idea how to raise kids.
There is anger in homes that guns can exacerbate.
There is anger in homes that clubs can exacerbate.
I cannot tell you how many people I know who have guns and should not.
You don't get to decide who gets to have any weapon, including guns.
People with drinking problems with guns. People with anger problems and people with some degree of mental problems with guns.
Are they shooting at you? Shoot back.
Guns should be limited to people who need them for real reasons.
Defending yourself from drunks with guns, people with anger problems with guns, criminals with guns, rogue government with guns, and even any of those without guns is a real reason to have a gun. I can think of a bunch of other reasons too. Hunting, animal control, target practice and competitions, test firing new designs, protecting yourself from foreign invaders, protecting valuable property, preventing hijackings and theft of boats, aircraft, or other vehicles, preventing theft or rape, fighting wars, including the civil war you fucks are trying to start.
Not for playing tough guy.
I'm sorry you're such a wimp. Your problem, not mine.
People who deliver valuable things should be allowed to have them , if they want them.
You don't get to declare who is allowed to have a gun.
How do you know NRA members don’t commit murder when the NRA doesn’t release the names of members?
The NRA does not condone murder.
If more guns kept us safer then America should have the lowest number of gun violence in all the developed world seeing America has more guns out there than any other developed nation, statistically, one for every American, and we all know it isn’t even close in that category
It's not about safety.
No right is absolute, never has been, and rights are based on reason, not desire
The right to self defense is absolute. It is inherent. NO GOVERNMENT CAN TAKE THAT AWAY.
The right to believe you any god or gods (or none at all) is absolute. It is inherent. NO GOVERNMENT CAN TAKE THAT AWAY.
The right of a society to establish the government they want for themselves is absolute. It is inherent. NO GOVERNMENT CAN TAKE THAT AWAY.
...shall I go on?

And if you are barracked at home thinking Antifa is going to attack your home you definitely need to get out more, lots more
Not necessary. Shoot back.

An alternative theory is he's a sock for a RWNJ. A good clue is seeing if he favors giving "thanks" to anyone in particular.

Sock or not, like most elderly males on this forum, he's just here to whine, bitch and moan his troubles away. Such people take a sadistic pleasure in posting something outrageous and then seeing people overreact. It only works when people overreact, which is why he had no interest in me.

...and here it comes, the usual insults and YALSA.
Your response to that idiot who said that people obsessed with guns are the problem by you telling him...NO, people obsessed with killing are the problem beautifully puts a serious
and quite accurate highlight to my OP's message. Yet, this particular thread is full of idiotic leftist responses that call me a troll etc. I feel sorry for these immature leftists who can't seem to read the writing on the wall that legitimate gun owners are not the problem, but those seeking criminal activity with stolen guns etc. are the problem. Notice how not one of these lefties could give a single example of murder by a legitimate gun owner or any member of the NRA. Yeah, someone said NRA members are not listed or some such thing. I'll say this, if there was a murder by an NRA member--his or her membership with the NRA would surely make the news from any one of those lame-stream leftist so-called news outlets.

Wake up you lefty idiots. Admit it, you'd rather ban our guns and eliminate our 2nd Amendment rights altogether.

Democrats deny and discard the Constitution:

Democrats deny Article I, giving the government and Congress unlimited power, passing ex post facto laws, and by attempting to overrule the Senate's authority to try impeachments.
Democrats deny Article II, not acknowledging the authority of the President, and ignoring the right of State legislatures to choose their electors.
Democrats deny Article III, giving the Supreme Court power OVER the Constitution, not under it.
Democrats deny Article V, changing the Constitution at will WITHOUT the authority of the States.
Democrats deny Article VI, since they do not recognize the Constitution of the United States.
Democrats deny the 1st amendment by supporting censorship of political opposition, and establishing the Church of Global Warming and the Church of Green as state religions, and prohibiting the exercise of Christianity and the Judaism by citizens and government employees, and by using violence as a right of expression.
Democrats deny the 2nd amendment by limiting and banning various weapons, particularly guns.
Democrats deny the 4th amendment by demanding personal papers and effects WITHOUT court authority.
Democrats deny the 5th amendment by attempting to force people to witness against themselves, and supporting the taking of property without due process.
Democrats deny the 6th amendment by convicting by accusation.
Democrats deny the 7th amendment by banning the use of juries in trials, and of not even having a trial to convict.
Democrats deny the 8th amendment by imposing harsh sentences on political prisoners, and suggesting the same to all political dissidence, even if it's peaceful.
Democrats deny the 9th amendment by claiming the Constitution (which they do not recognize anyway) lists all the rights that people have.
Democrats deny the 10th amendment by horning in on States rights, and the people's rights.
Democrats deny the 12th amendment by using election fraud.
Democrats deny the 13th amendment by requiring 'reparations'.
Democrats deny the 14th amendment by applying laws unequally to different classes of people.
Democrats deny the 15th amendment by applying laws supporting bigotry and racism.
Democrats deny the 16th amendment by their 'tax the rich' schemes.
Democrats deny the 19th amendment by their sexist laws, redefining sex, and placing one sex above another by law.
Democrats deny the 24th amendment by bribing voters to vote for them.
Democrats deny the 25th amendment by attempting ex post facto laws to declare a 'deciding body'.

DEMOCRATS do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution.
HONDURAS.....Population 8.2 Million--Bans Citizens from owning Guns.....Highest Homicide rate in the Entire World

SWITZERLAND.....Population 8.2 Million--Requires Citizens to own Guns.....Lowest Homicide rate in the Entire World

Any of you 2nd Amendment haters on the LEFT willing to accept the fact that the biden administration's attempt to
keep restricting our 2nd Amendment rights (in so many ways) needs to be immediately squashed? Again, don't let
the facts of the above stats get in your way of making a sensible and or reasonable answer to my question.

We're coming for the guns!:laugh:
We need more gun legislation not less.

more legislation freeing access.......more legislation permitting concealed carry........more legislation opening up training centers.........more legislation reducing crimes preventable by better security........what a wonderful world.....