If you consider people who are members of the NRA, or people that have guns in their own homes for theirs and their family's protection to be obsessed with guns, then I would wholeheartedly agree with you. Having said that, can you come up with any kind of statistic that shows of how many NRA members or gun owning families have been indicted for murder? So, my OP gives you a bit of detail concerning two such nations that have opposite rules concerning gun ownership that shows most (if not all gun owners) have zero cases of murder, whereas, a government that restricts gun ownership has the greatest amount of gun murders. I'm obsessed with guns for three reasons: One, because it was a gun that saved my life during combat in Vietnam, and two,: I love to hunt wild animals for the sport of it and for the cooking of certain animals, and three,: so as to keep everyone in my home protected from any possible break-ins, like with mobs of antifa, blm, ows, or just plain anyone that has a total disrespect for law in America--and that would be people like the defund the police Lefties.